Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1553: The guide of life hanging by a thread

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In this chaotic little fairy world, what super power Chu Chen knows, can he be a guide?

When everyone was puzzled, Chu Chen flew up to the top of a giant tree beside him, "Everyone will know when they come up."

So the monks flew up one after another, stood on the big tree ten feet high, followed the guidance of Chu Chen, and looked forward together.

Condescendingly, everyone found that in the forest a hundred meters away, two people were looking around nervously, staggering all the way.

One of them was a middle-aged monk who was over 40 years old. This male monk looked young, but he was full of silver hair, his realm cultivation was not weak, and his eyes were godlike, and he seemed to be intriguing.

However, his clothes were already covered with blood stains, and he was obviously seriously injured.

What everyone paid most attention to was the tight-fitting black suit he wore, and a vivid blood-colored eagle embroidered on his chest.

This is... This is the uniform of the official members of the Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group!

It also means that the severely wounded monk is an official member of the Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group!

Next to the silver-haired man, there was a young black-shirted monk with a childish face, and his expression was extremely nervous at this time.

His eyes scanned the surroundings from time to time, but his body was trembling slightly, as if he was alive after a catastrophe, and his heart was palpitating.

The expressions of the monks suddenly became solemn, and the selection of the Blood Eagle Breaking Formation Group was extremely strict, and all those who could become official members were elites among the strong.

Seeing that one of them is so seriously injured, all of them are almost scared. It seems that they have encountered a lot of trouble.

"Do the two seniors need help?"

After Chu Chen made the sound, the figure flew down like a big bird, and when the gray figure swept in front of them silently, the black-shirted teenager who was about to frighten was suddenly shocked.

However, when he glanced at the blood eagle totem embroidered on Chu Chen's chest, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Lan Xuan, Xuan Ke and others also flew down from the big tree, and landed around them one after another.

"Are you newcomers who have recently joined the group?"

Seeing that it was his own, the young black-shirted monk felt relieved, and he took a long breath before speaking.

"You newcomers are very lucky, and we are miserable. First, we were involved in the World Exterminating Demon Wind Hurricane Group. After being washed away, we encountered a Blood Shark King Beast. All the others died. Only me and Brother Xie was lucky to survive..."

As the boy spoke, tears flowed out. It was obvious that the scene was too tragic when he escaped.

He wiped his eyes heavily, "Now that Senior Brother Xie Hong is seriously injured, do you have any healing pills on your body? Our pills have been consumed, and he is afraid he can't support it..."


Chu Chen nodded, immediately took out a jade bottle from the storage ring and handed it over.

The silver monk named Xie Hong was almost unable to support him at this time, and he sat cross-legged on the ground, his face distorted because of pain.

The black-shirted boy took the jade bottle that Chu Chen handed over, poured a dark red pill from the bottle and fed it into Xie Hong's mouth.

Xie Hong, whose whole body was trembling with pain, swallowed the pill in one mouthful, hoping to relieve Xiangfen's pain.

Because he knew very well that these new disciples would naturally not have any good products.

Unexpectedly, the elixir melted in the mouth, and in an instant, a strong spiritual power rushed out from the abdomen, spreading like a stormy sea to the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, quickly repairing his injuries, and adding The spiritual power he consumes.

The pain of the wound was relieved a lot!

What kind of medicine is this?

He was shocked. He didn't expect that this pill could heal his wounds while also replenishing his spiritual power!

Moreover, the spiritual power contained in this pill is too rich, and there are almost no impurities in this medicinal power, so there is no need to spend any spiritual power to refining, and it can be absorbed almost directly and transformed into your own spiritual power!

The injury is being repaired at a crazy speed!

His dying life was saved by this pill that looked very ordinary?

"This is a body rejuvenation pill that I practiced myself."

Chu Chen looked at Xie Hong's expression that was so shocked that he was so shocked that he gave a light explanation.

"You did it yourself!"

Xie Hong's mouth opened wide, and he couldn't close it for a long time.

As an official member of the Blood Eagle Breaking Formation Group, Xie Hong is also very knowledgeable and knows how many Qi Pills he has taken.

But he has never swallowed a magical pill of such a pure grade that combines Qi and healing.

It turned out to be a novice member of the blood eagle who refined it, and it can only be said that there is a hidden dragon and a tiger in the little fairy world.

Any inconspicuous teenager may have a great background.

"Thank you, brother."

Xie Hong knew his fate, so he picked it up from Guimenguan.

"You are welcome, two seniors, come back to the camp with us first."

Xuan Ke directly carried Xie Hong on his back, while Lan Xuan supported the black shirt boy, and everyone returned to the camp.

When the two of them were relieved, Chu Chen came to them again.

"I have a question to ask two seniors."

Xie Hong opened his slightly closed eyes, and the black-shirted boy said readily, "Junior Brother, please ask, if you know, we will tell you."

Chu Chen nodded, "Our group of blood eagle's new disciples have separated from the leader of the team, Leng Tong, and she let us go to the blood eagle headquarters in the deepest part of Xiaoxianjie."

"It turns out that your newcomers are from Senior Sister Leng Tong, so you don't have any idea about the location of the blood eagle headquarters, and you don't know where you are in the depths of the little fairy world, do you?"

The boy in black asked rhetorically.

Chu Chen didn't answer yet, Lan Xuan rushed to the side and nodded repeatedly.

"Although everyone saved us, this is top secret information and cannot be told to everyone."

The refreshing black shirt boy refused without any concealment.

The expressions on the faces of the cultivators dimmed a lot, only Chu Chen turned his gaze to Xie Hong, who was sitting quietly on the side.

"Junior Brother Xiaotian, the situation now is different from the past. The headquarters is not top-secret information. It seems that it is our luck and your luck that everyone will encounter this time."

Xie Hong, who has been silent all the time, suddenly spoke ~www.ltnovel.com~ The headquarters base could not tell you these new disciples, because it is in the deepest place we have broken through in the Little Fairy Realm. One is dangerous, and the other is only Elite disciples are eligible for the exam, but now the situation is special, and you have saved us again, so let's make an exception and tell you. "

He slowly took a mysterious yellow map jade slip from his arms and handed it to the young black-shirted monk.

The black-shirted young monk nodded, injected spiritual power, and a huge three-dimensional map of the little fairy world appeared in front of everyone.

This map was different from what the monks had seen before. It was lifelike, just like the real world.

The green grass, green hills like daisy, red rocks like fire, the colors of each area are very bright.

Just like a complete miniature world.

"You are optimistic, we must remember to go northwest from us, cross here...here...and finally come to this place..."

After the black-shirted young cultivator patiently explained, everyone compared the map left by Leng Tong and repeatedly compared each other, they finally figured out the true location of the leader of the blood eagle breaking formation.

The terrain was much more complicated and farther than Chu Chen had imagined.

It can only be said that the Little Fairy World is too big, just on the way, I don't know how long it will take to reach the front line and see the little junior sister.

Chu Chen couldn't help but sighed softly.

The cultivators did not expect that Chu Chen would sigh, but they hadn't reacted yet. Chu Chen was already dark in color as usual, and said calmly, "Everyone should summon the mounts. While we are preparing to avoid the king beast, Fly at full speed!"

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