Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1546: Birdman's Pursuit

A huge explosion sounded from the darkness behind them, and the monks were shocked and frightened, and even rushed. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā



I don't know what Chu Chen threw into the darkness behind. The cultivators could clearly feel that explosions and the roar of the Scarlet Winged Man continued to be heard from behind.

It should be Chu Chen using all means to stop the Red Feathers from pursuing them!

Obviously the escape route is not far away, and the cultivators who have used milk-feeding and violent energy still think the road is too long, too long!

I only hate myself for being too slow.

After Chu Chen threw away all the treasures that could be thrown out to prevent the Red Feathers from pursuing them, he held Shi Yuyan's comatose soft body and began to fly more.

He used his body technique to the extreme, and his whole person turned into a flash of lightning.

The figure was like electricity, and the scenery on both sides quickly flew behind him. When Chu Chen rushed to the entrance of the dark square, the monks below also stumbled over.

"This stone step has the aura of a seal, and it should be able to restrain the Scarlet Winged Man. He can't enter, everyone enter!"

After Chu Chen flew in, everyone gritted their teeth and hurriedly started climbing the stone steps, rushing out of the dark square area.

This is a serpentine secret passage, which looks like it has no end. Everyone who has walked through it once knows that it can lead directly to the secret chamber of the mysterious fire red crystal volcano.

The speed of everyone walking down the stone steps is not fast, but the speed of climbing the stone steps is like lightning.

As the roar from the rear got closer and closer, the monks almost crawled and jumped upwards, looking very embarrassed.

Where is a group of monks, almost like a group of ordinary people who are frightened.

Fortunately, the roar of the Red Feather Winged Man stayed at the bottom of the stone steps. As everyone climbed higher and higher, its thunderous roar became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into the darkness.

A group of monks still didn't dare to neglect, they gritted their teeth and continued to climb up. This time it was like a stone steps that had been used for centuries. A group of people climbed back into the secret room within a few hours.

The ending is naturally a group of people paralyzed or leaned back, lying in the stone room.

The only person standing was the old monk Xuan Ke, who was half leaning against the stone wall, panting like a cow, his chest undulating.

After Chu Chen, who was half-sitting, fed Shi Yuyan an ancient pill for cultivating her body, her face gradually recovered blood.

Everyone slowly became relieved.

"It's really dangerous. If it weren't for Senior Brother Chu, I'm afraid we would all feed the birds."

"It's good to survive. Even if there are huge treasures in that dark square, Lao Tzu is not rare. Life is the most important thing."

"The birdman below, shouldn't be killed?"

"of course not."

Freed from the danger, the cultivators relaxed and began to talk about it.

And Shi Yuyan in Chu Chen's arms gradually returned to her consciousness. She wanted to leave Chu Chen's arms, but she couldn't do it physically.

It was just that she struggled weakly in Chu Chen's arms. Chu Chen mistakenly thought she was slippery, and hurriedly supported her slender waist with one hand, and put her under her hip with the other hand, sending her into her arms. some.

"You...what are you doing?"

The girl's breath was still unstable, her breath was blue, her chest gently undulating, coupled with her beautiful face, there was an indescribable temptation.

"What am I doing? You are almost falling, I naturally have to hug a little tighter."

Chu Chen hugged her and said solemnly.

"But your...your...your hand is touching my...butt"

The girl's face was red, and the last two words were almost inaudible. She clearly felt Chu Chen's big rough hand, saying that it was supporting her, but she felt Chu Chen's five fingers tighten.

"It seems that you were hurt too badly, thinking about it."

Chu Chen still looked serious, "Because your body has lost the strength to support it, so you slide down, and I will hold you repeatedly. Besides, do you people from the Scarlet Shadow Sect still stick to such a small part? Didn't you mean to confuse me before?"

Chu Chen suddenly said that Shi Yuyan was speechless, and only said the word "you" blushingly.

"I'm a very innocent person. Don't say I won't take advantage of others. Even if I really touch you, it will be regarded as the interest collected by saving you, and you should return me with peace of mind."

Chu Chen teased Shi Yuyan calmly, and couldn't help but want to laugh while looking at her flustered appearance.

Demon girl, this is the price you paid for me with charming tricks before.

Chu Chen was thinking about how to tease Shi Yuyan, that is, suddenly the whole secret room was shaking?

Just when Chu Chen wondered whether it was his own illusion, the secret room suddenly shook violently.

The cultivators felt it too, they looked around in horror, wondering if the Scarlet Winged Man had killed him.

At this moment, the little hamster ran out and stood directly on Chu Chen’s shoulders, with a solemn expression on his face, "This volcano will be destroyed after the ancient volcanic core has been lost. It will soon usher in the ultimate eruption. You will leave immediately. ."

Chu Chen's face also changed. His spiritual consciousness was already unmatched in strength. At this time, in his induction, he could perceive a huge and unmatched mass beneath the profound ground of this Profound Fire Chijing Volcano. The torrent of is constantly converging, surging, as if a predatory behemoth is about to escape!

That majestic panic and Tianwei made people feel a wave of terror from the deepest part of the soul, and even Chu Chen felt an aura of destruction from there!

This profound fire red crystal volcano... all the energy contained in it will be completely released at once!

The sky and the earth were shaking violently, and the little hamster kept urging Chu Chen to leave.

"This volcano is going to be destroyed, everyone sinks!"

Chu Chen's whole body was blown up, without any delay, he rushed to the outermost stone wall with Shi Yuyan in his arms, and hit the stone wall with his right palm.


With a loud and muffled sound, the stone gate a few feet later opened again, and countless billowing smoke rose.

Chu Chen flicked his sleeves and blew away the thick smoke that came in, and flew back into the belly of the volcano with Shi Yuyan.

At this time, thick smoke and Mars were everywhere in the belly of the volcano, and beneath it was a sea of ​​rolling blood-colored magma, and the air temperature around it became extremely high.

Chu Chen had the illusion that he was inside the sun. There was fire everywhere, and the moisture in his body was quickly disappearing. He felt that he was about to be dried out!

The scorching poison made Shi Yuyan coughing in Chu Chen's arms~www.ltnovel.com~ Chu Chen could only hold Shi Yuyan in one hand, and fan her away the smoke and poisonous fire with the other. Flying towards the crater in the thick smoke.

Behind him was also a group of monks who couldn't help coughing, and all of them were choked with tears and noses.

Following Chu Chen who opened the way, he flew up lifelessly.


But the volcano shook more severely, and the sea of ​​magma below has exploded continuously!

From time to time, one after another hot magma column flew up.

The monks could only fly while avoiding the attack from below, and the speed became slower, causing the crater to become far away!

Lan Xuan wiped out the tears from the smoke and poisoned fire. After thinking about it, the volcano was about to explode, and everyone had no time to escape from the belly of the volcano. Is this a turtle in the urn?

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