Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1545: Monster VS Monster


A huge fist surrounded the scorching dark red light, breaking through the air!

Shi Yuyan's face changed drastically, and she couldn't bear this blow anyway...


Fists thunderous, space is turbulent!

The girl bit her teeth, and just as the giant fist was about to blast, her figure turned, her arm flicked and a crystal knife appeared in her palm. ? WWW.suimeng.lā

She saw the crystal-clear knife between her **** in the food, and she swiped in the void beside her, and when the knife passed, a huge spatial crack appeared in the void.

As soon as Shi Yuyan's figure turned, she went straight into the gap in the void.

The void crack closed instantly, as if a girl had never existed.

The blazing red giant fist whizzed past, naturally it was empty?

The little monks on the ground breathed a sigh of relief, but the old monk Xuan Ke's face turned pale.

The giant fist whizzed past, and Shi Yuyan who hid in the void seemed to have escaped the punch, but the void actually took the punch.

Shi Yuyan hid in this void, and began to twist and deform like ripples, and even countless mottled cracks appeared!


It looks like a huge piece of crystal was broken!


The blood burst out, and Shi Yuyan flew out from the space crack. She was hit hard by a hammer weighing tens of thousands of kilograms, carrying a cloud of blood mist on her body.

Was stunned out of the void by the red feather wing man.

"Sister Shi!"

"It's over!"

"Let's run away!"

The cultivators below looked at the girl flying horizontally like a cannonball, frightened Liushen Wuzhu, completely confused.

Those who yelled for fleeing, wanted to save her, were dominated by great fear and could not move, and those who were scared silly.

At this moment, Shi Yuyan, who was involuntarily flying upside down with a cloud of blood mist, was already heartbroken. She was in a hurry and made the last choice she should not make.

The void can be broken with one punch. What's the use of hiding in the void?

With a huge pain in her chest, she only felt the blood flowing backwards all over her body. She was flying backwards quickly, but she felt that everything was slowing down.

Time, space, and the blood pouring out of my body!

The body is about to fall apart... everything is about to end.

The lingering giant fist of black, red and white crystal lights once again crushed the space and flew towards her.

This time, it is the last blow!

Wherever the giant fist passed, all the space collapsed and turned into nothingness!

Shi Zhuyan just watched, watching the giant fist with an ever-expanding shattered world gradually swallowing her.


There was a muffled noise in the sky suddenly, like a heavy object hitting a sandbag.

Shi Yuyan unexpectedly discovered that she hadn't hit the punch, who was it?

The monks did not expect that a gray figure suddenly appeared behind Chiyuyiren like lightning, and three rounds of the blazing golden light of the Fiery Sun Seal tactics sprayed out of his palms, and blasted the Chiyuyiren's body heavily!

In an instant, the sky and the earth seemed to suddenly explode from the sun.

The endless golden red light radiated in all directions, and fierce air waves swept the world!

The immense force exploded fiercely, causing the Red Feather Winged Man to fly thousands of feet away like a giant hammer hit by a tens of thousands of catties, and then plummet down like a meteor.

Along the trajectory of his being bombed, countless fragmented crimson feathers were scattered along with a large amount of blood mist.

Wingman's wide wing was shattered by this blow to a small half of its wings!

The Scarlet Winged Man was injured!

This winged man, who was as tough as an ancient behemoth, was actually injured! !

Will this monster get hurt too?

This group of little monks are almost crazy, they seriously doubt if they are dreaming?

Is Chu Chen's sneak attack so terrifying?

Among the crowd, only Xuan Ke saw the truth. The moment Chu Chen Sanyang blasted into the Red Feather Wing, his right hand turned into a knife, and he cut off half of his wings with flames.

The golden red flame covering Chu Chen's right palm was different from the past, with a faint purple color! ?

Obviously he didn't know that this was the new secret technique that Chu Chen comprehended by comprehending the wildfire mood in the core of the Primordial Volcano, Ziyan Huangtian Slash!

Ziyan Huangtian Slash is a melee combat technique that incorporates the sky fire, and the hand knife condensed by the sky fire Ziyan slashes the enemy's body! !

Shi Yuyan, who originally felt that the whole world had slowed down, realized that she was flying backwards, and recovered to be as fast as a meteor.

A gray light flashed in the void, and a figure had already jumped to his side, grabbed her arm, and hugged her in his arms.

Looking up, it was the gray-clothed youth Chu Chen with an indifferent expression. The spiritual power in his body was continuously pouring into his back from his chest to heal himself.

Chu Chen, who succeeded in a sneak attack, did not relax at all. After all, the opponent was an ancient winged demon whose strength was infinitely close to the beginning of Tianhe.

About half of his body now fell into the hard ground of the square, even though he was covered in blood.

"He is too perverted. If it weren't for sneak attack on his most vulnerable place, even my Purple Flame Desolate Sky Slash would not be able to hurt him. He recovered quickly. Everyone flee!"

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the young man immediately rose into the sky, shooting like a meteor towards the place.

Lan Xuan and the others were shocked and dispersed when they heard this. They were already hiding far away. At this time, they also rushed towards the entrance of the volcano.


The Red Feather Wingman stood up again and shattered the surrounding earthquake. Numerous cracks followed his standing and crazily extended to the surroundings.

The broken wing on his back was reborn as Zheng Xun, and in just an instant, it was intact as before, and a beautiful red feather grew back.

Rage flames spurted from his eyes, ready to catch up with everyone and be completely extinct!


He found the sky darkened suddenly?

In the next second, a hundred-foot-high purple mountain fell from the sky and hit the Yiren with a heavy thud.

"What's the matter, did Senior Brother Chu throw out a mountain suddenly?"

"I don't know, it's just that I'm so far apart, and I was shocked all over!"

"The earth is going to be smashed!"

Under the leadership of Lan Xuan, a group of young monks dared not turn their heads back, and galloped toward the exit without hesitation, exhausting all their strength.

Among the monks ~www.ltnovel.com~ only the old monk Xuan Ke turned back and looked at it. It was found that thousands of feet away, there was a huge purple mountain, suppressed on the square.

This Scarlet Winged Man was suppressed by Chu Chen? !

Xuan Ke suddenly felt that in this dark square there was only one monster, the Scarlet Winged Man, and there was another monster, Chu Chen, who had made many strange tricks.

Two monsters clash!

Compared with everyone’s sigh of relief, Chu Chen, who was flying in the sky, didn’t take it lightly. He knew very well that although the Zishan, which contained the essence of the ancient giant mountain, was extremely heavy, even the Scarlet Winged Man The flesh was tyrannical, and was still hit by this one.

However, he must be unharmed!

And he will get out easily.

Just as the thoughts in Chu Chen's mind were flying, he suddenly heard a huge explosion!


The purple giant mountain was directly exploded by the Scarlet Winged Man, and he broke through the mountain.

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