Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1596: Where does the soul go

The Xuantie umbrella bones exploded to pieces, seeing that Duan Xiu was still hesitating and had no time to take care of it.

Chu Chen narrowed his gaze, directly raised his hand and flew a purple light from his sleeve. The purple light rose up into the sky, and rose when the wind saw the wind. In the blink of an eye, this huge purple mountain hung above the two people's heads, blocking a radius of hundreds of meters. Chaos storm within!

However, Chu Chen's cultivation base was too low after all. As soon as Zishan appeared, it was weathering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the sky full of purple sand and stone chips were blown away.

"Senior, there is no time."

Chu Chen's voice was getting colder and colder.

"Impossible, my Tyrant Soul cannot break the protection layer of the King Beast's soul..."

When Duan Xiong shook his head, his eyes were blood red.

"The protection layer of the soul of the king beast, I will break open for Senior, believe me, what Senior has to do is follow my attack."

Chu Chen looked up at the five king beasts above the sky.

"Little fox, how can you break through the protection of the souls of these five beasts?"

Duan Xiong at the edge of the storm was unbelieving.

"I! Absolutely, seniors must remember that the soul follows my sword intent, and whoever my sword intent attacks, you will use Hegemonic Soul to take away which king beast!"

Duan Xiong was still shaking his head, wondering if Chu Chen was too scared, had gone crazy, and was talking nonsense.

"Senior, I'm about to start, so get ready!"

Chu Chen's firm tone suddenly moved Duan Xiong's heart, perhaps this kid is not pure nonsense.

At least he should be the first to attack King Beast!

The result may be no effect...

Chu Chen lifted his head and wandered between the five king beasts, suddenly, his expression was certain, "The target is locked!"

"The target is locked? Who is the lock? This...you have to find the weakest king beast, I see that peacock..."

Duan Xiong looked at the sky nervously, and his divine consciousness scanned among the five king beasts, and he saw that Chu Chen suddenly made an attack gesture.


At this moment, the weathered purple mountain completely exploded.

With one arm in Chu Chen, four golden giant dragons emerged from the void on the left and right sides of his body. They were entwined with each other into two hundred-meter-sized golden dragon spirit shields, temporarily blocking the roaring chaotic storm.

The cold light in his eyes converged, his black pupils turned white in an instant, and a sword intent flew out of his forehead!


The whole world was illuminated by this white sword intent as white, the original dim and chaotic world was like daylight!

The five-headed king beasts were all illuminated by this sword intent, extremely clear and hideous.

Duan Xiong saw that road that broke through the world, with a peerless edge that cut the universe, turned into a white light and took the black giant whale directly above the southern sky!

call out!

Chaos storms, clouds, and flying sand were all cut by this white sword intent!


The actual sword intent was directly cut on the forehead of the black giant whale, and quickly disappeared!

The whole world suddenly became quiet for a while, the size of the giant whale was too big, and the white sword shadow fell into the black sea like a grain of white sand!

Duan Xiong just wanted to shook his head and sighed. Lao Tzu had already known this.

Suddenly, a white light rushed out from the head of the black giant whale! ?

The world is illuminated again!

Soon, the second, third, tens of thousands of white sword light rushed out of the black whale's body, and the black whale looked like a white giant whale under the illumination of countless white lights.

From a distance, it was like a black shadow in the white blazing sun.

At this moment, the black whale suddenly opened its huge mouth and let out a long howl that would shake the whole world to pieces!


The huge sound wave shocked Duan Xiong's eardrums, and the whole person was blown away from the cliff.

At this moment, he couldn't think of anything else at all, only one thought, Chu Chen actually succeeded!

He succeeded! !

Duan Xiong never dreamed that the little fox could actually use extraordinary means to break through the protective layer of the king beast's soul! ?

This is even more miraculous than a miracle.

This is the soul protection layer of the king beast!

Even if he is an old demon-level soul cultivator, it is impossible to achieve this level... and this gray-clothed young man obviously only has the Lingxi realm.

What the **** is this?

Duan Xiong didn't have time to continue thinking.

Chu Chen took the first step, and he could only follow the second step.

The arrow is on the string, it must be sent!

However, what made Duan Xiong want to cry without tears was that Chu Chen actually picked the strongest king beast, and he could only seize the body of this strongest king beast.

There is no other choice... I have to go!

"Chu Chen, I'm on it. Before my soul returns, I must take care of Lao Tzu's body..."

Duan Xiong said anxiously, the black figure quickly floated into the air, and his feet left the cliff.

