Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1475: Buy out

A strange color flashed between Chu Chen's eyebrows, his left hand held the pill, but his right hand moved, and his big sleeve flicked.

The next moment, a black streamer burst out from his storage ring, transforming into a small black iron furnace three feet high and full of black.

The iron furnace was dark in color, and there were lines of dried molten iron on the surface. It looked like a furnace that someone had built halfway and then abandoned. At first glance, it seemed to be a semi-finished product that was unsightly.

When this semi-finished stove appeared, Chu Chen didn't hesitate, shaking his hand, and threw the cyan Blowing Pill in his left hand.

Immediately there were streams of light flying out of his storage ring, imagining a bunch of elixir in the void, and those elixir revolved around the black iron furnace, and then flew into the furnace one after another.

After all the materials were thrown in, Chu Chen actually took a black iron rod in his hand and started to mash it in the stove.

His rude gestures forced some monks to look away from the white-clothed girl who was about to fly away.

What is this guy doing?

It's so horrible. Other fairies are generally breaking into the Tianhe realm, but he is just like a beggar.

Although these monks didn't say anything, they were full of contempt for Chu Chen.

Chu Chen made three blows, seemingly smashed all the elixir into a ball! ?

A burst of strong medicine scent drifted away. This medicinal fragrance was also mixed with a refreshing fragrance peculiar to Boxi Dan.

"Well, what is this kid doing? Did he smash the Bakuxi Dan?"

"He... is his head broken?"

Only then did the cultivators react, and all of them turned pale, and all cultivators knew what kind of existence the Boxi Pill was.

This Chu Chen smashed it directly...

Due to the dumbfounded reactions of the first few monks, they quickly attracted more monks' attention.

"Old Yan must have been confused, so he gave such a precious Explosion Stream Pill to this little bastard, he was so violent!"

"Oh, it's really true, he really smashed the Bakuxi Dan! Why didn't he smash his head to pieces!"

A group of monks all looked at Chu Chen with their eyes on monsters.

All monks know that if the finished pill is crushed, its efficacy will be greatly reduced.

Because each pill of finished medicine has its own complete spiritual power cycle, and "Pill Qi" is locked inside. If it is smashed, the spiritual power cycle is destroyed, and once the "Pill Qi" disperses, the efficacy of this pill will immediately be reduced by more than half.

Therefore, monks take the pill one by one, and I have never heard of anyone who cuts the pill into several pieces or grinds it into powder before taking it.

It is a complete waste, an unforgivable violent thing.

"Hehe, everyone, don't worry, Brother Chu has his own plan, so he's just a burst pill, so don't make a fuss."

Lan Xuan, who had been watching the theater next to him, finally spoke calmly.

"It's just a burst stream pill?"

"He is a little cultivator of Lingxi, Bakuxi Dan is more valuable than his life, nothing more, what are you talking about?"

"Don't talk about him, even if you add you, you won't be able to get a Explosive Stream Pill if you sell it together. Luckily, he got the Explosive Stream Pill and he spoiled it like this!"

When an old monk was talking, the blue veins on his head burst, and the anger in his eyes ignited. He wanted to rush away and put Chu Chen down.

"My brother Chu didn't spoil anything."

Lan Xuan said word by word.

"Isn't ruining anything? That guy didn't know how to deal with pill, did he smell the scent of medicine in the void? It was mixed with the scent of pill of Paoxi Dan? He smashed the pill of Paoxi. The pill gas has dispersed, hasn't he ruined the brook pill?"

A middle-aged monk wearing a purple and gold robe raised his eyes and glanced at Lan Xuan disdainfully.

And hearing his remarks, most of the cultivators nodded repeatedly.

"Senior Brother Chu, he is transforming the Booming Stream Pill."

Lan Xuan immediately said another sentence that caused the cultivators to spray blood.

There is no such medicine as Boxi Pill in the outside world, it is a kind of ancient medicine peculiar to Xiaoxianjie. ,

This ancient pill involves a lot of mysteries, and it is extremely complicated to refine it. It has strict eye requirements for medicinal materials, medicine furnaces, and flames.

Even if you have made all the preparations to refine the pill, you may be able to refine it successfully in the Little Immortal Realm, but it is unlikely to be outside.

Because Xiaoxianjie has been sealed for hundreds of millions of years, its interior contains the unique atmosphere of ancient times.

But the outside world doesn't. If there is no such ancient aura, this kind of pill will not be able to be refined successfully.

For such ancient relics, ordinary people would not dare to say that they could be 100% successfully refined even if they had obtained the pill. This Chu Chen didn't even have a pill, so he would dare to transform the Blast Creek Pill?

Even the ghost would not believe it.

"Hey, I said you guys don't believe me, do you think that Brother Chu is destroying Baodan without his own strength? I have no knowledge!"

Lan Xuan glanced around and saw that the many monks around Qingyi Palladium dismissed what he said, so he rolled his eyes and got an idea.

"Come, come, the market is open! Let's start a gambling game. I support Brother Chu. He smashed the Explosive Pill in order to transform the pill to achieve the best effect, not worse, at least the effect No weaker than before, if any of you don’t believe me, come and take a gamble with me!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was amused, and this fool's companion seemed to have a bad head.

Is he still betting on a losing situation?

Lan Xuan rolled up his sleeves and waved his hand, "Well, let's take a hundred points for the blood eagle to break the formation as a bet. Now that everyone has no points, we will record them first."

Gambling on blood eagle points is an absolute hard currency on Jiao Island. All of a sudden, all the new members started gearing up and eager to try.

After all, who doesn’t want the points for nothing?

"Dare you gamble with me? Do you want to take a gamble? You won ~www.ltnovel.com~ and took one hundred blood eagle points. If you lose the bet, you owe me one hundred points, how about?"

Lan Xuan looked at everyone provocatively.

Among the eager monks, the first to squeeze out a tall young monk, his pigtails are very exotic.

"Why refuse to even give points? I'll take a gamble!"

The tall young man grinned and said confidently.

"The smell of the pill is so strong, the bursting stream pill gas has all escaped, unless it is going back in time, otherwise, even if it is Da Luo Jinxian, there is no way to restore it to normal, this surnamed Chu can't go against the sky! I suppress One hundred points!"

The tall young man with his hair braided into small braids chuckled, walked to Lan Xuan and put a wooden brand that he issued after entering the island to show his bet.

Lan Xuan smiled, "Since you have placed a bet, you can't go back!" (To be continued.)

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