Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1547: Escape

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Lan Xuan felt that just burning his body to increase it would not have time to rush out of the volcano before its destruction. ⒉

The faces of the other monks were also helpless and desperate.

At this moment, Chu Chen's voice suddenly came from the thick fog above his head.

"Everyone is ready to urge your spiritual power to rush into the magic rune I give you!"

Chu Chen, who was holding Shi Yuyan, shook his hand, and blue aura shot downwards, flying down to everyone, revealing crystal jade charms.

Lan Xuan and others subconsciously mobilized spiritual power.

In an instant, I saw a bright blue light burst out of the jade talisman.

Under the light of this blue light, the degrees of all the monks suddenly increased, and they rose into the sky one after another, like a group of blue meteors, flying towards the crater.

This magic talisman is a one-time escape medicine talisman carefully refined by Chu Chen himself, and its effect is extremely sky-defying.

At this moment, even Zhou Lin, who had the lowest cultivation base, burst out almost equivalent to the late Linghe Great Realm. Dozens of people's shadows are like blue lightning splitting the dense smoke, moving against the sky.

From the outside, the Xuanhuo Chijing Volcano is just an underground volcano with a height of more than a few hundred feet, but its internal space is as deep as several thousand feet.

A group of people rushed towards the crater, tearing the space apart.


The world trembles, and the vast magma lake is surging violently, and the black and red streamers are scattered like light snakes.

At the same time, a huge sense of oppression also rose from below.

The sky is falling...

At this second, all the monks had this idea in their hearts.

The pressure is clearly coming from below, but all the monks still have a sense of perversion as if the sky has collapsed.

To be precise, it is like the sky is collapsing from below.


There was another dull roar, and in the boiling magma sea, a huge stream of black-red magma burst out of the water and rose into the sky.

Although this is not an official volcano storm, it is also a huge torrent!

The mighty torrent of black and red magma is boundless, quickly filling the entire space of the volcano's belly, and rushing upwards at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, he will catch up with everyone and drown everyone!

The foreplay of this volcanic storm is to kill everyone...

There was still some distance from the exit, Chu Chen frowned.

No, you have to block it!

A cold light flashed in Chu Chen's eyes, his palms shook, and his fingertips flickered, and a shield with brilliant red light appeared in his hand.

I saw him holding Shi Yuyan in one hand and urging his spiritual power with the other.

The golden-red shield rose up against the storm, and instantly became larger, forming a huge shield with a radius of more than three feet and a thickness of three feet.

Holding this huge shield, Chu Chen's figure suddenly folded, and actually staggered across the crowd, falling down?

In an instant, it fell from the front of the team to the end, and Chu Chen immediately slammed the shield, and the large shield was stepped under his feet, like a boat.

The monks didn't need his instructions, and knew that this was the only vitality, and they fell on his shield one after another.


In the violent tremor, a torrent of black and red magma slammed fiercely on the other side of the giant shield.

The monks swayed from side to side, holding hands to barely stabilize their figures.

But Chu Chen's figure was violently shocked, and a big mouthful of blood was ejected with a "poof".

As the master of the spirit shield, he endured almost all the impact.

Even if the other monks held hands, they shook wildly. At this time, they could only look at Chu Chen with concern, and they didn't even have the energy to speak.

Just like this, everyone stood on the shield with difficulty, being pushed by the torrent of magma and rushing towards the sky involuntarily!


The turbulent magma slapped on the golden-red giant shield with a shocking sound, and almost exhausted his life in Chu Chen, frantically spurring spiritual power, the giant shield continued to condense again, and eventually it was not burned!

See the blue sky!

This group of monks was about to cry at this moment, and they escaped the crater under the leadership of Chu Chen!

Although the blue sky is almost obscured by heavy smoke, it is still blue sky!

With the impact of this magma, Chu Chen, like a boatman who controls a boat, turned sideways, using a huge shield to lead the crowd and flew away to the void on the right.


The underground volcano has finally entered the stage of final destructive explosion!

A huge black and red light beam rose into the sky, directly smashing the sky!

The atmosphere was directly blasted out of a huge gap, and countless gusts of wind poured in!

The flames, thick smoke, lava, wind, and the top of the underground volcanoes have become the existence of Shura hell!

Space can't help crash, repair, crash again, fix again!

Chu Chen, who was still flying away, also rejoiced in her heart. Fortunately, she had escaped at a critical moment, otherwise everyone would have been reduced to ashes.

Some people in Chu Chen looked back, not only the sky was like a cultivation hell, but the Xuanjing volcano on the ground was also completely shattered!

This eventually exploded, and the extremely strong Xuanjing Volcano was completely destroyed.

There was a mess on the ground, and within a radius of hundreds of miles, black and red magma spread vertically and horizontally everywhere, making the entire space seem to be a sea of ​​magma.

With the last of his strength, Chu Chen flew everyone to a barren little rocky mountain, and then removed the spirit shield ~www.ltnovel.com~ and fell on the bare cliff with everyone.

Looking at the burning earth in the distance, and the thick black smoke, everyone sighed infinitely.

Escape from the volcano, as if a world away.

When everyone stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the vast world, they suddenly felt very small.

In this little fairy world, human monks are just creatures like dust.

Everyone took the pill to adjust their vitality, but they did not dare to relax.

Because you can see the sky in the distance, small black dots pass by from time to time, and the small black dots that you see from a distance are the third cataclysm, the king beasts that have come to the little fairy world.

Flying in the distance is a small black spot, and flying close, it will become a terrifying ancient beast that will destroy everyone.

The entire Little Immortal Realm, I am afraid there is no security at all.

The king beast comes, and the endless storm of death blows up!


Everyone watched from a distance as a small black spot was getting bigger, which meant that a king beast flew in the direction of everyone!

A strange roar that resembled an eagle and a tiger roar suddenly came from a distance.

The monks shuddered at once, have they been spotted by the distant king beast?

At this time, if everyone is really locked down by the king beast, it would be impossible to even escape.

Can only sit and wait one by one.

Even Chu Chen's face disappeared, as calmly as always, he who was going to hand Shi Yuyan to Zhou Lin in the team, his face sank as water.

The other monks clenched their fists one by one, because they really didn't have the energy to escape again!

The current little fairy world has become a little underworld!

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