Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1474: The fairy is about to fly away

Since Chu Chen embarked on the road of cultivation, she had seen more stunning beauties, but this demon girl who looked like a fairy had an indescribable temptation.

But thinking of her terrible, it is better to let yourself not have any distracting thoughts.

Ignore this demon and observe the environment of Longjiaoya.

Chu Chen looked around. This looked like a cliff with many sharp spears and sharp weapons. At a glance, he saw a dragon's horn that was more than thirty feet long, and his whole body showed dark golden horns.

The dragon's horn is not big, and it is even a little inconspicuous compared to the surrounding dragon's horn, which is tens of feet long.

But this whole dragon horn exudes a special breath, this breath faintly caused Chu Chen's blood to vibrate, it seems that some kind of power is about to be aroused...

This feeling……

This is, this is the breath of the Golden Wing Roc!

The aura contained in this dark golden dragon horn actually caused the blood of the Yinpeng clone in Chu Chen's body to throb, this one really surprised him!

In ancient myths and legends, the line of Golden Winged Roc and the line of True Dragon are quite entangled.

In some legends, adult golden-winged rocs feed on dragons, and juvenile real dragons hunt and kill golden-winged rocs as a rite of passage.

In other legends, true dragons use their blood to help the golden winged roc evolve into Taoism, and the golden winged roc helps the dragons guard the dragon formation and help the young dragons to leap into the dragon.

In those legends, the true dragon line and the golden-winged roc line are rivals, but they help each other, entangled in grievances.

Chu Chen didn't know what happened to these two clans in the ancient times. In short, the golden dragon horns had the power of the golden winged roc!

Chu Chen stopped thinking about it, and walked up to the dark golden dragon horn, and also began to silently adjust his aura.

Breaking through the realm is not a trivial matter, so before breaking through the realm, a monk must first adjust his spiritual power, vitality, and energy, and adjust his state to the best, in order to increase the chance of success.

Chu Chen was not at all rushed, letting his spiritual power wander all over, adjusting his spirit and energy little by little, making it gradually mellow and smooth, transparent and flawless.

With the passage of time, besides Chu Chen and Shi Yuyan, on this Longjiao Cliff, other monks gradually came forward.

In fact, not all of these monks were trying to break through the realm, they were more interested in the effects of the legendary Blast Creek Pill.

The elixir for improving cultivation has always been the most precious and rare among all the elixir, especially the best among the top grades of the Explosive Stream Pill, which can 100% make the monks of the Lingxi realm break through the cultivation base barrier, even the Linghe realm. If taken by the invincible powerhouse, there is also a great chance of breaking through the realm. This kind of pill is already comparable to a rare and incomparable legendary magic weapon.

Therefore, after a group of new members communicated with each other, some monks came over after hearing the news, wanting to see the effect of this legendary pill.

In a short while, dozens of people gathered on the originally empty Longjiao Cliff.

Everyone looked forward to it, and the show was on!

Just as the monks were looking forward to it, Shi Yuyan, who was standing on the biggest white dragon horn, seemed to have finished adjusting her breath.

The spirit of her whole person has reached the peak state.

A white dress fluttering, like a fairy who wants to fly away!

She opened her eyes slightly, looked up at the sky, raised her hand and summoned the jasper box from the storage ring.

Then she opened the little jade box gracefully and put the green pill in her mouth.

The elixir melted in the mouth, and in an instant, a strong white light gas burst out of her body, surging against the sky.

The white light is vast, and the whole body is glowing with starlight, like a galaxy rushing into the sky.

Looking up, you can see that the white galaxy faintly condenses a holy dragon totem in the sky, lifelike.

"Affected Canglong, Shi Yuyan has actually reached the level of a furious Canglong!"

An exclamation suddenly sounded from the crowd. After the monk had cultivated to the pinnacle level of the Linghe Great Realm, when she blended all the spirits and spirits in her body into one body, the vision of a qi knotted Canglong would appear.

This vision represents that the cultivation base in his body has been condensed into one, completely perfect.

At the level of Linghe Great Realm, it was already invincible.

One step further, you can reach Tianhe for half a step, and step into the realm of a Tianhe-level powerhouse with one foot!

That is the dream field of countless monks. In the monk world, people call the monks in the Lingxi realm as the strong, the monks in the Linghe realm as the super strong, and the monks in the Tianhe realm are the legendary strong.

At the peak of the Linghe realm, the angered Canglong, it means that her cultivation has been completed.

One step further, you can become a legend!

That Canglong is the ultimate manifestation of the fruit of his cultivation!


Void vibrated, just as the cultivators were immersed in the tremendous shock of Shi Yuyan's Qi Canglong, another bright white glow burst out of Shi Yuyan's body, condensing a white sacred dragon with head raised and roaring in the sky.

This scene completely stunned everyone.

How come... how come there are two Qilongs?

Boom boom boom...

In the next moment, when the monks were almost too late to sigh, the void vibrated endlessly.

One after another, the qi dragon rushed up into the sky. A full ten bright white qi glows lay across the sky, and each qi glow is shining with bright stars, as if gathering the essence of the heavens and stars.

Ten huge blue dragons floated between the sky and the earth, and those blue dragons were connected end to end, faintly transformed into a pure land-like light and shadow.

This enchantress is so strong!

In that piece of pure land, flowers are all over the ground, green vegetation, spiritual birds flying, and lotus growing in the void.

It's dreamlike, in a trance, it seems that people have seen the legendary fairy world, and it is fascinating!

This, what a vision this is...

At this moment, all the monks were fascinated.

Such visions are absolutely unheard of before.

You should know that when a general Linghe Great Realm peak cultivator breaks through the realm, it is amazing enough to condense a qi-knotted blue dragon.

This Shi Yuyan~www.ltnovel.com~ she actually condensed ten items at once! This vision is beyond everyone's cognition!

Ten air dragons hung in the void, connected end to end, forming a vague phantom of the fairy world.

It can be seen that the fairy world seems to be slowly evolving, gradually becoming clear.

At this moment, everyone has some enlightenment in their hearts!

If this immortal world is completely evolved, it means that Shi Yuyan has truly entered the realm of Tianhe and achieved the name of a legendary powerhouse!

Just when Shi Yuyan's vision of breaking through the cultivation base was shaking the world, on the other side, the silent Chu Chen seemed to have finished adjusting her breath.

But no one is paying attention to him anymore.

He slowly opened his eyes, and also took out the small box of jasper jade that carried the Bakuxi Pill.

It's just that he didn't take the pill the first time. He picked up the pill and smelled it under his nose, and suddenly frowned, showing a look of disgust? (To be continued.)

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