Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1566: Tianyuan Breakthrough

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"Throw this uncle? The stinky smelly boy, when this uncle is in the world, your ancestor's ancestor still doesn't know where to play in the mud!"

The little hamster was so angry that he wanted to shoot Lan Xuan to death.

"My uncle's ability is not bluffing. If you don't believe me, ask the girl surnamed Shi, if I had not taught her a secret technique suitable for her physique, could she recover so quickly from the heavy damage of the ancient winged man? ?"

Um, is there such a thing?

Chu Chen and Lan Xuan looked at Shi Yuyan at the same time, and they saw the beautiful girl cast a blank look at Chu Chen.

"It's time for your pet to take care of it. You just told me a simple luck trick to heal injuries, and you blackmailed all the best elixir from me."


Chu Chen was stunned, and the little hamster next to him seemed a little embarrassed and gave a wicked smile.

"What little trick, the ultimate secret technique tailored for you, I always do business at a fair price."

"Profit merchant, a nest of snakes and rats."

Shi Yuyan snorted softly, but looked straight at Chu Chen.

Chu Chen looked upright and awe-inspiring, "This matter has nothing to do with me. Okay, I am not familiar with this mouse. It is it and I am me. This dead mouse has also taken a lot of blackmail from me. Things, everyone is a victim..."


Just as a few people were talking and laughing, a violent whistling suddenly came out of the void.

Howling sounds like thunder, coming from the very distant horizon?

But with a powerful penetrating power, it seemed like a certain kind of call, which resounded straight through the deepest part of the minds of all monks.

All five of them looked up, and they saw a bright white pike coming straight from the distant sky.

It was a white python with a body length of more than ten feet, and its eyes were very mysterious and unpredictable.

The giant python that quickly swam close to the crowd has a golden unicorn on its head, and its body is much wider than an ordinary python, looking like a small boat.

It circled the crowd a few times, and saw that Chu Chen and the others were on the top of the monument. The golden horned white python neighed long, and its broad body bent in mid-air, and landed beside the top of the monument.

Lan Xuan, Xuan Ke and others immediately became alert, but the little hamster jumped over and squeaked without fear at all, and heard a thunderous dull sound from the bottom of the golden horned white python's throat. ring.

"So it's like this..."

The little hamster squeaked and exchanged a few words with the white python and nodded, "It encountered a king-level Six-armed Demon Ape King on the road. In order to avoid the Demon Ape King’s search for breath, it took a lot of detours before returning. so late."

Chu Chen found that there was a faint scar on its tail, and he didn't know whether it had a strong healing ability or a relatively light injury. In short, it was not easy to escape from the mouth of the king beast.

"It turns out that this is the universal spirit beast that took us into the sky auction house."

Chu Chen nodded, "It's not easy. Now there are countless king-level ancient beasts in the Little Immortal Realm, and they are full of dangers everywhere. It would be nice to come and pick us up."

The little hamster did not talk any more nonsense, took out a fist-sized black ball from the storage space and threw it at the white python.

The golden horned white python caught it and swallowed it on its own, suddenly bursting into a jet black light.

Then I saw that white python nodded at the crowd and swept his back with his giant tail.

The five immediately understood, and jumped onto the back of the white python, the huge golden horned white python suddenly roared, and a golden-white mask lit up on his body.

The next moment, a huge white python rose into the sky, and the scenery on both sides quickly flew towards the rear in Chu Chen's eyes.

The golden white halo bursts out a dazzling pattern in the void. Although the golden horned white python is huge in size, its speed is extremely fast, as if a faint white shadow blinks in the air.

The sky seems to be constantly broken by it!

call out!

call out!

call out!

After flying a stick of incense, the huge body of the golden horned white python suddenly shook violently, opened its mouth and bit through the void crack, got in, and led everyone into a piece of nothingness.

The surrounding area suddenly became dark, and faintly you could see large and small blue space cracks spreading radially to the surroundings.

Chu Chen's brows frowned, Xiaoxianjie's spatial rules were very unstable, and opening up a spatial channel would take a great risk. Carelessness could cause the space to collapse, and then be caught in the turbulent flow of the void and unable to escape.

This golden horned white python actually dared to open up such a large space channel, I have to say that it was a little bold.

There is nothing in the black space passage, and only the blue space cracks in the distance can be seen spreading.

These cracks represent the unstable power of the void.

If there are too many cracks to a certain extent, it will cause the entire void passage to collapse.

At this moment, all the monks are a little nervous.

Only after a short while, the huge body of the golden horned white python shook abruptly, once again bit through the void, shuttled out of the space channel, and returned to the windy sky, which was a relief.

Blowing the oncoming sky breeze, everyone's clothing and hair danced vigorously, and Zhou Lin buried her face on Chu Chen's back to hide from the wind.

Everyone began to observe the surrounding environment. After coming out of the void channel this time, they could find that the golden horned white python had brought everyone to a piece of sky full of heights.

And their height is still rising. At this time, the body of the white python almost collapsed into a straight line, looking from a distance, it looked like a white arrow pierced into the sky.

Ascending hundreds of thousands of feet in mid-air, the golden horned white python roared again and got into a space channel with a swish.

Soon, after a period of rapid rise in the space channel, it will drill out again.

Is this going to break through the sky?

The more the golden horned white python led the people to the high altitude, the more and more fierce the fluctuation of the space rules.

As a result, the golden horned white python had to keep drilling in and out of the space channel ~www.ltnovel.com~ and tossed back and forth several times.

When the golden horned white python drilled out of the space channel for the last time, everyone could not see how far they were from the ground.

At a glance, he was completely surrounded by thick clouds.

The clouds were so heavy that he could hardly see the surrounding scene, as if he had entered the legendary heavenly fairyland.

Looking down, the familiar scene of Xiaoxianjie became distant and fuzzy, as if it had become another world.

"This... how high are we?"

Lan Xuan's face turned pale, and Zhou Lin was completely buried on Chu Chen's back and did not dare to look up.

Xuan Ke, the most calm old monk, roughly estimated that the golden horned white python entered and exited the space channel several times on this road, and it was roughly estimated that it had risen to a height of at least one hundred thousand feet.

"I don't know, the space rules here are very unstable, and the specific height is very different from what we estimated. Maybe it's only a few hundred thousand feet high, maybe it's hundreds of thousands of feet high."

Chu Chen explained to everyone, but his gaze was completely attracted by the distant objects.

It was a white hill, looming in the thick clouds, looking very mysterious.

This is a floating mountain that is completely suspended!


Seeing that white hill, the golden horned white python was obviously excited a lot, and suddenly speeded up with a low growl.

As the distance between the two kept getting closer, Chu Chen, Shi Yuyan, Lan Xuan, Xuan Ke, and Zhou Lin sitting on the golden horned white python grew their mouths in surprise...

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