Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1564: Sister's small goal

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Chu Chen fell to Shi Yuyan too fast. Shi Yuyan was in a panic, half-holding and half-hugging instinctively, and caught Chu Chen who fell in her arms.

The two got too close at once, and the temperature of Chu Chen's breathing and body was so hot that the girl's heartbeat accelerated, and a blush appeared on her neck.

She pushed Chu Chen away from her arms with difficulty, her eyes still flustered, "Stand up yourself, you...what business are you going to do?"

Chu Chen straightened his clothes slowly, "Senior Sister Shi, guess what business I will do with Sister Sister, don't be crooked..."

"Who would..." Shi Yuyan suddenly realized that she had a feeling of being played between the palms of her hands by this young Lingxi boy, and she immediately conquered her.

Shi Yuyan has walked among the male monks since she left the teacher's school and went down the mountain. It can be said that there is no disadvantage. A genius monk at the Linghe level will not hesitate to go through water and fire for her.

Now, he was slumped in the hands of this Lingxi boy.

Is this guy his natural nemesis?

"Well, senior sister, don't make trouble, let's get back to business and talk business."

Seeing Chu Chen's serious appearance, Shi Yuyan almost vomited blood out. It was obvious that he was messing around here, how did he become himself...

"In this way, I'm here, just want to exchange some treasures with Senior Sister. Senior Sister has been in the Little Immortal Realm for so long, so I must have a good collection."

Chu Chen looked at Shi Yuyan and put on a "businessman" suit with a nearly smile.

"I have a lot of treasures here, and it's okay if I want to exchange them, but I want to tell you that they are all precious. It depends on what you exchanged for?"

With a straight face, the young girl finally recovered her look like a deserted fairy at this time, with a look of business affairs and rejection thousands of miles away.

"Use my physical body."


Shi Yuyan was prepared for these moves of Chu Chen, cold-eyed, her face looked like frost.

Chu Chen sighed faintly, "Senior Sister, you practice fascination to control the world, and those who fascinate should be boundless. Controlling the common people is in applause, right?"

"That's it."

Shi Yuyan instinctively watched Chu Chen set herself off.

"Controlling the people of the world! It is a good goal. Although it is good to be farsighted, no matter how great the goal is, you have to come step by step. Practitioners are the most taboo and lofty."

Chu Chen squinted at her, "You haven't even accepted me, so you want to control the world under the applause? I think you should take it step by step and achieve a small goal first. Yang took it away."


Shi Yuyan's face was dark, "I don't need it! What kind of messy little goal, if you talk nonsense, just get out of me."

Chu Chen saw that the demon girl had been angered by herself, and if she continued to molest her, it would not end well, so she quickly adjusted her tone.

"Uh...well, to be honest, my treasures were basically destroyed by Yu Wenguang, there are no treasures to trade."

Chu Chen didn't have a half ashamed expression on her face, "Ahem, although I have nothing now, you also know that my future is boundless, Senior Sister, and I will never lose out if I invest in me. Keep your collection and treat you too. It's no use, lend it to me, I will definitely return it to you even with a profit, and I promise that this profit will surprise you."

"Well, it turns out you want an empty glove white wolf."

Shi Yuyan gave him a white look, her eyes flowed, and said coldly, "Then tell me, what are you going to borrow from me for treasure?"

"Does this need to be investigated?"

"Let's say, if the purpose is right, I can't borrow you."

"let me see……"

The corner of Chu Chen's mouth twitched, and after a while, he told Shi Yuyan the news of the sky auction.

At this chaotic and dangerous moment in Xiaoxianjie, going to the auction is definitely a dangerous thing.

But the demon girl has recovered from her injuries, no matter what happens, she should be able to retreat.

"Sky Auction?"

Shi Yuyan's eyes lit up, "Unexpectedly, in the devastated world of Xiaoxian, there are people who have such courage to hold such a top auction..."

"So I want to get to know, I have to borrow some treasures from my senior sister to try my luck."

Shi Yuyan calmed down after hearing the words, and stopped talking, as if she was seriously considering whether to borrow Chu Chen's treasure.

At this moment, Chu Chen couldn't help becoming nervous. Looking at the girl with frowning eyebrows under the moonlight, she suddenly felt that every minute and second was extremely long.

After a while, the girl finally spoke.

"It's not impossible to borrow your treasure, but it's conditional."

"Good conditions to discuss!"

Chu Chen didn't wait for Shi Yuyan to speak, and she was the first to express her position, only to pat her chest hard.

"There are a few items in my collection that I can't give you. You can pick three of the rest."

"Only three..."

"It's just three, and you don't have to pay it back after you take it away."

Shi Yuyan's face was calm and calm.

"Is there such a good thing? I can't believe my ears...Could Senior Sister really fall in love with me?"

Chu Chen smiled, naturally he would not believe that the demon girl gave him something for nothing.

"As long as you promise to help me once when I need it in the future."

Shi Yuyan was also very straightforward and put forward her own conditions straightforwardly.


Chu Chen raised his eyebrows. This answer was beyond his expectation. He imagined Shi Yuyan's various reactions, but didn't expect that she would say to help?

"That's right~www.ltnovel.com~what is that to help?"

"At present, I have not encountered anything that requires special help." Shi Yuyan said with a cold look, "but don't worry, if you think I want you to help at that time, it is difficult or unreasonable, you can Refuse."

"You are very understanding."

"But you will owe me this favor until one day you can use it."

The girl in white said word by word.

Chu Chen pondered for a moment. In fact, Shi Yuyan's request was not excessive, and she gave herself the initiative.

To put it bluntly, it is to exchange three less important treasures for a chance to help yourself.

This enchantress is quite good at doing business.

But since the initiative was in his hands, and Chu Chen needed treasures, there was nothing to refuse, so he nodded immediately: "Deal."

In the moonlight, a man and a woman high-five and make an appointment, which is considered to be a negotiation of this business.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the wind in the forest is getting stronger and stronger, and the surrounding trees are constantly undulating in the wind, like waves.

And Chu Chen and Shi Yuyan at the top of the tree were like standing in the waves.

"Senior Sister, take the goods out and let me open my eyes."

Chu Chen looked forward to it, this demon girl's collection, no matter how bad it is.

"Look up!"

Shi Yuyan nodded, no nonsense. She immediately activated her spiritual power. The storage ring in her hand burst out with a hazy aura. Randomly saw clusters of dazzling treasures flying out of the ring, gradually ranking high. High suspended under the moonlight.

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