Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1572: Too bad

   "Yes, there are still a very small number of third-level treasures in the white treasure pond. The power of such treasures is basically equivalent to the semi-legendary magical artifacts, and the number is scarce."

   The monks looked at each other.

   "If the third-level treasure can be drawn, it will be lucky, right?"

   "I definitely missed the draw, alas..."

   "It doesn't matter, the white treasure is not worth a few dollars, just try your luck."

   During the discussion where everyone lacked interest, little Lolita spoke again.

   "Yes, just try your luck. Let's give it a go, because there are actually higher-level fourth-tier treasures in the white treasure pond!"

   Saying here, Zhao Xueer smiled slightly, and the last seal with her palms drew a ray of bright light into the sky.

   The huge mask behind her suddenly lit up and became completely stable.

   A white ball of light is suspended in the mask, as if the sky is shining with stars, it is extremely beautiful and gorgeous.

   I can see that there are thousands of light **** floating in the light.

   There is a faint phantom on the outside of every ball of light, which reveals many magical phantoms such as swords, swords, halberds, bracelets, rings, etc., which looks magnificent.

   How gorgeous this white treasure pond looks!

   Many monks' eyes straightened up.

   Zhao Xueer said with a smile, "The power of the fourth-level treasure is equivalent to a true legendary-level magical weapon. There is only one in this white treasure pond! As for who can get it in the end, it depends on your luck!"

   "I go, there are legendary treasures."

   "What, there is a legendary magical weapon in this lowest level treasure pool?!!!"

   "There is a chance to get a legendary treasure..."

   "It's just a white treasure, I decided to kill!"

   I have to say that this Zhao Xueer is really good at talking. After some words, many monks are excited.

  Legendary artifact, that is a legendary treasure!

   If such a treasure is in the outside world, even a half-step Tianhe-level powerhouse may not have it.

   And here, as long as the lowest-level white treasure is used, there is a chance to get...

   There is always a dream, what if it comes true?

   "Okay, everyone can start drawing treasures."

   Seeing that the enthusiasm of all the monks was mobilized by herself, Zhao Xueer struck the iron while it was hot and started the lottery.

   "The way to draw treasure is very simple. As long as you inject your spiritual power into the white treasure in your hand, then you will be able to urge the teleportation formation inside the treasure pond to send the treasure out."

   "It's that simple!"

   Little Lolita’s voice was full of temptation, "Everyone can try their luck, legendary magical weapons are waiting for everyone..."

   Boom boom boom...

   All of the square was full of auras, and auras of different colors rose into the sky.

   Most of the cultivators present are super powers in the Linghe realm, so their spiritual power is amazing.

   Even though it is just an action of injecting spiritual power into the treasure in his hand, it is enough to cause huge spiritual power tidal fluctuations.

  The cloud inside the treasure pond formed by the white mask began to rise violently, forming small hurricane vortexes like boiling water.

   From time to time, suspended white light **** fell into those hurricane vortexes, and then appeared in the hands of monks outside.

   The white treasure talisman will disappear after being urged by spiritual power once, after a strong tide of spiritual power.

   Some of the treasures in the hands of the monks turned into treasures.

   It's just that the treasures at this time are not as enlightened as they are in the treasure pond.

   Most of the treasures are dull, full of cracks and breakages.

   There are even some treasures that are directly missing more than half, leaving only one fragment.

   The treasures in the hands of quite a few people disappeared, but there was no treasure in their hands, nothing!

   "What's going on, can this treasure draw still fail? Isn't it every draw must be won?"

  Some monks became angry, and the scene before them was completely different from what they had expected.

   "Would you like to be so cheating? These treasures were originally tattered, but in the end they would find time. How is this different from being a lie?"

   "That is, the treasure is also bought with money, and there will be time. Doesn't this make us spend the money for nothing but get nothing? Anyway, a white treasure with a hundred fairy crystals!"

   "And the treasures drawn are too tattered! Look at this bracelet, it's missing a little and a half, can't you carry it, can it still be called a bracelet?"

   "Hit people, the Beiming Breaking Formation group is really too bad!"


   A small piece of chaos suddenly appeared on the square, and the scene before him was really unexpected by some monks.

   To be honest, any auction in the monastic world in the past has a basic rule: as long as you spend money, you will definitely not return empty-handed.

   What kind of treasure can be obtained for what kind of money.

   But now, drawing treasure will actually take time, this is just the most basic white treasure!

   What if it is a higher level of blue? What about red? Gold? ?

   You must know that the highest level golden treasure is a hundred thousand fairy crystals!

   After spending so much money, if time comes, almost no one is willing to accept such a result.

   But the people in Bai Ming's Breaking Formation Group were very calm. The little Lolita in white didn't even give an explanation. It seemed that it was a normal thing to lose treasure.

   The rules are like this. After a few complaints, some monks can only give up or continue to join the team of treasure draws.

At this time, Chu Chen was not in a hurry to draw the treasure at the first time. He carefully observed the movements, expressions, and spiritual power running routes of every treasure draw person. After the treasure in their hands was activated~ www.ltnovel.com~ the cloud changes in the treasure pond and many other details.

   His super powerful soul power played a terrifying role at this moment, and there is no secret to any one's behavior before his eyes.

   In fact, it's not just him. Any strong person who has reached a certain level of cultivation is not in a hurry to urge the treasure to draw treasure.

   For example, Duan Xiong, the arrogant Ouyang Tuo, and those mysterious monks with introverted spiritual power that Chu Chen couldn't judge the cultivation level.

   The other half-step Tianhe-level mighty people did not move, and Shi Yuyan beside her was as quiet as a statue.

   When Chu Chen's gaze turned to Shi Yuyan, he found that this peerless demon girl who was all over the country was also looking at him at the same time.

   "Why, you are not interested in the white treasure pond? I saw you changed a dozen treasure charms, why not try your luck?"

   Shi Yuyan was even more curious to Chu Chen.

   "Hey, don't worry about this kind of thing, the Beiming Breaking Formation Group will not release the best things so early."

   Chu Chen said lightly.

   "Furthermore, there are more than 1,000 treasures in the treasure pool. Let them take away some of the inferior items first, so that the probability of me getting good items will increase."

   A smile appeared on Chu Chen's lips.

   Shi Yuyan can't understand Chu Chen at all. There are thousands of treasures, and there are only a handful of useful semi-legendary artifacts, and there is a high probability that she will take time!

   Is this guy really thinking about getting something good?

   This is really...

is it possible?

(End of this chapter)

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