Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1525: finally come

These thunder and lightning storms began to actively hunt down creatures and monks, making this group of young monks like falling into an ice cave, and the little immortal world obviously has no place for them!

Little Immortal Realm wants to exterminate all living beings. No one knows whether those top old demons can resist, but Chu Chen knows very well that he brings this group of little cultivators without any vitality.

The black wind that swallowed various ancient beasts in the distance suddenly stared at his group of people, and Chu Chen suddenly felt keenly!


In addition to the black wind, the **** robbery clouds with killing intent above the clouds, and the small and terrifying silver lightning chain in the north, they all focused on this group of people!

To be precise, these "things" are staring at themselves who spy on them with spiritual sense!

They agreed and decided to obliterate themselves.

Chu Chen stood frozen in the void, cold sweat came out, and at the same time, the rotating black wind column, like the **** cloud of a flock of big birds, and the evil silver lightning chain before!

At the same time, they approached the void where they were.

At this moment, Chu Chen was so desperate that he was not even ready to escape, because it was useless to escape!

At this time, even if the other monks did not have Chu Chen's perverted spiritual sense, they discovered something was wrong!

A silver light from the north leaped and shot, the black below whizzed and approached, and a dazzling red light swooped down!

"We are being watched!"

"What to do, in front of them, we are thinner than paper!"

"Who...who will save us? Brother Chu..."

"Brother Chu, what are we going to do?"

Everyone fell into despair, Chu Chen could only smile in his heart, what can he do?

If you are a small eagle clone, you may be able to take a fight. The eagle strikes the sky, breaks through the wind, tears the clouds and eats the thunder, and brazenly survives in the peerless destruction.

And now, only...

Suddenly, the whole world became quiet, it should be said that it suddenly stopped, and the whole world plunged into darkness.

The black wind disappeared, the silver electricity disappeared, and the blood cloud disappeared. The wind and thunder in the sky disappeared without a trace at this moment, and the whole world was silent!

There was only a group of desperate little monks hanging in the sky alone.

Those wind, thunder and lightning clouds that ravaged the entire world are gone?

All the cultivators were stupid, but Chu Chen did not relax his vigilance because of this. The third change in the Little Immortal Realm could never have occurred for a short time. The wind and thunder slaughtered creatures!

They appear to disappear, just a matter of a few breaths!

Chu Chen felt that maybe they were just a prelude, and the next was the real beginning, a more terrifying future, or a turning point?

Before Chu Chen could think about it, a red light appeared in the deathly silent world!

A thin red line on the horizon fell from the high sky. In the endless darkness, this red line became more and more dazzling, as if it was about to burn.


The moment the red line touched the earth, the whole world was shaking. Amidst the sound of a huge explosion, a red sun of thousands of meters in size bloomed on the earth!

The entire dark world was reflected in blood red!

The endless wind rushed from the center of the explosion to all directions, and everyone in the void was blown upside down for several miles before stopping.

The huge red blazing sun that exploded made the large tracts tremble crazily, and then a series of fine cracks began to spread in all directions from where it was.

The crack spreads like electricity, and it soon covers the earth!

These cracks grew more and more, and later even huge cracks unfathomable formed!

The earth began to split! !

These terrifying cracks are getting more and more open, and one of the biggest cracks seems to penetrate the entire land!

The naked eye can see that the depths of these cracks are beginning to spray dark purple and different lights toward the sky. What is there on the ground where the red line falls?

"Well, what's going on? Is this land to be separated?"

Those huge cracks spread endlessly around, and the center area where the red line fell has become a bottomless abyss!

The monks around Chu Chen turned pale, and their faces were full of panic that could not be concealed.

The scene in front of me is also terrifying!

A bottomless abyss appears out of thin air, and there are countless mysterious purple awns emerging from the ground. What is under it?

Although Chu Chen looked relatively calm, he actually clenched his fists tightly, because the answer would be revealed soon.

Shi Yuyan also looked at the abyss hundreds of miles away with a high degree of vigilance. She was fluttering in white, like an enemy.

Xuan Ke glared at the distance, while Lan Xuan unconsciously hid behind Chu Chen.

"Everyone, go!"

Chu Chen's Lingjue felt something vaguely, uncertain, but extremely dangerous!

At this time, the cracks in the earth have extended into the ground under the feet of the cultivators, and you can see by lowering your head that the cracks connected to the abyss are not bottomed!

And inside the crack was surging with dark purple light, bright as a demon.

An aura of destruction came from the cracks like mountains and seas. Under the leadership of Chu Chen, the cultivators decisively retreated back and flew back hundreds of miles away.

When the devastating breath gradually faded, all the talents breathed a sigh of relief.

One by one, the monks began to wipe their sweat, stroking their chests, breathing again and again.

But the change in the abyss hundreds of miles away hasn't stopped? !

In the most central area of ​​the abyss, numerous huge bright purple beams of light suddenly burst out.

Haohao purple light rises into the sky, boundless!

Everyone’s faces and clothes were reflected in purple,

Chu Chen could clearly sense that there was a majestic destruction and tyrannical aura in those purple light beams, which made people almost suffocating.

"Then, what is that, can it be... Is it that the ruined real celestial who has landed here from the real immortal realm is about to start cleaning the small fairy realm?"

The red-dressed round-faced girl in the team looked at this scene with horror, and said in shock.

The bright and boundless purple beam of light disappeared into the sky, and a huge round of pure purple "scorching sun" suddenly jumped from the abyss and floated to the sky.

It was an incomparably bright purple holy light, the light was too dazzling and strong, and the whole world shining on became bright as day!

That huge round of scorching sun actually has a vague behemoth shadow!

The monstrous fierce flames swept out of the purple sun~www.ltnovel.com~ and burned the surrounding void into a black void!

"I'm going, the Baizhang behemoth is at least the level of the king-level ancient beast. Does this third world change have anything to do with the king-level ancient beast?"

Lan Xuan's pupils couldn't help widening, he said aloud, but before his voice fell, the sky began to drop thin red lines!

Like meteors, one after another red lines fell from the high sky, into all directions of the little fairy world, into the mortal dust.




Countless rounds of blood-red sun bloomed on this land, and the mountains collapsed! The giant river evaporates! The forest is burning! City destruction! The sea flows backwards, the tsunami is battered!

Countless exploding blood suns have left the little fairy world in a mess!

Many monks and ancient beasts were too late to hide, so they evaporated directly in these undulating explosions!

Chu Chen and the crowd were lucky, and they were in a good location.

This world has entered a super catastrophe mode!

Chu Chen gritted his teeth and looked at this crumbling world. He estimated that at this moment, at least tens of thousands of red lines had fallen into the Little Immortal Realm, which meant that at least tens of thousands of king-level ancient beasts and above had descended!

It turned out that it was just the three-headed king-level ancient beast, which made the cultivators in the Little Immortal Realm afraid to sleep at night!

Now that tens of thousands of king-level ancient beasts come with the potential to destroy the world, what will the little fairy world become?

Chu Chen only hoped that the little junior sister would be fine at this moment and live well!

He looked at the earth that was hit by countless bursts of **** sun, looked at the endless chaos and chaos in the distance, and held his hands tightly. Yupai, a disciple of Biquan Xianzong with the word "dream".

I must take this jade medal to her, even if the world is about to be destroyed! (To be continued.)

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