Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1575: Little Red Hand Chu Chen

"The second round of treasure drawing starts now, and the next thing to be opened is the blue treasure pond. Cher, I wish you all the luck, you can draw the treasures you want."

Zhao Xueer's palm once again bloomed with dazzling aura, and a huge light blue mask slowly formed behind her.

The shining clusters of light in the mask shone like stars, beautiful and moving.

Looking from the outside of the mask, you can see a faint phantom surrounded by every shining light ball.

You can see that many of the phantoms are somewhat damaged, but quite a few of the treasures are intact.

Many of those treasures that are intact are semi-legendary auras, and there are even a few legendary ones.

Of course, the most shocking thing is that one of the ring-shaped phantoms scattered around the spiritual power fluctuations far beyond the scope of the legendary magic weapon.

That's... that's a higher-level, semi-chaotic magic weapon!

Chaos-level magical device...that is a legendary level. Any chaotic magical device in the legend has the terrible power of breaking mountains and seas and distorting time and space.

Many cultivators in the outside world have never had the opportunity to see such level magical artifacts in their entire lives.

It is said that if you want to cast a chaos-level magic weapon, you must add a ray of chaos when the world first opened.

The world has been open for many years, and the chaotic air only exists in the legend, almost completely invisible.

The so-called semi-chaos-level magical device means that the power of its magical device has far surpassed that of the legendary-level magical device, but it does not incorporate the magical device of the chaotic air.

The Qi of Chaos is the Qi of the beginning of heaven and earth, possessing the power to transform decay into magic.

With the blessing of Chaos Qi, the magic artifact will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Even though the magic weapon without the Qi of Chaos is not as powerful as the power that can break the mountains and the sea, its power is far beyond the legendary magic weapon.

Therefore, when everyone saw the semi-chaotic magic weapon with their own eyes, everyone was almost crazy!

Although the ring-mounted magic weapon seemed to be a bit damaged, it did not weaken the enthusiasm of the monks in the slightest.

At this moment, everyone present became a little heavy breathing.

"Then, now the treasure drawing starts, please, everyone!"

Seeing that the semi-chaotic magical weapon successfully detonated everyone's enthusiasm, Zhao Xueer smiled and patted her palms, and it was about to begin.

In an instant, blue aura burst out in the square.

At this moment, almost all monks began to pour spiritual power into the blue treasure in their hands.

And some monks who didn't like the blue treasure pool beforehand thought there was nothing good in it, their faces suddenly turned green and red.

A half-step Tianhe-level mighty person looked around, gritted his teeth fiercely, began to pick up a red treasure, and began to inject spiritual power...

The temptation of the semi-chaotic level magic weapon is too great, making him unable to calm down at all.

The blue light circulated in the square, as if a hundred flowers blossomed, it was really beautiful.

Chu Chen didn't waste time either, slowly picked up a blue treasure and began to inject spiritual power.

At this moment, the shrill voice of the little hamster reached his ears: "Speak, kid, how did you win that legendary prize just now?"

"Hey, haven't you seen it? I see your tone of admonishing Lan Xuan, but I thought you knew it a long time ago." Chu Chen smiled slightly.

"I know you must have used a special method, otherwise it would be impossible for you to win the biggest prize in the final draw."

"Can you guess why?"

The little hamster's tone was impatient with curiosity, "Okay...don't sell it, just tell the deity."

"There is no special method. I carefully observed it. In fact, this so-called four-color treasure pond of white, blue, red and gold is a containment-type spatial artifact."

Chu Chen's voice was very soft, causing the little hamster to erect his ears hard.

"This space artifact has an extremely ancient artifact that controls everything, so Zhao Xueer and the others are able to transmit the treasures inside. Actually...I didn't do any other hands or feet, just used the power of the soul to force it. It’s just a tool..."

"Forced control! What's a joke? Can you actually interfere with and control the Primordial Artifact Spirit, you...what level is your soul ability?"

The unbelievable scream of the little hamster rushed into Chu Chen's ears. If they hadn't communicated with spirit sense fluctuations, I am afraid that this scream would have attracted the attention of the members of the entire Beiming Breaking Formation.

"You...you...boy, the Primordial Artifact spirit feeds on the soul, so you dare to use the soul to force it to manipulate it, so the soul ability is so abnormal! You...you..."

The little hamster feels that his worldview and values ​​have been subverted.

"Calm down."

Chu Chen still looked calm and calm.

"The spirits of the spatial magical items are protected by the power of the space, and they were forcibly torn apart by you...Who are you!"

"Calm down! Having been my pet for so many years, don't you know who I am?"

"Yes, there is nothing else that can control the soul ability of the Golden Wing Roc clone."

The little hamster used a lot of effort to calm himself down.


"In that case, you first tried to draw treasures one by one. Are you trying to link the ancient artifact spirit?"

Chu Chen nodded.

"Yes, that guy's resistance was very fierce at the beginning, but after all I invaded and controlled it, but I forcefully controlled it, which is a huge and continuous consumption of my soul energy. I don't know when this connection will happen. Interruption, once interrupted, I don't have enough soul energy to control it again."

Chu Chen let out a sigh of relief.

"It's enough to be able to temporarily control it. After all, you are only for the treasure. Now it is equivalent to saying that this treasure pool has been taken over by you."

"It's not a complete takeover, because it consumes more soul energy, which will make me unable to hold it for long. I only manipulate it when I need to manipulate it, and it usually runs on its own."

The little hamster hesitated his forehead and said solemnly, "But I want to remind you, boy, if you are discovered by the Beiming Breaking Array, I am afraid that it will cause disasters, and there will be no bones! Some are better."

"You can rest assured, I have my own plan, and as long as I leave here, the mountains are high and the road is far away, no one knows where I will go, let alone this Beiming break formation group..."

Chu Chen's voice hadn't completely fallen yet~www.ltnovel.com~ Suddenly, a group of blue light appeared from the inside of the huge blue mask that was so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at it.

The vast aura burst like a tide, and strong clouds rose up, forming a huge whirlpool inside the blue light mask!

This is... This is the best treasure that someone has extracted from the treasure pond, that semi-chaotic magic weapon!

Chu Chen's expression suddenly changed. At this moment, the expressions of everyone in the entire square also changed...

The glow bursts, the aura rises, and the vast clouds are surging in all directions.

The dazzling spiritual light shone on the entire square, as if a small sun suddenly burst open.

The aura lasted for about a few breaths, and an invisible wave spread.

I saw Zhao Xueer in front of the field smiling Qiao Yanran, holding a turquoise jade ring in her hand, walking to a delicate blue-clothed cultivator in the field.

(End of this chapter)

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