Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1567: Hakusan

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Chu Chen discovered that the hill floating in the clouds seemed very small from a distance, and only when he could really get close did he discover that it was extremely large.

And the most important thing is that the white mountain is not suspended in the void for no reason. At the bottom of the white mountain, there is an unimaginable white giant python carrying it!

"God, how old is this white python!"

Lan Xuan couldn't help but let out an exclamation, Zhou Lin also stopped breathing.

No one can imagine how shocking it is to see this scene with their own eyes!

In fact, when everyone saw that the floating island of the Blood Eagle Breaking Formation Group in Qinglinghai was carried by a huge sea dragon, they already felt deeply shocked.

However, because Haijiao's body was in the sea, Chu Chen and others could not get a complete picture.

At this moment, seeing the huge white pythons under this white mountain, all of them were going crazy.

This is floating in the sky hundreds of thousands of feet above the ground!

How terrible is this white python! ?

"The golden horned white python is an ancient pack city beast of the space system, and its talent is to manipulate space."

The little hamster also got out, explaining to everyone.

"This huge white python should be a mutant species. Its huge size makes it contain a lot of space in its body, so it can carry mountains in the sky. Strictly speaking, this giant python is not powerful. It's far from the king-level ancient beast."

As soon as the little hamster explained, everyone immediately understood that this was just an ancient beast in the city.

There used to be the Jiao who carried the island, and now there is the python which carried the mountain, this little fairy world is really amazing.

"Then meeting the king beast, isn't it over?"

Zhou Lin was very worried.

"It's not necessarily true. Although it has no combat effectiveness, self-protection is not a big problem for its size and strength."

Shi Yuyan on the side also opened her mouth to explain that her faint voice appeared in the void, perhaps because the air in the sky was much thinner than that on the ground, so her voice sounded light and fluttering, a kind of laziness and idleness. the taste of.

While everyone was talking, the golden horned white python flew close to the white mountain, but there were faint defensive formations around the white mountain, and countless rune urns floating around.

"How do we get in?"

Lan Xuan couldn't help being curious.

At this time, the void in front suddenly cracked a huge spatial crack.

And here you can also see that there are dozens of space cracks in the void around Baishan, and in each crack there is a golden horn white python carrying several to a dozen monks into the crack.

Chu Chen motioned to his companions to be safe and restless, this is entering the White Mountain!

"What a big hand! When the situation in the small fairy world is in crisis now, it is possible to use spirit beasts such as the golden horned white python to bring people specially. The identity of the person behind the sky auction house is not ordinary!"

After the golden horned white python entered the interior of Baishan through the space crack, it landed on an elliptical platform at the foot of the mountain. Lan Xuan looked around and was amazed.

There was a girl in white clothes waiting on the platform for a long time. The girl's face was covered with a white veil. Although most of her face was covered, she could still feel that she was definitely beautiful under the veil.

Chu Chen discovered that there were dozens of such platforms for the golden horned white pythons to land. After the guests landed, a girl in white clothes led them to the top of the mountain on each platform.

The little hamster touched the head of the golden horned white python who had sent them here and expressed his gratitude. The white python nodded, tore through the space crack, and flew away.

"Welcome all distinguished guests to the Sky Auction."

They were greeted by a tall girl in white clothes. Her job was to lead Chu Chen and his party.

"They are members of the Beiming Breaking Formation Group."

Seeing those girls embroidered with a huge black whirlpool logo uniformly on their chests, Lan Xuan finally exerted his skills as a little fairy.

The five followed the girls in white clothes up a path along the stone platform, while listening to Lan Xuan's introduction of the origins of these girls.

"The Beiming Destroying Group ranks eleventh among the many Destroying Groups in the Little Immortal Realm. It is recognized as a powerful team that is fully qualified to enter the top ten Destroying Groups. The members of this Destroying Group are all women, but there is no one. Dare to underestimate them."

Lan Xuan's eyes wandered back and forth between the guide girl's jade back and her plump buttocks.


Chu Chen slapped Lan Xuan on the back, "I think their strength should be very strong, so don't slap up girls."

Lan Xuan chuckled, "I have a sense of measure, and I don't commit a crime after seeing it."

Chu Chen raised his eyebrows. In a chaotic place like Little Immortal Realm, a group consisting of only women could achieve such a status. I have to say that there must be something extraordinary.

Lan Xuan regained his status as a tour guide, "If it's strong... if measured strictly according to combat power, the strength of the Beiming Breaking Formation Group is not too strong, it cannot be compared with the real top ten Breaking Formation Group.

"Then how did they get to the eleventh break group?"

Zhou Lin was very curious.

"Because they are the most able to do business in the entire Little Immortal Realm, it is precisely because they have a strong accumulation of wealth, and all the major ones need to purchase materials from them, so their status is very high, and they are considered the most skilled. Of businessmen rushed to the eleventh place."

"That's it."

The white-clothed girl led several people along a path on the stone platform into the belly of the mountain. In fact, the people of the Beiming Breaking Formation group almost hollowed out the belly of the white mountain peak, and built many reception rooms, Lounges, mission halls and other places.

It is directly built into a palace in the sky.

Along the way, you can see the graceful girls in white clothes walking around, although they are all covered with veils and can't see their real faces~www.ltnovel.com~, but the surging fragrance and slim figure are still enough to make people imagine Infinite.

Lan Xuan was narrating the legendary experience of Beiming's breaking formation group, but his eyes were still uncontrollable, sweeping around the young girls, causing Zhou Lin to roll his eyes frequently.

"Only the most proficient in business can accumulate good reputation and contacts, and only they can hold the auction in this chaotic time."

Chu Chen sighed while looking at the building in the mountain.

Lan Xuan smirked while looking at the girls around.

Shi Yuyan kept her usual coolness in front of others, with a beautiful appearance like a fairy in white, which made many monks who participated in the auction watch all the girls who led the way.

The old monk Xuan Ke walked with his head down, obviously not quite used to this new environment.

There were a lot of people who came to participate in the sky auction. After Chu Chen's five people walked through a few long corridors, their eyes suddenly opened up.

They came to a spacious reception hall.

Chu Chen felt a wave of invisible majesty from the hall.

This hall is very luxuriously decorated: gorgeous animal skin blankets are spread on the walls and on the ground, and the faint fluctuations of spiritual power on the animal skins show that the weakest beast is at the Linghe realm level!

Chu Chen knew that these majesty came from the fur of ancient beasts.

The tall girl in white led them to a place in the corner of the hall to sit down, then turned and left.

A lot of people have already arrived in this hall, and by the time Chu Chen took their seats, there were basically not many empty seats.

It can be seen how popular this sky auction is.

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