Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1534: Miscalculation

"Senior Sister Shi, don't scare me, I am timid."

Chu Chen looked at the white-clothed girl Shi Yuyan with murderous intent, and smiled lightly, there was a hint of courage.

"Oh, you are so confident, won't I kill you?"

The killing intent in Shi Yuyan's eyes flashed away, and she looked at Chu Chen with a smile.

"I have confidence, you can't kill me."

Chu Chenfeng said lightly, while looking at this immortal white-clothed girl. To be honest, speaking of beauty alone, there are really few women that Chu Chen has seen that can compare with the present. People are on par.

Tianxiang country color is not enough to describe the beauty!

That kind of clean and pure temperament always makes Chu Chen suspect that she is really from the Scarlet Shadow Sect?

This kind of cold and immortal temperament is too far related to the four words of Demon Girl.

"Junior Brother Chu is really a boring person, so let me just talk about it. Have you sensed the depths of this dark square? Is there something special?"

Shi Yuyan suddenly moved her eyes, her fascination suddenly appeared, and she was dancing with the wind in white clothes, with a graceful posture.

She has always looked as cold as frost, and although her face is exquisite, she has the feeling of being rejected thousands of miles away.

Suddenly, there was a smile on the corners of her lips, and it was like a hundred flowers blooming, the clouds disappeared and the rain fell, and she seemed to see the sky pouring down, shrouded in her body, bright and inconvenient.

At this moment, even Chu Chen was slightly absent-minded. He frowned slightly, "No, have you sensed any danger ahead, Senior Sister? I think everything is fine."

"Oh, really?"

Shi Yuyan lightly raised her forehead with her hair, her beautiful face was already full of charm at this time, and there was an indescribable charm.

She has completely changed from the former Qingli fairy to a charming goddess, making people fall under her feet and crazy for her.

Chu Chen suddenly felt that the whole world was faded and blurred. Only the girl in white with a small smile became clearer and clearer. Her soul was about to fly away, her mouth was dry and her tongue felt dry. A fiery heat rose from her lower abdomen and breathed. Also messed up.

At this moment, Chu Chen just wanted to treat her...


The immense power of the soul is induced and spontaneously protects the Lord.

For an instant, Chu Chen felt a sharp pain in the depths of his brain, as if he was pouring a basin of cold water to wake up quickly.

The first time he woke up, he understood what had happened just now...

Shi Yuyan, the enchantress, actually used her charm on him!

Even though Chu Chen woke up, the blazing flames at the dantian area were still burning, extremely hot.

He hurriedly used his spiritual power to put out the fire.

Shi Yuyan's charming technique is so brilliant that there is no trace at all. It was just a small smile, and it was able to exude such a powerful charm, which made Chu Chen's mind fascinated, and almost robbed him of his whole spirit.

If it weren't for his natural soul power to be extremely powerful, and he would automatically protect the lord when he sensed the signs of alien mental power invading, I am afraid that he would have lost his intelligence at this time and become a doll at her mercy!

This was definitely not alarmist talk. Although it was just a momentary confrontation, Chu Chen already understood how powerful Shi Yuyan's charm technique was.

That kind of charming technique can completely affect other people's minds, causing them to completely lose any other thoughts in their hearts. Only her is in their hearts. They treat her as a love, as a faith, as a goddess...

If you can't wake up and be affected by her charm, won't you eventually become her war slave and lose yourself completely?

If you want to control yourself completely, you can only say that she is too naive.

Chu Chen already had calculations, this demon girl thought everything would be under her control, hehe, let's play with her.

With a disguised expression on Chu Chen's face, he staggered towards Shi Yuyan, "Senior Sister, you, you are so beautiful..."


The smile on Shi Yuyan's complexion is even more delicate and charming, a gentle fragrance lingers between her nose, and her soft words penetrate into her ears, bringing a burst of sweetness and greasiness from the bone marrow.

"So Junior Brother Chu likes Senior Sister?"

"Hi, like..."

Chu Chen seemed lost, and slowly stretched out his hand to Shi Yuyan.

"Stop, if you like Sister Sister, just listen to Sister Sister and stop obediently."

Although Shi Yuyan came from the Scarlet Shadow School, she grew up in a group of charming girls. The status of a goddess made her extremely noble, and she never let boys take advantage of it.

Therefore, Chu Chen's excessive closeness made her feel uneasy.


Chu Chen nodded blankly.

"Then Chu Chen, tell Senior Sister, what did you sense in the darkness ahead? Or do you already know what's in this place?"

Shi Yuyan's voice was very soft, as light as it came from the horizon, and deep into every inch of the world.

"I, I don't know what's in this place, but I sensed that..."

Chu Chen said in a low voice, like a rant in a dream.

"What did you sense?"

Shi Yuyan frowned, and Chu Chen's voice was very low. Because of her loss of consciousness, she seemed to be unable to speak clearly, and the next half of the sentence was so low that she could barely hear her.

In order to hear what he said clearly, Shi Yuyan had to walk a few steps forward and get a little closer to him, "Chu Chen, tell Senior Sister, what did you feel?"

"Sensing that there is a big in the darkness..."

Chu Chen's voice weakened again, and Shi Yuyan had to get closer again~www.ltnovel.com~ At this time, she had almost stuck to Chu Chen's body, only a few inches away from him.

At this moment, Chu Chen, whose eyes were lost, suddenly burst into a strong spiritual light, and the turbulent spiritual light gushed out, quickly condensing into several sealing arrays in the void, and disappeared into Shi Yuyan's body with a bang.

Unprepared, Shi Yuyan sensed a vast torrent of torrents pouring into her body. She just wanted to mobilize spiritual resistance, but she sensed that the spiritual power in her body seemed to be covered with a thick shackle, and she let her thoughts drive her. It doesn't work!

No good, seal the secret spell!

I was hit by the Sealing Secret Curse, and all my spiritual power cultivation bases were sealed! !

Shi Yuyan's complexion changed wildly in vain, and at this moment Chu Chen's complexion, who had been absent in front of her, also suddenly changed.

His face became flushed, and his eyes seemed to show a wild beast-like instinct. Suddenly, his arms violently hugged Shi Yuyan tightly.

"Sister, I'm so hot, I love you so much, I want to be with you forever, I want to be one with you, I want to be with you forever, never to be separated..."

The young man who had been caught in the charm technique seemed to be completely in a state of madness. A wolf pounce directly threw Shi Yuyan to the ground, and her mouth began to kiss her lifelessly on her white face.

Before he recovered from being kissed by the wolf, Shi Yuyan felt her body lighten slightly, and with a sharp "Zila" sound, her white dress was torn apart by the teenager. !


The woman's long skirt was torn and turned into pieces of fly ash under the action of the strong spiritual force.

Suddenly, the fragrant shoulders of Xueshuang Saixue were exposed in the air.

The young man with a beastly mind seemed to be even more excited when he saw it. He suddenly uttered a muffled roar like a wild beast, and gnawed heavily at the girl's fragrant shoulder.

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