Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1535: Do you dare to seduce Brother Chu


It is no different from the screams of ordinary girls when they encounter a satyr, Shi Yuyan has never been so panicked in her life.

She would never have thought that things would evolve to this point anyway!

At this time, her whole body and spiritual power were sealed, and she completely became a weak woman with no power to bind a chicken.

The man on him seems to be completely controlled by instinct!

How could this be? ?

Shi Yuyan, who was weak and struggling, was about to cry. She was a perfect physique without a single chance, and she could do more with less when she practiced her charm.

But speaking of it, she has not even touched a man's hand.

There are three realms in the way of charm: charm body, charm, and heart.

The lowest level of glamorous body level is to seduce men with their physical appearance as capital.

although. Intermediate flattery can arouse a man's love and affection, making him desperate for himself. And the highest level of Melting Heart Realm is completely another magical power.

The mesmerizing technique in the state of mesmerizing mind does not need to pay the price of my own body or feelings at all. With a smile, a lift of a hand and a foot can have incomparable attraction, make the other party unconsciously sink, and treat it as the inner goddess , As the inner faith, as the inner only.

At the end of the day, people who have been caught in the charm will completely lose their sense and thinking, and only the owner of the charm will have in their minds.

Her command is an oracle, above all else. At that point, even if she let that person die, that person would never hesitate.

The highest state of charm is control!

Control the mind, control the mind, control the mind, control the mind and even the soul!

Controlling the common people's spiritual intelligence, without paying any price at all, is really not touching a leaf in the tens of thousands of flowers.

In the past, every time Shi Yuyan performed the charm technique, that is, a tight smile or a frown, the man who was caught in the charm technique would naturally be controlled by her, like a war slave sent at will.

The goddess of each generation of the Scarlet Shadow Sect will not easily dedicate herself to men, unless it is the world overlord.

That's it!

Shi Yuyan bit her lower lip feebly, tears were also in her eyes, her wrists were held down by Chu Chen with one hand and she was unable to resist.

Performing charming tricks on this bastard, I didn't expect to get burnt!

Why is it out of control to such an extent?

The fairy was also afraid of anxious perverts, Shi Yuyan's pink neck only felt Chu Chen's hot breath like a volcano, and Chu Chen's rough big hand stroked her exposed jade shoulder, pain and numbness.

Her body had lost control, and she could only tremble weakly. She suddenly felt that her delicate resistance could only arouse Chu Chen's more enthusiastic response.

Shi Yuyan felt like she had fallen under a hungry wolf, and she felt as if she was about to be eaten.

His breath, his big hand, every time she stroked her skin, she couldn't stop trembling all over.

Sometimes a man is a beast, not the slightest difference from a beast.

When Shi Yuyan's consciousness recovered a little, Chu Chen left a purple-red bruise on almost every inch of skin on her shoulder.

The next moment, his big hand seemed to be approaching...


At this moment, Shi Yuyan exploded completely. The long skirt was torn and it didn't matter. If the chest was torn apart by him, I was afraid that the innocence of this life would be ruined by unknown.

So she almost used up all the strength in her body, and violently pushed up the man who was addicted to biting on her body, pressed his chest firmly, not letting him fall down again...

"Sister, you..."

It seemed that the saneness was recalled by her last scream, the man who was as violent as a beast just now was suddenly stunned. He seemed to be stupid and let go of Shi Yuyan.

Chu Chen sat aside, his expression on his face looked extremely puzzled and at a loss: "Master, Senior Sister, what happened just now? What happened?"

"You bastard!"

Shi Yuyan was ashamed and mad, and the shivering sensation from the man's touch continued on her shoulders. Every time she thought about it, she felt her heart beating uncontrollably.

She felt embarrassed, angry, and panic in her heart, but she still had an inexplicable throbbing, really like knocking over a five-flavored bottle, and she didn't even know what she was thinking.

"Senior Sister, why are you unclothed?"

Chu Chen seemed to have just awakened from a state of loss, staring at Shi Yuyan who was half lying on the ground with red shoulders.

Shi Yuyan glared at him, "Asshole, you...you..."


When her thoughts turned around, Shi Yuyan's spiritual light burst out.

The seal that Chu Chen took into her body was not permanent, but had a time limit.

As soon as this time passed, the seal was lifted, and she instantly regained her freedom.

At the next moment, Shi Yuyan shook her slap hard without even thinking about it, and slammed it towards Chu Chen's face!

Like an ordinary girl who has been frivolous, she wants to slap the pervert.

The beautiful hand was in mid-air, but Chu Chen's eyes were swiftly intercepted~www.ltnovel.com~ At this time the young man's expression changed from perplexity to indifferent, "Senior Sister, girl, just touch a man. It's rude."

"Hands, who is the **** to me!?"

Shi Yuyan was ashamed and mad, and the spiritual power in her body burst, the spiritual power at the peak of Linghe surged, and a huge and unmatched power surged in an instant, as if to overturn the world.

She slammed out of her palm, but Chu Chen flicked the attack and grabbed her right wrist. She was angry and anxious, and panicked again. She stretched out her left hand and tried to push Chu Chen away, but was caught by Chu Chen. Losing their balance, the two rolled on the ground again.

In the end, the two were torn apart, becoming Shi Yuyan straddling Chu Chen, and Chu Chen grasped Shi Yuyan's wrists tightly, Yuyan wanted to hit Chu Chen, and Chu Chen was protecting herself.

At this time, Lan Xuan and a group of people were called back by Shi Yuyan's screams. A group of people rushed to the "scene of the crime" and looked at the men and women who were beating.

In front of them, Shi Yuyan's clothes were disheveled, her fragrant shoulders were slightly exposed and she was riding on Chu Chen, pulling and hitting him.

But Chu Chen kept shouting with a blank and innocent look: "Don't be like this, calm down..."

"The shameless demon girl actually seduce my brother Chu while we were away!

A loud roar awakened the angry Shi Yuyan and the "lost" Chu Chen. When they turned their heads, they saw Lan Xuan and a group of newcomers looking at this place dumbfounded.

Although Wei's Lan Xuan's face was filled with righteous indignation, there was an inexplicable envy in his tone.


Shi Yuyan was taken aback, before she had time to be angry, she immediately took out a set of clean white dress from the storage ring, and put her back on the crowd in a panic.

In this scene, there was an unspeakable temptation in the eyes of the young male monks. They were extremely envious of Chu Chen.

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