Just like soaring!

At this moment, Chu Chen, who was supporting the huge shield full of cracks on his left and right, shook his wrists, and took the yellow stepless sky-hungry silk like a snake from the black robe old demon who was slowly flying into the sky.


With Duan Xiong's angry shout, countless mysterious golden talismans floated out of Duan Xiong's body.

These mysterious runes, as small as snowflakes, grew more and more in the air. From a distance, it was like golden snowflakes floating in the sky, and the black figure in the snowflakes became more and more weird.

The golden talisman in the sky quickly formed a large suspended spiral array of nearly one hundred feet, like a golden secret sea.

Duan Xiong, wearing a black robe, floated in the center of his eyes, and his whole body was exuding black smoke and endless thick fog!

"Boy, you must remember. After I succeed in winning the home, you will find the opportunity to run quickly with my body, how far and how far..."

However, Duan Xiong's soul transmission did not fall, and before Chu Chen could respond, there was another explosion in the sky, but it was the Thunder Mountain Range summoned by the six-winged horned dragon beast. The golden thunder light appeared, and the mountain range was ready to move. It is time to suppress the world where the two are located!

The Centipede King Beast also screamed suddenly, and it summoned that terrifying and hideous white bone altar to shine brightly, and a gray-white sickle-shaped sword light suddenly rose from the stone ball on the white bone altar. This gray sickle, like the most terrifying existence in the world, is about to harvest all souls!


A violent roar resounded like thunder, but the whole body of Duan Xiu who was suspended in the air suddenly became stiff. The whole figure was like a zombie, and a dark light burst out from above his head.

The dark light rushed to Yunxiao quickly, flying higher and higher!

At this moment, Duan Xiong didn't have any anger anymore, and his whole person seemed to have become a stone sculpture, suspended in the air sluggishly.

"Senior, are you still there?"

Chu Chen yelled a little uncertainly. As soon as his voice fell, the Ningkong Ancient Whale in the void suddenly let out a terrifying roar!

Like a **** of thunder!

Chu Chen's eardrum seemed to explode with the same pain at this moment.


Chu Chen couldn't describe how powerful the roar was, but it seemed to contain endless despair and horror, indicating that at this moment, the once incomparable ancient whale in the sky seemed to have fallen into a huge abyss of unimaginable nightmares. Among.

It was originally the top level of the king-level ancient beast’s food chain. The breath of the ancient whale in Ningkong is extremely majestic, like a deep sea, oppressing all quarters grandiosely, carrying a king-level ancient beast's unique king of fierce beasts. The domineering and wild air.

But this second, when the stern roar resounded, it was just a breathing time, and the aura on the body of the Ningkong Ancient Whale had a complete reversal.

From primitive, majestic, domineering to incomparably evil, tyrannical, bloody!

Billowing evil spirits are coming in turbulently, and the naked eye can see that the ancient whale's body, which is as large as a mountain range, has begun to rise with thick black smoke, and even its eyes, nostrils, and mouth are also spitting out large bursts. Strands of black smoke.

It was an unimaginable evil spirit, which was exactly the same as the breath of the six-armed Cthulhu that was condensed from the previous period!

The evil spirit is shocking!

In front of Chu Chen, in the blink of an eye, that overbearing king-level ancient beast completely turned into a brutal and violent evil beast!

With such a strong evil spirit invading the Quartet, even the abyss demon eye that condensed in front of the ancient whale has become evil, it seems to be the eye of the evil **** opened by the nine heavens! !


With a terrifying huge abnormal sound, a ray of black light burst into the eyes of the evil spirit of the evil spirit ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ broke through the world, and blasted towards Chu Chen.

The world seemed to become silent at this moment, and then, a blast of destruction was like a tsunami, and Chu Chen couldn't dodge it at all!

"It's over, this old demon didn't completely control it..."

Every cell in Chu Chen's body tightened. This blow was the ultimate blow of the Ningkong Ancient Whale, and after experiencing that unknown mutation, this blow containing the power of the Heretic God turned out to be even stronger. Destructive power!

In front of this black beam of light, Chu Chen's defense can be said to be thinner than paper.


Chu Chen squinted his eyes slightly, and the two golden dragon spirit shields offered by his open arms had already turned into tens of thousands of stars and drifted away.

In the vortex of chaos, he kept his open arms, coldly greeted the black light that could penetrate the sky and earth, helplessly, looking at the darkness that was getting closer and closer!

(End of this chapter)

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