Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1523: Limit

This red magma rain covered the sky and poured down the sun, and all the monks were deeply trapped in it, all of them panicked. ..

These magma contains the strong power of the evil spirits, and it corrodes the spiritual shields of the monks!

Under the corrosive power of magma, everyone felt that the consumption of spiritual power in their body was 30% faster than before!

The spiritual defense cover is quickly disappearing!

Among the crowd, only Shi Yuyan, who was in white clothes, dust and dirt, like a fairy, did not even sacrifice the spiritual defense cover, and the magma rain fell on a foot of her body and was automatically evaporated.

She quickly flew towards the magma rain area.

The cultivators tried their best to sacrifice and repair the spiritual defense shield, and their movement speed could only be greatly reduced, and all of them were in desperation.

"Everyone, speed up and get out of here!"

Chu Chen was at the back of the team, urging everyone.

At this moment, this piece of heaven and earth cannot be connected with the legendary "Fairy World". It is clearly a hell, and it is the most terrifying and dangerous **** that will be completely destroyed anytime and anywhere!


With a cry of wailing, the spiritual power shield around a blue-clothed girl monk in the team was wrapped in a thick layer of strong magma rain, and the spiritual power in the body could no longer hold on, and the photomask made a pop Broke apart.

He stood in the void in a panic, watching the mighty lava flow down suddenly for a while.

"Be careful."

Chu Chen at the back of the team's eyes condensed fiercely, and the gray figure quickly rushed over, and the big sleeve of his right hand flicked, and the magma that was showering on the girl monk in blue suddenly turned into a large white mist and rose up.

At the same time, Chu Chen took a copy with his left hand and pulled the dazed blue-clothed girl to his side. Her cultivation level was the lowest among the people, only the first level of Lingxi cultivation in the realm of Sanxi.

Therefore, the first one could not hold on in this extremely harsh environment.

"Take this pill!"

Chu Chen directly stuffed an ancient pill with golden and jade luster into the girl's hand. This Qi-tonifying pill was personally refined, which can restore the monks in the Lingxi realm in the shortest time. Whole body spiritual power cultivation base.

The effect is absolutely overbearing!

The girl swallowed this pill, and suddenly the aura around her body flashed, once again condensing a spiritual power shield, she breathed a sigh of relief, flew forward, and chased the large group.

"No, everyone will be unable to hold on if this continues!"

Chu Chen noticed that the several new monks behind the team were also pale, as if they could not hold on for long.

The area of ​​this magma rain seems to be endless. If this continues, not only them, but also half of the people will die under the strong attack of this magma rain.

Chu Chen's gaze condensed, and he flew into the void above the heads of the cultivators, holding his left hand, and a golden spirit dragon fire shield immediately appeared in the void!

The dragon shield that Chu Chen transformed from the combination of the power of Lingxi and the sky fire possessed a strong defensive effect.

In this way, Chu Chen held the huge dragon shield and flew above the heads of the monks, completely blocking all the magma rain. The sky full of magma rain showered on the giant dragon shield, although it would cause corrosion, but it would corrode. Very slow.

This is so, the magma rain in the Baizhang space intensively fell, turning into a thick fog and rising, it was also a huge load for Chu Chen, who had to constantly repair the huge shield with spiritual power.

"Senior Brother Chu is too domineering. He covered a piece of sky for us alone!"

"The huge shield that his spiritual power turned into is so strong! The momentum that can withstand the fall of the sky!"

"I really want to marry Brother Chu."

"Don't think about it, everyone. Although Brother Chu is still at home, it won't be easy to say afterwards. We must cherish the opportunity created by Brother Chu and use the fastest speed to escape this area."

Lan Xuan took the lead in the cultivators, speeding up with all his strength, turning into a ray of light to chase after the lead, and had already thrown the cultivators off the white-clothed girl Shi Yuyan for some distance.

The speed of the cultivators below increased, and Chu Chen, who was holding a huge shield to block the magma rain, also speeded up. From a distance, he looked like he was walking on a huge white mist mountain, with an indescribable strength.

However, Chu Chen knew very well that the speed of his spiritual energy consumption could be said to be crazy, and he didn't have many Heavenly Patching Pills, and the situation was unpredictable.

It mainly depends on when everyone can fly out of this boundless magma rain area.

Under the protection of Chu Chen, everyone gradually flew to the border of the magma rain area, and at this time the void in all directions became completely violent.

The raging wind and **** thunder and lightning formed a web of death, making the advance of the monks more difficult.

Even though Chu Chen's huge shield blocked part of the impact for everyone, the cultivators themselves still had to face the worse environment after leaving the magma rain area.

There was no choice, the monks had to continue gritting their teeth.

At this moment, everyone didn't dare to hide anything privately. Some of the treasured medicines, body protection magical instruments, etc. were all urged as if they didn't need money.

After all, no matter how good the treasure is, life is not as important as life. If life is gone, everything is empty.

All kinds of treasures surround the people, and the monks in the shining light of all colors are like the majestic mud bodhisattvas, and they may fall apart at any time.

The vast blood-colored thunder and lightning tore the sky. Everyone looked up and saw that the thunder and lightning in the sky and the hurricane combined with each other, and their power was even stronger.

Every wind pillar is surrounded by dazzling thunder lights, and the power of wind and thunder is powerful for nine days, as if it can destroy the entire world.

At this moment, even Shi Yuyan, the girl in white, who has been calm and composed, panicked!

The pillar of thunder light and whirlwind in the sky made her stop too, not daring to move forward.


At this moment, there were bursts of earth-shattering roars suddenly in the distant void!

Louder than any thunder!

The monks subconsciously looked towards the north where the roar came from, and they saw the distant place where the sky and the earth met, a mountain of thousands of feet high was hit by a purple wind column mixed with red lightning, and the mountain was immediately shattered!

A group of ancient beasts that looked like tigers and dragons flew out of the cracked mountain. They were originally hidden in them, but at this moment, they were all blown out.

They mingled with smoke, howled sternly, and fled around!

Each of these ancient beasts is tens of meters long. They have the body of a dragon, but they have a strange tiger head. They are also covered with yellow and black markings, and their five paws are shining with cold light. , Looks extremely martial.

If I see these ancient beasts in ordinary times, Lan Xuan must feel rich!

Tiger beast!

This strange beast is known as the spirit of ancient beasts~www.ltnovel.com~. It is born with the majesty of the dragon and the king of beasts. It is the most magical and the most favorite mount of high-level monks.

Now that the world has reached its limit, Lan Xuan felt a sense of sorrow when looking at the group of ancient beasts who were panicked and fleeing.


Before Lan Xuan could react too much, a huge purple wind column mixed with blood-colored lightning suddenly fell from the sky, as if a red-purple mad dragon swept past.

Before that vast sky, the group of tigers and beasts who were about to flee roared and struggled desperately, but to no avail.

One by one was instantly strangled by the scarlet purple wind and thunder, and turned into a cloud of blood mist!

Lan Xuan and the monks were pale, their faces twitched, as if they had seen themselves in the next second!

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