Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1563: Friends, everyone starts business at once

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? "I see, and this thing is too difficult chicken wings, mainly because my cultivation level is indeed too low. ⒉"

Chu Chen nodded clearly. This Primordial volcanic crystal core was extremely high-grade, and it would be sucked up once accidentally by his cultivation base. The risk of using it was too great.

"What's the matter, you summoned me back just to discuss the matter of raising the realm?"

The little hamster still had a wink, knowing what issues Chu Chen would consider after activating the Primordial Volcanic nucleus.

"Yes, I need to use the fastest method to improve my realm to practice."

Chu Chen is straightforward.

"Hey, there seems to be a sense of urgency."

The little hamster looked like a fortune-teller that had long been expected.

"Do you have a way?"

The look of the little hamster became even more unpredictable.

"To tell you the truth, the exercise you are practicing is an extremely rare set of exercises in ancient times. Its power is a thousand times higher than that of ordinary exercises, and the more you practice it, the stronger and more perverted it becomes, but it also has one A very big shortcoming, that is, it is very slow...or to cultivate it, it is almost doomed that there is no way to improve one's cultivation level too quickly...

"and then?"

Chu Chen knew that this guy likes to sell Guanzi, so he calmly continued to ask.

The little hamster stroked his beard, did not know where he took out a blue-purple bean-sized object and threw it into his mouth, then chewed it loudly.

"It is very difficult for you to upgrade this set of exercises from the Black Mist Valley, and the process of upgrading by swallowing other exercises is also unique. If you are outside, you can basically only practice a little honestly. Your cultivation level is actually not too slow..."

The little hamster looked like a badass pointing Jiangshan, Chu Chen could only bear it if he wanted to listen to it.

"But now there are many crises in the Little Immortal Realm. A monk Tianhe can kill a group of you completely. It's... speechless..., isn't it the monk Tianhe? I think back then, even the monk Linghai couldn't compare to the deity. A very little finger..."

Seeing it blow to the sky, Chu Chen finally couldn't help it. A tiger's paw grabbed the hairy fat ball in his hand and pinched it a few times, making it blush with a thick neck before letting go.

"This heaven and earth, you alone, please tell me the point."

Seeing that Chu Chen looked bad, the little hamster took a few long breaths before pretending to lower his voice.

"Ahem... there was nothing you could do about it, but well... in the Little Immortal Realm, you still have a chance. Here, it's a place full of miracles..."


Knowing the hamster temperament, Chu Chen simply picked up the small ball with **** and tossed it, "You have found a way?"

"First put the deity down..."

Chu Chen didn't deliberately grasp it, and let the round little hamster break free and fall down.

"Ahem... In the past few days when you were in a coma, I was bored and went outside to stroll around. Now not far from here, there seems to be a group of monks preparing to hold a ‘Sky Auction’."

The little hamster didn't dare to sell it again this time, and said it very neatly.

"Really? The Little Immortal Realm is no better than usual, there are still people holding auctions?"

Chu Chen was a little surprised.

The little hamster nodded vigorously, "Of course it is true. When such king-level ancient beasts are running all over the floor, they dare to hold an auction. You can imagine that those people are not weak!"

The little hamster’s eyes lit up suddenly, "So there will be some real good things inside, we can go and see, I have a hunch, maybe I can come across a few ancient treasures that can help you quickly improve your cultivation."


Chu Chen thought, too, that there are bound to be many amazing treasures in the auctions that can be held in the small fairy world of this **** mode.

"Furthermore, you also need a lot of jade slips to upgrade your exercises now, so you will definitely not return empty-handed."

"Hope, but..."

Chu Chen suddenly thought of a serious problem and frowned slightly.

"what is the problem?"

The little hamster looked puzzled.


Chu Chen pondered for a moment before speaking again, “It’s not difficult to go to the auction, but we don’t seem to have any valuables in our hands to mortgage. I have almost eaten the pill that I refined before. It’s not a good treasure at all."

"Well... don't look at me, I am a pet. The treasures from where are there, even if they are in stock, they have all changed their rations."

Chu Chen's gaze made the little hamster a little furry, his chubby face flushed immediately, and he waved his hand back and forth.

"Stubborn dead mouse, you propose to go to the auction, then think of a solution for me."

Chu Chen's owner asked the pet for money, justified.

"In this case……"

The little hamster also pondered for a while, and suddenly smiled slyly, "By the way, you can borrow some treasure from the girl Shi Yuyan, that demon girl is a half-step Tianhe-level powerhouse, plus she has a deep heart. Many good things have been searched in the fairy world."

"Borrow? Will she give it to me if I go to lend it?"

Chu Chen didn't understand what it meant at first, but when he saw the smirk in the little hamster's eyes, he immediately understood, and nodded thoughtfully, "Okay, I see."

Chu Chen opened up, and quickly found Shi Yuyan under the big tree~www.ltnovel.com~ This ancient branch was luxuriant, Shi Yuyan sat half asleep on the top of the tree with her eyes closed, behind her was a huge round The bright moon, this is even more immortal to the white girl.

Chu Chen didn't know that she hadn't been fully accounted for, and simply sat under her old tree, and decided to wait until she woke up to talk.

It didn't take long for Chu Chen to sit and circulate the spiritual power in his body, and then heard the voice of a girl from above.

"Come on!"

"Female benefactor, in the middle of the night, you dare to let me climb up to where you sleep, aren't you afraid to lead the wolf into the room?" Chu Chen deliberately frightened Shi Yuyan.

"Then please leave. When you use your spiritual power, your body is like a stove, and the tree is almost scorched."

As soon as the girl spoke, she changed the order to chase off.

Chu Chen took a leap, jumping to the top of the canopy where the girl in white clothes was like a fairy.

In the moonlight, the girl was so glamorous that she couldn't find anything else, her lonely eyes turned away thousands of miles away.

It suddenly made Chu Chen think that Shi Yuyan, who was injured before, was held by herself, and the situation of various manipulations in order to treat her injuries was in contrast with the appearance of the deserted fairy now.

I really miss when she was injured before.

"I want to do business with you." Chu Chen stood slightly with his hands in his hands, standing on the branches that fluctuate with the wind, very free and easy.


The girl frowned slightly.

"Of course it's in business. Do you think I climbed up your tree in the middle of the night to soak you?"

A gust of wind suddenly blew, Chu Chen didn't seem to stand firm, and directly waved his hands "exaggeratedly" and fell to Shi Yuyan on the other side of the canopy.

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