Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1574: Lan Xuan in dilemma

   The sudden change caused everyone's eyes to converge in one place, and Zhao Xueer, who was standing in the front of the square, shook abruptly, looked at the mask with surprise, and quickly passed a ray of light in his eyes.

   brilliance burst, dazzling dazzling, bright aura swept everywhere like a tsunami.

   Lan Xuan watched this scene in surprise, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

   "Huh? Look at this movement, it's not that someone has won the biggest prize, that legendary magic weapon, right? Who has such good luck?"

   The corner of Chu Chen's mouth curled up, and then his brows wrinkled slightly.

   What's going on, isn't it that you won the prize and sent it directly to your hand? There is no movement. Is there something wrong?

   I only see the mask changing! ?

   "Congratulations to this brother."

   At this moment, Zhao Xueer, who was standing in the center of the square, stretched out her palm, and an ice-blue armor appeared in the light of her palm.

   That is a half-length armor with golden gluttonous ancient clouds carved on it.

   Pieces of soft light gleamed from the battle armor, and people could feel that there was a huge and unmatched power inside it.

   Legendary magic weapon, and also a legendary body armor!

   The legendary armor is intact!

   In this second, the pupils of all the monks shrank violently. Most of the legendary magical weapons were weapons such as swords and spears, and the legendary magical weapons of the War A category were rarely seen.

  Because casting a battle armor costs more genius treasures than weapons, and it is more difficult to make defensive treasures, so battle armor weapons are also extremely precious.

   Such a legendary battle armor is definitely the best among the best. It is really lucky for this person to be able to draw such a treasure with a white treasure!

  As everyone watched, Zhao Xueer's slender arm dragged the ice-blue armor, walked through the area where the monks were, and walked to Chu Chen with a sweet smile.

   "Brother, congratulations on winning the biggest prize in the White Pond. From now on, this armor is yours."

   "Thank you."

   Chu Chen nodded calmly, and took over the armor.

   The winner appeared, turned out to be a shameless young man? !

   And he is only in the Lingxi realm, what a joke, there are not many Lingxi realms in this place, he actually won the prize!

   Is this the legend that the weakest person has the best luck.

   For a while, the monks who looked at Chu Chen were jealous and hated.

  At this moment, Chu Chen clearly felt a very subtle wave sweeping towards his body, coming from this white loli.

   His expression was still, and he calmly urged the power of the soul to form an invisible shield to protect himself.

   Zhao Xueer saw that she couldn't see anything, and after bowing, she left Chu Chen's side.

   Chu Chen smiled and sent each other, as if he was a winner in life.

   "I'm going to kneel, Brother Chu, really did you get this legendary magic weapon? It's totally unreasonable!"

   Lan Xuan was about to kneel down for Chu Chen, his mouth wide open and completely unable to close.

   Zhou Lin looked at Chu Chen with worship eyes as always, Xuan Ke also dumbfounded.

   Shi Yuyan sighed lightly, this kid is really a pervert!

   Lan Xuan bit his hand hard, all this is too fake!

   You must know that Chu Chen has a total of fifteen white treasures. The first fourteen were all used up and nothing was obtained. As a result, the last one was drawn to the only grand prize. How could it be possible?

The monks around    were also envious and jealous. The only valuable treasure in the white treasure pond was taken away by a Lingxi rookie with a dozen white treasures.

  There are monks who draw a hundred treasures at a time, but they are also uncollected.

   "Legendary armor, this little monk is really lucky!"

   "If I'm not mistaken, it is a battle armor made of iron that is unique to the ancient times. The ancient ice and sea have evaporated, and the ice and iron have completely disappeared. This is the true ancient treasure!"

   "So many ancient Shen Tie, if they were made into flying swords, they would almost be able to create a set of legendary magic weapon suits. It is really extravagant. Is this little cultivator stepping on it today? It’s luck!


   A line of eyes full of envy and jealousy all converged towards Chu Chen. At this moment, the entire square was boiling.

  Whether it is the maid of the Beiming Breaking Formation Group or the mighty one standing proudly, everyone's eyes are full of surprises.

   Even in this small fairy world full of treasures, legendary magical artifacts are not so easy to find, let alone this kind of top armor.

   Ouyang Tuo in the front row glanced at Chu Chen with a very contemptuous expression, obviously dissatisfied with the Lingxi rookie holding the big prize.

   But the old demon Duan Xiong in the distance looked at Chu Chen with some meaningful eyes.

   "I think I broke my head, but I don't think it is enough luck to explain this last one."

   Lan Xuan, who was sitting next to Chu Chen, squinted slightly.

   "Brother Chu, do you have any hidden tricks? Tell me about it. If you have money, everyone can make money together, so I can redeem myself from the old demon soon."

  Chu Chen didn't expect that Lan Xuan would ask like that. This kid is not stupid.

   Chu Chen smiled indifferently, "Is there any trick? My luck is always good, don't you know?"

   After glancing at him, Chu Chen turned his gaze to one side, as if he was not ready to continue talking with him.

   At this moment, a white shadow rushed out of Chu Chen's chest quickly and jumped onto his shoulder.

   The chubby little hamster put on a deep beard and sneered, "Blue boy, you have to ask me if you want a trick."

"Master Mouse, it is said that there was a kind of treasure hunter in ancient times, specializing in searching for all kinds of treasures~www.ltnovel.com~ To be honest, Brother Chu is so lucky, did your old man help? I suspected that you were the trick. , You help me too!"

   Lan Xuan's eyes lit up, and he saluted the little hamster on Chu Chen's shoulders, with a flattering expression, "I don't expect much luck, just get a legendary magic weapon."

   "Hehe, treasure hunter? How can that kind of low-level thing compare with this uncle."

   The little hamster sneered and lowered his voice, "Blue kid, of course I can help you. I know you still have some rare elixir. If you hand them all to me, you will not have no chance..."

   Before the little hamster finished speaking, Chu Chen pinched its round face with two fingers, squeezing its fat face into shape, and he couldn't speak.

   "Brother Chu, what do you mean?"

   Lan Xuan was surprised and angry.

   "You idiot, this mouse is deceiving your elixir. I can draw the treasure and it has nothing to do with it. I reminded you that if you are stupid and fooled out of the elixir, it deserves it..."

  Chu Chen slowly released the hand holding the round face of the little hamster.

   The little hamster smiled awkwardly, "Is the deity a deceitful rat? Blue boy, the opportunity is rare, don't listen to Chu Chen...the opportunity will pass and it will be gone."

   Lan Xuan froze for a while, not knowing whom to believe.

   "Brother Lan, based on your IQ, I suggest you take a look first."

   Zhou Lin looked at Lan Xuan's bewildered appearance, couldn't bear it, and kindly gave her own advice.

   At this time, the attention of the cultivators returned to the center of the square again, because the second round, the blue treasure pool, was about to begin!

(End of this chapter)

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