Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1554: Minefield

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Chu Chen's group lifted off again, but they were completely different from what they had when they first fled from Jiao Island!

Because half of the people's mounts have died in the terrifying hurricane and lava.

In desperation, basically the two ride together.

Shi Yuyan, because of her powerful charm and coercion, made no one dared to ride with her, even if she was still in a weak state.

Zhou Lin also secretly told Chu Chen that as Shi Yuyan gradually recovered, she became more terrifying.

Only Chu Chen dared to let her sit on her Cancer's back.

Based on the location of the headquarters he obtained from Xie Hong, Chu Chen led everyone in the right direction, and it took three days to fly.

These three days were basically flying day and night, because at night, the trail of the king beast became extremely difficult to capture, and it appeared even more mysterious.

It's like burrowing into the void suddenly, and like burrowing out of the void suddenly.

As he went all the way, the number of king beasts he encountered was increasing, and Chu Chen discovered that he had recently encountered the sacred dragon king beast near the underground volcano, which was almost the weakest one.

This also means that when encountering other king beasts head-on, Chu Chen's group basically has only one way to destroy them.

Therefore, Chu Chen led the crowd, constantly circumventing the king beasts, one after another, that might bring disaster to the cultivators.

Although the speed of everyone on the road in these three days was fast, it was not easy at all.

Just like flying in a minefield, although the density of landmines is not large, once they are touched, they will not escape.

During the three-day journey, Shi Yuyan had recovered halfway. Although it was too early to return to the peak state, she already had the ability to protect herself.

Lan Xuan, who has been talking endlessly, made the atmosphere in the team a lot easier.

At this time, Lan Xuan began to provoke the young cultivators in the team again, saying that if anyone could catch up with him, he would lose to the other party with a spirit river body technique.

This condition made the young cultivators eager to try.

"Who is the first to chase me, this is hers...


The sound of the wind roared, and the ghost dolphin under Lan Xuan seat rolled up a gust of wind to the sky.

Like a star rising from the team, but the team just opened less than a hundred meters, a terrifying pressure suddenly rolled down from the high sky, as if a big mountain suddenly capsized!


Lan Xuan was completely stunned, and Chu Chen's complexion below changed, the power of the vast soul surged out, and a huge smooth and invisible shield was placed in the void.

His palm shook violently, and a golden red light swept out, covering the ghost dolphin and Lan Xuan in midair.

The pressure of horror overturned from high above, falling on the soul shield in mid-air, smoothly blowing to both sides.

In the dark, everyone felt a huge and incomparable existence flying past the high sky.

That terrifying, powerful and unspeakable existence makes people feel terrified from the bottom of my heart.

"That is……"

Lan Xuan's face was pale with trembling legs, and the horrible pressure just now seemed to come from the spiritual exploration of a powerful king-level ancient beast.

If it weren't for Chu Chen to use the soul shield in time to remove the pressure, I am afraid that he would have been directly crushed by the oppression of the spiritual sense at this time!

The spiritual sense of the king-level ancient beasts crushes and kills common people?

"That's the spiritual sense of a spider king beast! This high altitude of thousands of miles is covered by the spiritual sense of a spider king beast, so we'd better not fly in the air and return to the ground immediately."

After Chu Chen reminded him, everyone discovered that there was a huge web in the sky hundreds of miles away, and inside the web was a black spider king beast the size of an island.

The monsters weaving the net directly in the air, even though they were seen from a distance, made everyone's hair creepy.

"It seems that there are some high-ranking monks' bodies stuck on the Internet."

Shi Yuyan's spiritual sense is also very strong, she soon discovered the corpses of the monks who were hung in the air.

The expressions of the monks changed drastically, and the young girl monks were even more frightened.

These dozens of corpses of monks suspended in the air, from a distance, are really weird.

After landing, the cultivators had a tacit understanding and began to circle the area of ​​the spider king beast on the ground. Obviously, the flying knights also sensed the terrible pressure in the sky, and none of them dared to fly into the air. Spreading hoofs and running wildly.

A group of people rushed on the ground in the vast little fairy world, and there were ruined walls everywhere they passed.

After the third cataclysm of the Little Immortal Realm, the Little Immortal Realm was not lightly destroyed. According to Chu Chen's estimation, at least a small half of the area has already suffered a devastating impact.

After another day of driving, a huge city finally appeared in the sight of the monks.

"It's Huiyu City! Let's go in and take a look. If we can find members of the Huiyu Breaking Formation Group, we may get help!"

Xie Hong on the lion eagle beast yelled in surprise, and the black shirt boy Li Zheng who was riding with him also brightened.

The relationship between the top 30 of Xiaoxian Realm's Destroyer Groups is complicated and not monolithic. Some Destroyer Groups have a lot of grievances, and some Destroyer Groups have always had a good relationship.

The Blood Eagle Breaking Formation Group and Huiyu Breaking Formation Group belong to the latter.

It is said that the founding ancestor of Huiyu Breaking Formation Group is also a divine bird and has a close relationship with the blood eagle ancestor, so the two big Breaking Formation groups often join forces.

Xie Hong was naturally very pleasantly surprised to see the main city of Huiyu Breaking the Array at this time.

The emotions of the cultivators were all infected by him, and only Chu Chen was calmer. In the current Little Immortal Realm, not encountering danger is a great advantage.

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It's just that after the monks entered the city, the faces of everyone's surprise instantly became embarrassed.

Stepping into the city, a desolate and dilapidated scene will come into view.

More than half of the huge city wall as high as tens of meters collapsed, and the uncollapsed part showed two huge gaps, which looked like it was blown away by the claws of something.

Entering the inside of the city, you can see that most of the palaces, pavilions, and pavilions have collapsed and collapsed, a scene of decadence with ruined walls, and occasionally several intact palaces have already been empty.

From time to time, patches of dark red blood can be seen on the damaged wall, which seems to have experienced a tragic battle.

The entire city was completely turned into ruins, without any vitality.

Xie Hong, who had recovered some of his injuries, led the crowd to several intact palaces and rushed in. After searching for a period of time, his complexion became a little better.

"There are no corpses left. Some medicines, weapons, food and other materials stored in the city were all removed. It seems that they were all evacuated after the ancient beasts broke the city.

The black-shirted boy Li Zheng was obviously familiar with the people of Huiyu Breaking Formation Group, and his expression suddenly became more relaxed.

At this moment, Chu Chen frowned slightly, and suddenly the uneasy feeling that felt like a glow on his back came to his heart again. It seemed that there was something peeping at everyone from the sky?

When he immediately scanned with his spiritual sense, he found that it was safe inside and outside a hundred miles.

Chu Chen rubbed his eyes lightly, maybe because he was too tired to be on the way, he had an illusion.

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