Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1524: Is the Little Fairy Realm alive?

A rain of blood and minced meat fell down, but only for a moment, was swept away by the wind!

Only Chu Chen and a group of people remained, lonely in this chaotic world.

"The tiger beast is almost invulnerable..."

Lan Xuan panted heavily, his face pale, he knew that tigers and dragons were extremely difficult to kill.

This group of tiger beasts looks like there are dozens or hundreds of them. If it is normal, they will come rushing in, even the cultivators of Linghe will have to retreat.

And now, such a tyrannical group of ancient beasts was completely blown apart by the purple sky wind. This terrifying scene deeply shocked all the monks.


Just when Shi Yuyan was hesitant, Chu Chen took the lead and flew out. He even took up the responsibility of a guide and flew forward without hesitation.

Seeing that Chu Chen had already set off, Shi Yuyan bit her teeth and flew forward against the wind. The other monks had no choice but to follow up.

So a group of little monks began to move forward in the wind and thunder.

The style of Chu Chen, a leader, is completely different from Shi Yuyan, and like Shi Yuyan, who swims through the gaps of various storms. Chu Chen can be said to be rampant.

Four huge golden-red fire snails blatantly opened their way in front of them, constantly devouring and tearing the wind and thunder that came in, forcibly blasting a **** path in the sky with hurricanes and thunder and lightning.

The four golden-red dragons had extremely ferocious eyes. They seemed to have arrived to destroy the world. Those wind and thunders were torn apart by them, or they rushed away!

The cultivators followed Chu Chen in shock like this, shuddering in the path opened in the thunderstorm.

"Has Senior Brother Chu's true strength come out?"

"Will it be too domineering to open the way like this? How long can Senior Brother Chu carry it?"

"Under such a bad situation, if you can live an extra minute and a second, you would be grateful to Senior Brother Chu for a minute, so why do you care about so much?"

A crowd of monks were talking about it. Lan Xuan and Xuan Ke, a monk with extremely high vision, discovered that even though Chu Chen was on a rampage, the route he chose was still very particular.

They would avoid the death zone where the Purple Heavenly Wind or World Exterminating Demon Wind raged, but Chu Chen alone was enough to admire them.

This is because no matter whether the Zixiao Heavenly Wind or the World Extinguishing Demon Wind, it will appear suddenly in many times, without any pre-call, it will directly sweep the world.

And Chu Chen seemed to have the ability to foresee. In fact, they didn’t know that Chu Chen used her abnormal spiritual sense crazily to scan the world where she was in order to monitor the storm. Every possibility of change.

This kind of ability is impossible for the Tianhe cultivator, and only a monster like Chu Chen with the ability of a metamorphic soul can do it.

The monks who risked their deaths kept seeing the last tragedy before the various worlds shattered.

Another loud bang exploded in front!

I saw a ball of black lightning light immersed in a huge stone mountain.

That stone mountain is made up of dozens of natural boulders as high as hundreds of meters, which seems to form a huge natural nest.

Suddenly, it was blown to pieces by the black lightning ball, and suddenly the rubble flew around, and the smoke was everywhere.

Among the rolling rubble, an ancient beast that looked like a giant elephant, but covered with thick and long hair, rushed out in panic.

"Prime Mammoth!"

All the monks moved in their hearts, this legendary behemoth has long been extinct in the outside world, and only this little fairy world can survive.

This behemoth has a body length of two hundred feet, and is extremely dense and heavy.

In this gusty weather, hiding under an ancient mammoth behemoth is a better choice.

"We control this ancient mammoth and hide under it! It should be a lot easier..."

The surprise in Lan Xuan's eyes just lit up, and a mighty black wind pillar descended from the sky accompanied by black thunders, and directly bombarded the violent mammoth that was more than a hundred meters away.


With a scream of pain, the vast pillar of wind swept across like a heavenly sword, cutting the mammoth that was running at full speed from the middle in two stages.

Cut it directly!

The strong blood of the ancient beast spewed out like tide, and instantly dyed a large area red.

This black wind thunder is too domineering, after killing the colossus, it has expanded a lot of volume?

Fortunately, it is a few thousand feet away from the monks, and everyone still has an instinct that can't help but want to escape.

"Look, there are a few more ancient behemoths there!"

A young monk exclaimed, and everyone turned their heads to look around. Suddenly a few mourning ancient beasts appeared in the void.

These ancient beasts hiding in the void did not hide from the black wind and thunder, but flew towards it from a distance. To be precise, they were pulled by an invisible force field and rolled them towards That black wind thunder?

At first it was an ancient black-yellow beast that looked like a beetle. It was covered with thick armor. It had six slender spider-like legs. It also had two feet that were more than ten feet long. There was a strange muffled noise in the abdomen.

But it can still hear its fear and helplessness.

Less than a hundred feet away from it, it was a huge silver lion-shaped ancient beast. It roared again and again, and it couldn't help flying towards the black wind.

The ancient beast is more than ten feet tall, has a body length of forty feet, and has eight sharp claws under its abdomen. It looks particularly mighty, but at this moment, its expression is more desperate than a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

Captured by the black wind from the void, there is also a giant silvery giant python that madly beats the world, but can't resist the suction of the black wind.

There are three pairs of colorful wings growing behind the silver giant python. The upper body stands upright, and the membrane wings on both sides of the skull are slightly open. The mysterious totem on it looks like two huge eyes from afar, giving people a kind of creepy The sense of horror, but its eyes are staring at the black wind that is getting closer and closer.

"Clawback mysterious beast, eight-clawed lion monster, six-winged silver blood python! These... these are all legendary super ancient beasts!"

Lan Xuan yelled out, these ancient beasts are extremely intelligent, knowing to hide in the void, but the black wind seems to have wisdom, forcibly pulling them out of the void, and flying them to his side!

The next scene was tragic. These ancient beasts, large and small, were all caught in the black wind. They were like entering a meat grinder, and they didn't even have time to scream.

Has been twisted into a pool of flesh and blood!

That black wind was spinning frantically ~www.ltnovel.com~ and spilled their plasma over the whole world. If it weren't for the monks' spiritual shields, they would have been blushing spots all over the body in this rain of blood.

Why do these wind and thunders evolve into a state of wit, trapping and hunting down all creatures?

Chu Chen felt a chill rising from his back, cold hands and feet.

This sky full of wind, thunder and lightning, it seems that they have gradually gained wisdom, do they evolve automatically, or are they controlled by some unknown existence?

In addition to that black wind, Chu Chen's spiritual consciousness also scanned the distance, and a silver lightning chain that was more than three feet long was continuously chasing and killing a group of windhorn beasts!

At a high altitude of five thousand meters, **** robbery clouds got into the body of a thousand-meter-sized gray giant flood!

Is Xiaoxianjie alive? () "Nine Sun Emperor" only represents the author Jian Zong's point of view. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. Our position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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