Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1573: Chu Chen's Last Talisman

   For Chu Chen, Shi Yuyan really didn't know what to say.

   I can’t see through this guy anyway!

   At this moment, a familiar voice came from the side, "Senior Sister Shi, Brother Chu, you two haven't started smoking yet, I'll try my luck first, and I'll just use it as an inspiration."

   As soon as Chu Chen turned his head, he saw that Lan Xuan did not know when he had left Duan Xiong and returned to everyone.

   Zhou Lin looked lingering, "Brother Lan, how did you run to that peerless old demon just now?"

   "Don't be afraid, I am close friends with his old demon, he will not hurt me."

   Lan Xuan had an expression of force on his face, with an unpredictable look.

   "But why does Brother Lan hammer a close friend on his back and often kneel down?"

   Faced with Zhou Lin's doubts, Lan Xuan awkwardly "cough, cough" twice, "The draw, the draw."

   Lan Xuan rubbed his palms, and gradually took out the white treasures from the storage ring.

   At a glance, there are thirty white treasures!

   "If you want to play, just play the big one, Amitabha, the ancient gods, bless me, I can get a legendary magic weapon this time I make a fortune..."

   Lan Xuan muttered words in his mouth, and compared his palms in front of him with a gesture that was not like Dao and Buddhism, and then grabbed ten treasure talismans and injected spiritual power at the same time.

   A brilliant light blue light burst out bursting out, and a violent blue cloud rose up.

   After the clouds passed, Lan Xuan's hands... there was nothing!

   "What a pit!"

   Lan Xuan cursed secretly, rubbed his hands again, and grabbed a handful of ten white treasures to inject spiritual power.

   Spiritual light bursts, clouds rise.

   This time when the strong clouds gradually dispersed, Lan Xuan felt his hands sink sharply!


The smile on    hadn't had time to bloom, when the thing in his hand appeared in front of his eyes, Lan Xuan's face suddenly turned into bitter melon color.

   There are two treasures in his hands at this time.

   One piece is a broken sword that has been corroded for more than half of it. The broken sword has been corroded so badly that it is almost impossible to see what color it is.

   Another treasure is an iron ring with a missing horn. A piebald python is carved on the iron ring.

   However, the two fangs of the piebald boa constrictor did not know when they broke, and their aura was completely lost. Such treasures cannot be called treasures at all. I am afraid that their ancient materials are still a bit useful.

   What kind of luck is this?

"Why is the Beiming Broken Formation throwing all garbage into the treasure pond, can this kind of thing be regarded as a treasure? Really...Amitabha Buddha bless the ancient gods, bless the disciple for the last time to get a good thing, and the disciple will surely continue to incense every day. what!"

   Lan Xuan muttered a few words, and put his hands together very piously and bowed to all directions, and again grabbed ten white treasures and injected spiritual power.

Zhou Lin beside    was so nervous for him.

   The dazzling blue aura surged, and after the aura flashed... his hands were still empty!

   "Well, it seems that luck is destined to be unreliable."

   Lan Xuan sighed helplessly. Although Dark Color was slightly disappointed, he didn't have much disappointed application expression.

   This kid has always been very open to this kind of things, so soon, his attention turned to the girls in white clothes walking around the square.

   Zhou Lin couldn't help but roll her eyes.

   The old monk Xuan Ke, who had been silent for a long time, watched the monks lottery around him with interest, but Chu Chen cared most about it.

   Chu Chen never started to draw treasure. He seemed to be like Xuan Ke, determined to be a spectator.

   He calmly observed the behavior of the people on the square, watching the white treasures in the hands of the monks disappear and disappear, and the light group inside the white mask was getting less and less.

   Until the end, almost most monks have given up the idea of ​​trying their luck in the white treasure pond.

   The chances of taking time out are really too great. With ten white treasures down, one or two treasures is often lucky.

  Almost all the treasures drawn were **** with extremely high breakage rate, so soon most people lost interest and lost the white treasure.

   "Brother Chu, don't you use up the white treasure in your hand? I think they will close the white treasure pond soon!"

   Lan Xuan's thief gaze constantly on the white-clothed girls, not forgetting to care about Chu Chen's luck.

   found that Chu Chen beside him hadn't done anything yet, and he couldn't help but reminded him in a low voice.

   Lan Xuan is curious what Chu Chen can get?

   At this time, there are very few monks drawing treasures in the white treasure pond, and there are only a half of the treasures in the treasure pond.

   Chu Chen lowered his head and thought for a while when he heard the words, then nodded randomly, his eyes flashed brightly, and he picked up a white treasure and began to use his spiritual power.

   Spiritual light is lingering, clouds are rising.

   After the light flickered, no treasure appeared.

  Chu Chen is not discouraged, his movements are not hurried or slow, slowly injecting spiritual power into one treasure after another.

   A total of 14 treasures were used up, and he still had nothing in his hand, and he didn't draw anything.

   "Hey, Brother Chu's luck is worse than mine. I also smoked two rubbish, but you didn't get any of them."

   Lan Xuan grinned. He thought that this magical brother would have some miracle, but he didn't expect it to be such a result.

   faintly relieved, it's not just me who is unlucky in the meeting.

   Everyone is almost the same.

   So Lan Xuan, who was relieved, ignored Chu Chen, and turned his attention to Zhao Xueer in front of the square.

   "Brother Chu, how old do you think the deputy head of the Beiming Destroying Formation Group is?"

   Chu Chen ignored him~www.ltnovel.com~ What seems to be thinking?

"Brother Chu, I don't think this girl is really only thirteen or fourteen years old, right? Did she practice some secret method to stay youthful? Or she simply took away the body of a little girl... that look, It seems very wise and experienced, definitely not something a little girl can have..."

   Lan Xuan talks on his own.

   "Lan Xuan, whether it's a beauty or a secret method, you'd better not mess with her, that little girl is not something you can approach."

   Chu Chen slowly took out the last white treasure, held it in his hand, and exhaled deeply.

   "Brother Chu, you have the last treasure talisman left, so don't think about it. This white treasure pond is simply a gimmick of the Beiming Breaking Formation Group. The good things there are not intended to be given to others.

   Lan Xuan shook his head vigorously, signalling Chu Chen to stop struggling.

   "Anyway, there is one last treasure, and one last chance, I will try my luck again."

   Chu Chen smiled lightly, folded his hands, and gently covered the white treasure in his palm.

   In a flash, the treasure in Chu Chen's hand disappeared!


  In an instant, the whole square was illuminated, and a strong cloud light spread out from the white mask.

   The inside of the originally calm treasure pond boiled fiercely like boiling water, and layers of clouds quickly rotated, forming a huge vortex, flashing with dazzling light.

   "What's the matter? Why is there such a sudden change in the treasure pond?"

   "What's the problem?"

(End of this chapter)

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