Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1526: 1 current

The entire Little Immortal Realm was in a wolf spirit at this time, and billowing black smoke was rising everywhere!

Chu Chen and the others looked down at the world in the air, and suddenly felt devastated, full of smoke and miasma.

But they had no time to take care of so much, because the giant beast in the purple blazing sun was not far away from them.

Hundreds of miles away, the giant beast in the purple giant sun should be able to pass in an instant, the purple flame of the giant sun gradually dissipated, and the outline of the giant beast's huge body began to become clear!

A group of monks all felt the monstrous fierce flames coming from a hundred miles away from it, and the hearts of the few little monks with shallow cultivation began to contract violently.

"That's...what is that thing, Primordial Demon?"

The old monk who looked like an angry lion looked at Ziyang with his brows furrowed, and at the same time he blocked his eyes with his open left hand.

With the dazzling purple light bursting wildly around the giant sun because of its scattered flames, the mysterious engraving instinctively blocked most of its vision.

Through his fingers, his gaze crossed the billowing purple light, in the vast purple light, but faintly saw the appearance of a huge behemoth.

It was a bizarre ancient beast with horns, dragon head, and lion body. It was covered with thick black scale armor. A desolate, ancient and remote, like from the ancient world, lingered around it.

Its eyes are full of destruction, violent and hot!


After looking around, it suddenly opened a huge mouth and let out a terrifying roar!

This roar is like thunder on the ground, shocking the world!

A strong sound wave also burst out fiercely, instantly dispersing the blazing purple afterglow around the giant beast, revealing the huge body of the ancient beast.


The purple flames dissipated, the appearance of the giant beast was fully displayed in front of the cultivators, and the sense of oppression in the space soared!

The fiery destruction in the eyes of the huge bizarre horned ancient dragon beast seemed to be burning, and it violently opened the six huge gray wings behind it.

Chu Chen discovered that its wings were actually bony wings, and each feather was a piece of bone. Layers of bone pieces were piled up, and the six huge wings that turned out to cover the sky covered the sun.

The moment the giant wings opened, a strong, tyrannical, and devastating aura sprayed out in all directions.

This behemoth was originally like a hill, when its huge wings stretched out, it really looked like a dark cloud, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

There is the rancid smell of dead bodies in the air?

Does it mean that as soon as this giant beast appears, its surroundings will become a dead zone where no grass can live!

"Is it coming?"

Lan Xuan's tears were about to come out, and his body was trembling.

"It won't come over yet, look over there."

Chu Chen shook his head and motioned Lan Xuan to look at the hill not far behind the giant beast. The hill was located on the edge of a huge crack, and the environment looked extremely dangerous.

"Huh, there is someone?"

Lan Xuan also saw that there was a figure hidden silently on the side of the hill!

The cultivators were very surprised, so close to the giant beast, this figure is actually about to move, what does he think?

Under the super-powerful spiritual scan, Chu Chen could see clearly than anyone else, that he was a gloomy monk wearing a gray robe. He had white hair, but his face looked very young, probably only two. It looks like a teenager.

It can be sensed from the spiritual power fluctuations emanating from him that he is at least a half-step Tianhe monk!

However, such a powerful monk carefully concealed his body beside the giant beast, and even completely shielded his breath, he did not slack off.

However, he doesn't seem to be prepared to stay there all the time, he wants to escape!

Such a close distance can be said to be almost dead, and it is definitely not suitable to stay for a long time.

He hid behind a huge boulder, carefully hiding his whereabouts, while preventing the terrifying beast from discovering it, he was also waiting for an opportunity to escape.

At this time, he did not notice that a huge black electric current suddenly appeared in the void behind him, flying directly to where he was!

The cultivators were dumbfounded, this behemoth would actually count people?

Summon a black electric current from the void and attack the monk!


The round-faced red-clothed girl in the team wanted to use spiritual power to warn her, but she was poked on her shoulder by Shi Yuyan, who could not make any sound.

Lan Xuan also reprimanded softly, "What do you want to do? Don't let it go? With such a voice transmission, what if that terrifying behemoth notices us and starts chasing us?"

The round-faced girl stiffened a bit, and finally lowered her head dejectedly.

Boom! ! !

The jet black electric current hit the monk and also hit the hill. At the same time there was a strange noise in the air, both the hill and the monk became particles and disappeared into the world.

"It's terrible, what kind of current is this?"

"I was hit, it was broken down directly, or evaporated!"

"There is no scum left..."

The cultivators panicked, all at a loss.

"It seems that it is a king-level ancient beast!"

The old monk Xuan Ke took a deep breath. He did not expect that the most terrifying existence in the Little Immortal Realm, the king-level ancient beast was already close at hand.

"It's a king-level ancient beast..."

Shi Yuyan also spoke, she was in white clothes like a fairy, but she looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Unexpectedly, in my lifetime...I could encounter genuine king-level ancient beasts..."

Lan Xuan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and his words were almost unfavorable.

Chu Chen didn't speak, he knew what the king-level ancient beast meant?

The king-level ancient beast is a taboo in the little fairy world, the supreme ruler over all living creatures in the little fairy world, and the strongest king of ancient beasts.

When the Little Fairy Realm was just opened up, hundreds of thousands of people explored everywhere because they encountered three horror king-class ancient beasts, which caused chaos in the Little Fairy Realm at that time, bloodshed and turmoil.

The power of the king-level ancient beast is simply unimaginable. The cultivators of the Linghe Great Realm have no effect at all around the king-level ancient beast, and their attacks cannot even break the defense of the king beast.

Only the attack of the legendary powerhouse of the Tianhe rank can barely play a role, but it is also very limited.

The arrival of the king beast means that everything will be turned into nothingness!

Not to mention that this half-step Tianhe monk was evaporated~www.ltnovel.com~ Even the Tianhe monk, if he escapes slowly, he will only be killed.

If you want to kill the king-level ancient beasts, at least a hundred or more Tianhe-level experts must join forces to have hope!

But there are not too many Tianhe powerhouses in the entire Little Fairy World?

Even if they had enough of these hundreds of people, they would not unite together, risking almost death to besieged and slaying the king-level ancient beasts.

"This... these explosion centers that fell from the sky should have a king-level ancient beast..."

Lan Xuan finished his speculation with difficulty, and the faces of other monks were very ugly.

It turned out that the three king-level ancient beasts have marked three death areas in the little fairy world. Now... now there are tens of thousands of king-level ancient beasts.

Is there hope for Xiaoxianjie? () "Nine Sun Emperor" only represents the author Jian Zong's point of view. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. Our position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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