Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1597: Lore

The black light broke through the world and approached infinitely. Chu Chen with open arms knew that he was in danger, but it was definitely not his style to sit and wait to die.

Struggle again!

Even if you die, you must die while standing!

When Chu Chen's brain flew around, the golden light burst around her body, and the ancient river of waste turned into a pale golden ring covering her body.

There was also the stepless Hun Tian Ling with only the last point of the user's aura, which also made Chu Chen sacrifice, wrapping her body in layers to form a mysterious yellow mask.

The spiritual power in Chu Chen's body was urged to the extreme, and a cluster of golden red heavenly divine fire leaped around him endlessly.

There is no way to escape, and we have to make the last resistance.


To Chu Chen's surprise, the jet of black light with the aura of destruction wiped the void three feet above his head and flew over! ?

Is this a miss?

Before Chu Chen could react, the black beam of light that penetrated the world directly blasted toward the southwest, blasting toward the Toad King Beast that had condensed into a true dragon body.


The huge black light full of endless destruction blasted fiercely on the blood-colored toad, smashing the blood-colored real dragon that had condensed around it to half.

The blood dragon turned into a thick red mist and rose up!

The blood-colored toad's body in the huge thick mist seemed to be burning, and accompanied by a stern dragon chant, it shattered the sky!

In the huge purple-red mushroom cloud rising, the giant Toad King Beast was bombarded by black light, and moved back thousands of feet away!

It was like a **** hand pushing a huge mountain back thousands of feet with brute force, a huge gully spreading thousands of feet, and the ground on both sides of the gully was churning like waves, like being plowed by a giant plow.

The purple-red mist continuously spouted from the giant Toad King Beast. Chu Chen could see it with naked eyes. In the distance, a blood hole with a radius of several tens of meters appeared directly on its body. Large groups of King Beast blood sprayed out. Out!

I don't know if the purple mist rising all over it is poisonous smoke or its blood?

The ground with a radius of several hundred feet was stained red.


The huge wounded King Toad Beast lying on the ground could not help but let out another scream!

The black Ningkong giant whale's missed blow not only caused Chu Chen to fight, but also caused the other four king beasts who were about to attack the ultimate blow to be stunned!

Of course, Chu Chen was the first to react, and that was that Duan Xiong, the old demon, succeeded in taking over the body of the Ningkong Giant Whale with his soul.

It turned out to be a success! ! !


At this time, the fierce body hanging in the air fell down fiercely, like a puppet that had lost all the breath of life.

Obviously there is no soul for this murder!

Chu Chen stretched out his hand and directly caught Duan Xiong's vital body. There was clearly no vitality. The old demon's body was still warm and breathing, as if he was asleep.

Chu Chen didn't think much, and directly carried Duan Xiong on his shoulders, and immediately raised his head and looked into the air.

Just above the void, the eyes of the evil **** in front of the huge Ningkong Ancient Whale began to burst out one after another of black evil spirits, madly bombarding the other four ancient king-level beasts.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

Is it a strafing mode?

This old guy... is crazy!

Temporarily seized the flesh of the king-level ancient beast with a forbidden technique, and immediately controlled this Ningkong Ancient Whale to directly fight the four king beasts? !

The old demon is indeed the old demon, thunder means, you have to pick four!


After bombarding the Scarlet Toad with all his strength, he immediately and frequently used black light to interfere with the other three king beasts to issue the ultimate blow.

After a long roar, the huge black body of the Ningkong Ancient Whale above the void slammed into the six-winged sacred dragon beast in the west!

It was just an instant, the sky moved.

The Ningkong Ancient Whale was thousands of feet long, and when it flew away, it really seemed to have been crushed by a mountain range.

Moreover, the Ningkong Ancient Whale also has the ability to teleport, and at the moment of collision, it has already crossed the layers of space and crashed into the horned dragon beast!

Compared with a thousand-foot black whale, the two hundred-foot shofar dragon beast looks much smaller!

It gave Chu Chen the feeling that it was like a violent dragon hitting a wild wolf!

Amidst the earth-shattering impact, the huge ancient whale directly knocked the body of the six-winged sacred dragon beast away thousands of feet away.

The huge Thunder Secret Mountain above its head banged directly and burst open, turning into countless purple lightning and flying like a dragon, fleeing into the void and disappearing completely.

The sacred sacred beast that flew thousands of feet across was directly thrown on a high ancient peak, and the whole mountain was cut off by the waist, and the six large steel wings of the sacred sacred were directly crushed by two pieces. , Lying on the undulating peak, dark purple beast blood spurted out from its back.

Like a purple rain!

Under the huge black whale violent, caught off guard, the scarlet toad and the scorpion dragon were both double-wounded instantly!

Seriously injured! !

At this moment, the remaining two intact king beasts have already awakened. In the current situation, if you want to protect yourself, you can only act first.

Like the peacock king beast in the green forest, he raised his head and sighed, and the twenty-fourth grade lotus table beside him was shining brightly, and a large dark green holy flame surged out and swept toward the black whale.

It instantly turned into a sea of ​​green fire around the ancient whale.

The twenty-fourth grade lotus platform possesses the sacred power of the ancient Buddhist Dao, and has a strong suppressing power against the power of the evil **** after the Ningkong ancient whale is seized. I immediately saw that the body around the Ningkong ancient whale was as intense as boiling oil. Boiling, the black evil holy flames collided with each other and exploded, as if a world was continuously burning.

The white bone centipede also understood it, opened the gap, and made a piercing sound of insects.

With the shock of the white bone altar in front of it, the surrounding realm of death actually escaped and flew out, suddenly descending on the body of the Ningkong Ancient Whale that was roasted by green flames!

In that kingdom of death, there are endless bone soldiers and generals. At this moment, they are all holding bone swords and spears and other weapons, like a locust, they pounce on the Ningkong ancient whale, and slash them crazy.

Under the blessing of the gray sickle above the stone bead on the bone altar~www.ltnovel.com~ the blades in the hands of those bone soldiers can cut through the thick skin of the ancient whale, leaving a trail of shocking Scars!

Each stroke of the bone soldier will leave a scar on the ancient whale that is more than half a foot deep.

However, the black body of Ningkong Ancient Whale was really too big.

Numerous wounds more than half a foot deep are placed on the huge body that is thousands of feet long, really like an ant bite.

Even though there are many soldiers in the dead kingdom, they cannot cause fatal damage in a short time.

While the giant whales were swimming in the sky, the bone soldiers smashed into pieces, but they soon revived. They were constantly attacking the giant whales between destruction and rebirth.

However, the giant whale obviously ignored them, and it swam directly to the shofar-horned dragon head beast that was kicking on the distant peak.

Chu Chen immediately understood the old demon's intentions, and he had chosen the principle that he had been in the monastic world for many years.

(End of this chapter)

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