Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1527: Killing Game of King Beast

This third time the world has changed, the king-level ancient beast army descended from the sky, this is simply the prelude to the destruction of the little fairy world!

They are not like weather catastrophes. They have a cycle and disappear when the cycle ends.

After the king beast comes, unless it is killed, it will continue to raging in the small fairy world!


Suddenly, a deafening roar rang through the clouds.

In the next moment, a huge consciousness straddled the space and suddenly fell on the monks.

At this time, everyone clearly felt that they seemed to be locked in by some kind of Qi machine.

It feels like a venomous snake staring at you in the depths of the soul, which is chilling.

The hill-like six-winged horned ancient dragon beast, it is looking at everyone in the distance!

Everyone didn't have any luck, it was discovered by it...

The faces of all the monks were as gray as death at this moment. Although they were hundreds of miles away from the ancient dragon beast, the people locked by the ancient dragon beast felt that this hill-like monster seemed to be Hanging above their heads.

This close at hand, this feeling of being overlooked by a higher-level life body is so clear and painful!

So choking!

At this second, a sense of powerlessness of complete despair rose in everyone's heart.

Locked by a king-level ancient beast, how can I escape?

When an electric current flies, everyone will be decomposed and dissipated between heaven and earth!

"Shi Yuyan, take everyone to the underground volcano to the west, move fast!"

Chu Chen suddenly gave a command to the white-clothed girl Shi Yuyan who was still in shock. Before the girl could react, Chu Chen had already flown to the behemoth hundreds of miles away.

Like a gray comet!

Not only did Chu Chen's move be stupid, but even the ancient dragon beast didn't react. This little creature faced him, but instead of running away, he forced it? !

It was stunned.


Shi Yuyan, who has the highest cultivation and mentality among these people, first understood Chu Chen's intentions. Just now because of the impact of the "king-level ancient beast", a large number of cracks and canyons occurred on the ground. A hundred miles to the west, there was one. The huge sleeping volcano was exposed from the cracks.

Whether this kind of underground volcano can really hide is no longer a concern.

Chu Chen pointed a way, and had no choice, Shi Yuyan could only walk down with her eyes closed.

Under the leadership of Shi Yuyan, a group of monks turned into aura after another, tearing through the sky and rushing westward.

"The king-level ancient beast, Senior Brother Chu also rushed forward, he is simply a god!"

"Can he get out? This is not a Tianhe monk!"

"With one blow, Senior Brother Chu will fly into ashes and annihilate..."

As the monks were discussing uneasyly, Shi Yuyan suddenly said coldly, "If we run away at the same time, or if we run away separately, it is no different. For the king beast, it is just a current, and a few currents. The difference is that no one is immune!"

The cultivators calmed down while flying fast, listening to Shi Yuyan's words.

"By surprise, he greeted the king beast, buying time for us and the possibility of his own survival! Such a monk has great courage and calmness. Since he chooses to face death to survive, then we respect him. Decided, I believe he might be able to catch a chance, let’s go, we will wait for him at the underground volcano as soon as possible.

The distance of a hundred miles is not far for these monks. Although most of them did not see the volcano, they all saw the gray volcanic smoke rising from the ground in front.

There is also the volcanic breath that gets closer and choking. The smell of this volcano is stronger than any volcano in the volcanic zone before!

Everyone was approaching the volcano, and Chu Chen was getting closer and closer to the king beast, and the distance had been shortened to less than a hundred miles. Taking advantage of the king beast's doubts, Chu Chen shot!

A divine light flashed in his eyes, and his huge spiritual power surging out, swept forward like a tsunami!

And quickly began to surround the ancient dragon king beast with blinking eyes.

He used his perverted soul energy to interfere with the majestic consciousness of that ancient dragon king beast, instantly blocking the possibility of it locking onto any creature!


At that instant, the ancient dragon king beast was angry, and the invisible flames of destruction spewed out from the huge body, burning Chu Chen's interfering spiritual sense completely.

It moved!

The huge and unmatched body of the six-winged shofar ancient dragon beast crushed the void, as if an ancient chariot came across the long river of time and space, slowly starting.

Weak creatures who provoke king-level ancient beasts will be punished by God.

Like the roar of the shocking Gu Lei, the void around Wang Beast's mouth quickly distorted, and this space even began to blur!


The invisible shock wave rushed out with the roar, centered on its body, the shock energy spread like a ripple.

The surrounding swiftly twisted and deformed, the domain of a hundred miles covered by the impact energy, and even a series of dense black space cracks appeared, exuding a strong death crisis.

The lonely Chu Chen in the void could clearly feel the tens of thousands of tons of impact energy approaching, and the space in front of him was cracking inch by inch!

In an instant it spread to where Chu Chen was.


At this moment, the divine light in Chu Chen's eyes condensed, and when he lifted his right hand, he quickly squeezed a sword art in front of him, and shook it gently, a beam of bright silver light burst out from between his eyebrows, illuminating the whole Film canopy.

It seemed to be just a light, a sharp sword light that seemed to be able to split the entire world.

The vast sword light tore through the void, and at that moment seemed to absorb all the light between the sky and the earth.

Let the world be dull!

call out!

The silver sword light directly impacted the oncoming space, cutting out a huge gap, and those terrifying impact energy whizzed through the space above Chu Chen's head and feet.

Except for the pure land of Chu Chen's body on Monday, within a hundred miles, the space everywhere has been broken.

The silver sword light cut through the air to impact, and took the six-winged ancient dragon beast that was furious!

The silver sword light is extremely dazzling, not only illuminating the airspace of Baili, but also dyeing the huge ancient dragon king beast into a silver statue.

Peerless sword intent!

This ray of silver light was a ray of sword intent that Chu Chen contained from the summit of Duxu Peak with his supernatural powers.

After such a long period of warming and refining, the initial results have finally been achieved.

At this time, although this ray of sword intent did not really turn into the sword intent that seemed to tear the entire sky, it was still a sword intent, but it already had some power!

Sword intent is like light.


The bright silver sword intent crossed the space and slashed heavily on the chest of the six-winged dragon beast, and the black scale armor on its chest suddenly ignited a silver flame.

The ancient dragon king beast's huge body of nearly two hundred feet suddenly gave a fierce meal~www.ltnovel.com~ The giant shook a few times in the void!


Immediately, a mixed shock, anger, and tyrannical hiss spurted from the mouth of the ancient dragon king beast, and the silver flame on its chest died out. Although the black scales were intact, it obviously received a substantial impact.

Sword Intent Killing Soul!

Chu Chen's sword intent hadn't completely turned into a physical sword aura, so it couldn't harm the tyrannical and outrageous king-level ancient beast, but it could already cause a trace of damage to its soul.

A ray of sword intent slashed across, and the soul of the king beast was as if it had been pierced by a silver needle. For the ancient dragon king beast, this was absolutely unacceptable.

Being stung to the soul by a weak creature, Wang Beast has suffered this kind of shame, and under its rage, it is like a volcano about to erupt! () "Nine Sun Emperor" only represents the author Jian Zong's point of view. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. Our position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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