Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1522: Crazy Leading Party

The little hamster that Chu Chen took out of his arms had an unhappy expression on his face, even if the world was about to be shattered, hurricanes and lightning raged everywhere. ..

The little hamster stared at Chu Chen with sleepy eyes, "It is the most immoral to disturb people's dreams."

"When is it, give me sleep?"

Chu Chen poked its chubby belly twice, "Wake up, I have something to ask you."

"what happened?"

The little hamster rubbed his eyes and looked at the near apocalyptic environment around him, his eyes finally fluctuated, "Little Immortal Realm has actually come to a step."

"It should be said that we have reached this point, dead mice, how can we survive?"

Chu Chen's clothes and hair fluttered in the gusty wind, and his facial features were even more **** by the lightning. The monks were bathed in blood at this moment, as if they would turn into a pool of blood at any time.

"How can I live, how do I know..."

The little hamster looked solemnly and slapped his lips. "The little fairy world seems to be over. This is a disaster that the entire small world will collapse. I don't have much experience in dealing with it. This is difficult to do..."

The monks had been listening to this little hamster, and when they heard it said it was difficult, all their hearts sank to the bottom.

However, Chu Chen still looked indifferent and teased it softly.

"Aren't you claiming that your body has been living from the ancient times to the present, the majesty of the beasts to the gods? How come you haven't experienced the destruction of a small world?"

"That's not what I said!"

The little hamster was anxious and almost jumped up, "I have experienced the real destruction of the ancient world. Naturally, such power is not comparable to this little fairy world. I am used to seeing big winds and waves, and I am really not used to handling such small scenes. "

Chu Chen did not speak, but Lan Xuan on the side had a speechless expression, thinking that this little hamster could really blow.

The little hamster took a breath, "Since there is no way to go, then go deep into the little fairy world without hesitation. If you want to die, you will die in the place closest to the exit, or it is also a step to take one more step towards the world tree of the little fairy world. ."

Chu Chen couldn't help giving the little hamster a look of contempt, which was the same as not.

The little hamster smiled awkwardly, "As for how to go, I'll find a guide for you."

Leading person?

The monks suddenly felt puzzled, at this knotty point, could this little hamster summon someone to lead the way?

Or is it just a mystery?

The little hamster ran over Chu Chen's left shoulder and pointed to the crowd. She was the leader I said!

Everyone moved in the direction of the little hamster and saw a cold white girl. She was keeping a distance from everyone, and she felt inaccessible.

Chu Chen originally thought the little hamster was talking nonsense, but when he saw Shi Yuyan, he felt that it was pretty reliable. Among this team, only Shi Yuyan knew the little fairy world best.

"If the guide is there, I will go to sleep, even if the little fairy world is destroyed, don't call me, just let me die in a dream."

After the little hamster finished speaking, it disappeared from everyone's sight like lightning, just like fleeing.

"Sister Shi, can you?"

Chu Chen came to the innocent white-clothed girl who had always been outside.

The fairy Shi Yuyan nodded faintly, "Follow me."

After she finished speaking, she walked straight out of the rock formation, and Lan Xuan and her group immediately followed.

All the way to face the violent wind, he strode forward. After walking for some distance, the cultivators discovered the power of the white-clothed girl. Although everyone was walking against the wind, apart from her and Chu Chen, she still had a little appearance of walking against the wind. All of them were blown up very embarrassed.

And although you can see it along the way, from time to time there will be a **** thunder light that is tens of feet thick, but it will never hit them.

Those huge lightning bombarded the earth, causing the earth to tremble, and at the same time the mighty power of the sky also split the earth into terrifying cracks.

But Shi Yuyan took them with them, passing them one by one with the thunder falling from the sky.

Sometimes it was just a few steps out and there was an explosion behind her. Sometimes when Shi Yuyan stopped, she was shattered by the falling thunder in front of her. Lan Xuan sighed in her heart that this Shi Yuyan was like a walking lightning rod.

If the cultivators hadn't followed her, there would definitely not be enough lives.

But this time, when she stopped for a long time, Lan Xuan couldn't help but start urging, but she suddenly said, "Fly up."

The cultivators were dumbfounded at once, Shi Yuyan even flew up to the sky ravaged by storms and thunder. It was obvious that on the ground, the chances of life for all were bigger.

Shi Yuyan ignored everyone. She lost the Phantom Jellyfish. When she was flying into the sky, a pair of sun-moon double rings appeared at her feet, which seemed to be a rare flying weapon.

After seeing her break through the air, Chu Chen also flew up and flew towards the void filled with huge thunder and hurricanes.

The monks could only bite the bullet and plunged into the sky full of storms and huge thunder.

The danger in the sky is far greater than that in the ground, but under Shi Yuyan's leadership, everyone has turned into good fortune several times, and escaped one disaster after another.

Every time when the cultivators thought that their life was too small, those storms and falling thunder would pass by at the very moment of their death.

Lan Xuan was shocked in his heart and couldn't help but confirm again that this demon Shi Yuyan is definitely a walking lightning rod.

Under Shi Yuyan's leadership, everyone quickly shuttled through the void and escaped from the volcanic zone at the fastest speed.


Not long after the cultivators left the volcano zone, a huge roar suddenly sounded from behind, and the cultivators who were standing high in the sky looked back in amazement.

Above the sky, a bolt of lightning that was as red as blood, hundreds of feet thick, and even barely visible at the edge, suddenly fell from the nine heavens, slamming heavily on the battered volcanic area.

In an instant, the red light burst into flames!

The red lightning was really like a red dragon falling from nine heavens. The huge impact caused the entire volcanic area to boil like boiling oil, and lines of hot magma erupted from the belly of the volcano. A huge spectacle of fireworks!

One after another, the blazing red light rushed to the sky one after another!

At the time of the volcano explosion, countless mushroom clouds rose!

The frantic eruption of the volcanoes formed a blazing magma cloud between the sky and the earth.

The whole world is shaking!

In the next moment, hundreds of millions of crimson magma flew down from high altitude, and a **** rain of magma started instantly between heaven and earth.

This rain of magma seems to cover the whole world!

Those hot lava dripped onto the ground, billowing white smoke, burning the earth full of holes.

The vast magma cloud was wrapped in the hurricane and radiated everywhere. In an instant, there was a huge magma cloud that flew over Chu Chen and others~www.ltnovel.com~ To be precise, it was covering the world where everyone was!

In an instant, the mighty torrent of magma seemed to overflow from the ocean, falling from the sky overwhelmingly!

The power of the hot flame mixed with the power of the fierce storm swept across the four directions, as if the world was about to die!

Bang bang bang...

The rays of spiritual power exploded in the air, transforming into a circle of spiritual power masks to protect the cultivators.

The magma rain was too dense, and there was no way to resist it. The cultivators had to urge the spiritual shield to resist.

You can feel the hot magma dripping on the spiritual shield, and there will be a muffled sound, and then a thick white mist will envelop everyone.

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