Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1528: Chu Chen completely disappeared

Just when the ancient dragon king beast was so violent that he lost his reason, his eyes were red, and he was about to tear Chu Chen to pieces, it suddenly appeared that Chu Chen had disappeared! ?

It was frightened and angry, but didn't expect this weak creature to disappear out of thin air? !

How is this possible!

It looked around, almost every piece of black scales on its huge body stood up, and its huge mouth opened and roared again and again!

The surrounding space continued to oscillate!

But there is still no figure of Chu Chen...

At the same time, Shi Yuyan took a group of monks and fled to the huge crack hundreds of miles away. At this time, he could already see the huge mountain below what Chu Chen said!

Lan Xuan couldn't help but glanced back. It was found that Chu Chen in the distance had become a small black spot in his field of vision, but what made him puzzled was that Chu Chen stood still in the air, motionless.

And the ancient dragon king beast was right in front of him, constantly roaring, twisting his body as if looking for something?

"Hey, what is that ancient dragon king beast looking for? It doesn't even care about Junior Brother Chu who is close at hand?"

The old monk Xuan Ke also frowned, puzzled.

"It's very possible that Chu Chen temporarily blocked its perception by what means? Everyone, hurry up."

Shi Yuyan, who was in white clothes, coldly dropped a word, rushed into the huge gap and flew towards the target mountain.

"How can it be possible to temporarily block the perception of the king-level ancient beast?"

Xuan Ke shook his head, followed by flying into the giant slit, and other monks followed.

The worried Lan Xuan was the last one to enter, he sighed, and he couldn't help much, so he could only hide below the volcano where Chu Chen let everyone take refuge.

After Lan Xuan dived, he found that there was a mountain about two hundred feet high below it. It was as crystal clear as a crystal. It was actually a hill made up of extremely hard black crystals.

This kind of material is hard and unmatched, and it has been refined into magic weapons or magic weapons in the outside world. It is really strange that only this kind of genius treasure is composed of hills!

"Are we going to enter the volcano? The volcano is full of smoke. Wouldn't it be dangerous for us to enter this way!"

A thin young monk was very upset.

In fact, everyone could see that the crater was still blazing red flames.

Perhaps because of the chaotic rules of heaven and earth, the aura of this volcano also appeared extremely violent.

When the cultivators first came over, they looked at it from a distance as black smoke, but now it has turned into red smoke, and Yamaguchi has begun to overflow a large amount of boiling molten slurry.

Is this going to be sprayed? !

The monks were dumbfounded. There is an ancient king-level beast, and here is a volcano about to erupt. What should I do?

They looked at each other, helpless.

"Brother Chu asked us to come here for a reason. I wonder if he can escape from the claws of the ancient dragon king and continue to guide us?"

Lan Xuan's current chaotic little fairy world, leaving Chu Chen, everyone would lose their way at any time.

In fact, at this moment, there is still the ancient dragon king beast who has lost its way.

It couldn't find Chu Chen! ?

In fact, Chu Chen has been hanging lonely in the void, not far in front of it, as if it was still.

As Shi Yuyan said, it was actually Chu Chen who used his level of spiritual consciousness to block the perception of the ancient dragon king beast, including the visual influence!

Originally, with the power of the king-level ancient beast, it was impossible for Chu Chen Lingjue to shield its induction to himself.

However, Chu Chen was very clever to anger it first, making it violent to the point of irrational, so he had the opportunity to temporarily block the emotionally unstable King Beast's perception of himself.

However, the king beast is the king beast after all, and it didn't take long for it to lose its sense of anger. It quickly responded. With its giant eyes condensed, infinite raging flames gushed out from the giant body, sweeping and burning the surrounding void.

At this time, the spiritual consciousness of Chu Chenbu everywhere in the void was instantly burned to the limit, and Chu Chen, who was hanging lonely in front of him, had its original shape!

However, Chu Chen had been prepared long ago. At the moment the ancient dragon king beast burst into flames, he knew that his hiding was over!

No longer still, Chu Chen turned into a gray lightning and flew towards the direction of the mountain in the distant crack.


I finally saw that Chu Chen’s Six-winged Ancient Dragon King beast completely fell into a state of rampage. Its scales spread, and its blood and energy rose to the sky. The hill-like giant rolled away in the direction of Chu Chen, shaking the world. Boom!

Chu Chen was like a small black spot, in front of the hill-like ancient dragon king beast, this chase was about to end in a blink of an eye, because the ancient dragon king beast that crashed into the void was quickly approaching Chu Chen.

Although Chu Chen was fast, compared with the ancient dragon king beast, it was too slow!

Chu Chen flew forward like a gray meteor, wherever the Hexaptera King Beast went, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed.

This is the real world collapsing and the ground, when the six-winged dragon king beast-like body whizzes past, it is really as violent as the world-destroying devil, and the space is as fragile as paper.

Where it passes, the world shakes, the void collapses, and the dark black space channels and cracks collapse every inch, as if to completely destroy this world and return to chaos!

It was like a tsunami chasing the lonely boat of Chu Chen, and it was only a matter of time before it was submerged.

Chu Chen's figure turned into a vague gray lightning, and he couldn't even go through the layers of space, and was about to be overtaken.

The wrath of the king-level ancient beast is definitely not something that Chu Chen, the little Lingxi cultivator, can bear, so Chu Chen decided to act first!

In the process of rushing to flee, he flipped his wrists forcefully, blasting a purple and black beam.

This purple and black light beam burst out, facing the storm, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a majestic mountain of hundreds of meters, the mountain whizzed and crushed the void, and slammed into the body of the Six-winged Ancient Dragon King Beast!

The purple giant mountain is one of Chu Chen's killer features, and even the strongest opponent before will be crushed by the giant mountain!


The huge body of the ancient dragon king beast had no momentum of stagnation at all, and it directly collided with the Baizhang Giant Mountain, and the Zishan was directly crushed and collapsed by its domineering impact!

The vast purple light exploded in all directions, leaving behind a three-foot-high black iron stove, dripping downwards.

And the huge chariot turned into by the ancient dragon king beast seemed to continue to move forward without any hindrance~www.ltnovel.com~ chasing Chu Chen.

However, it appeared that Chu Chen disappeared from its field of vision after this obstacle!

This time, the Ancient Dragon King Beast obviously won't be affected by Chu Chen's spiritual interference like last time. It knows where Chu Chen is.

Above the sky, it cast its sights on the ground, and the huge criss-crossing seams were clearly where Chu Chen hid.

These ground cracks were formed when the ancient dragon king beast arrived, and now they have become the last bunker for Chu Chen, who has nowhere to escape.

At this time, the ancient dragon king beast completely stopped. Hanging above this high altitude, it slowly opened its huge mouth with anger, and a huge black electric current was rapidly growing and forming in its mouth. !

It is ready to strike, like it is about to penetrate the world!

;() "Jiuyang Dizun" only represents the author Jian Zong's point of view. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. Our position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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