Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1598: Never look back

After two teleports in the void, the black condensed whale appeared at the fault peak nearly ten thousand feet away!

Its huge body is still wrapped in the kingdom of green flames and white bones. Novel ん


After the black whale made a long roar, the thousand-foot giant rushed towards the sacred scorpion beast on the broken peak, like a huge black ship. When it slammed forward, the entire space was violently turbulent, like anytime Will be broken.

The shofar beast that had broken its two wings did not show any signs of weakness. Facing desperation, it was also completely agitated.

In a roar of anger, the blood-red sacred dragon beast raised its head high, and opened its huge mouth in the blood basin that was still vomiting blood. The horns on the dragon beast's head soared tens of meters, turning into two handles. The long spear!

Like two dragon spears of destruction that can easily pierce the world!


It vibrated the four unbroken wings, and rushed towards the black giant whale without hesitation!

"Boom! Long!"

Like the huge sound of two mountain peaks colliding, centered on the battlefield where the two king beasts collided with each other, the radius of the radius has become chaos!

Chu Chen couldn't see the chaotic battlefield clearly in his spiritual sense.

The fighting of the two king beasts created a huge chaotic vortex!

In the center of the vortex, a huge sound continued to be heard, making Chu Chen shocked, as if he heard the sound of the doomsday world.




The Scarlet Toad, which was bombarded by the black light, quickly jumped towards the center of the battlefield as soon as it recovered!

With every step of the furious King Toad Beast, the purple-red mist around its body quickly condensed into a hundred-foot-long true dragon. When it jumped into the center of the chaotic vortex, it had already surrounded nine blood-colored dragons! ?


After the Toad King Beast joined the battlefield, it also disappeared from Chu Chen's vision.

However, Chu Chen could faintly see that in the chaotic world, there are three huge creature silhouettes, appearing in time, colliding and separating from time to time!

Every time they approach, it's like a world colliding with each other, shaking the sky!

The centipede king beast and the green light peacock in the void did not directly join the battle. Instead, they circled and danced around the whirlpool. A summoned countless bone soldiers entered the whirlpool, and a green flame that kept spitting out terrifying fire burned all the wastes!

The black whale is definitely one enemy four!

Since the old demon seized the Black Whale and successfully dragged all the four king beasts into the war, at this moment, Chu Chen understood that the best time to escape had arrived.

Without any hesitation, he picked up Duan Xiong's physical body and flew into the air in the aftermath of the endless battle storm.


At this moment, the rock cliff where Chu Chen and Duan Xiong had been staying had completely collapsed, and endless dust was flying up!

Chu Chen didn't think much, carrying Duan Xiu, the whole person turned into a gray light, and quickly fled in the opposite direction of the central battlefield.


Just after escaping more than three thousand feet away, a more violent explosion sounded behind him, and the sacred dragon beast neighed in horror.

Are these melee king beasts closer to him?

No, the king beast battlefield has moved towards his side!

They slapped, seeming to be too far from their side! !

The surrounding spiritual energy was completely rioted, and at this time, Chu Chen had no time to look back. The nameless body technique was used to the extreme, and a dazzling golden-red flame sprayed out from behind him, turning him into a golden-red meteor. Passing through the endless void.

Run away!

Flying towards the north!

Chu Chen's speed was fast, but he felt that the world behind him was destroyed faster!

It's like there is a world that is constantly destroying, chasing him, trying to swallow him.

The black whale's battle with one enemy and four king beasts has intensified. The vitality of fighting and rioting between king-level ancient beasts has turned tens of thousands of square meters into a dead zone.

The world behind him seemed to be on the verge of destruction. Chu Chen, who was fleeing in a hurry, clearly felt that the surrounding void was burning like a furnace for a while, and then covered with fine lightning.

For a while, it was full of purple-red poisonous mist, which made people vomiting, but for a while, it seemed to have come to the country of death, filled with gloomy life everywhere.

Not only that, the entire land began to undulate violently, even if the huge power of the ancient king-level beasts traversed tens of thousands of feet away, it still caused the ground to undulate violently, like waves.

The forests, stone pillars, mountains and grasslands that I saw along the way burst in all directions, and the aftermath of the battle continued to spread around and destroy everything.

The void became extremely unstable, and dense cracks in the void could be seen everywhere like a snake, which made Chu Chen be extremely careful when fleeing with all his strength.

Because of a little carelessness, falling into the void crack created by the King Beast War will be forever!

And at this moment, centered on the place where the five great king beasts were fighting, the huge vortex that was continuously expanding turned into blood.

Chu Chen could feel as if an invisible force was pulling himself toward the center of the **** vortex, and if he was not careful, he would be pulled into the center of the devastating battlefield!

Escape, desperate escape!

Chu Chen almost used the power of milking, exploding gas, exploding springs, and running wildly!

After endlessly flying in the sky or flying for nearly an hour, the pulling force behind Chu Chen really disappeared, and the void became stable.

Even at this time, the huge sense of crisis still haunted Chu Chen's mind.

Flying in the gloomy sky, Chu Chen looked back and suddenly became dumbfounded!

In his vision ~www.ltnovel.com~ three rounds of blazing sun suddenly appeared in the distant world.

The scorching sun showed three colors of black, red, and purple. In the scorching sun, the outlines of the ancient whale, the blood-colored toad, and the scorpion beast could be seen faintly. They had already fought madly.

Among them, the sacred dragon beast was almost in a state of dying, as if offering sacrifices with its own soul, urging this devastating final blow!

"The death battle of the king-level ancient beast... really terrifying!"

Chu Chen didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly carried Duan Xiong's body and fled again without looking back all night.

Just as dawn was approaching, there was a loud bang from the distant world, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, dazzling black, red, purple, dark green, white, and five-color halos filled most of the sky.

The world is falling apart!

The battle situation has evolved to this point, can Old Mo Duan still return alive?

Chu Chen sighed softly. He couldn't help in fighting at this level, so he sprinted on the road again, and he stopped until Dongfang Tianyi revealed a white touch.

The place where Chu Chen stood was a dense ancient dense forest. He climbed to the top of the tallest tree in the forest.

Looking back at the south where he fled, the aftermath of the battle behind him can't be sensed.

But from a distance, most of the sky was filled with bursts of air, as if Nixia was dazzling.

The distance has become a Xiaguang world!

This may mean that the battle may continue...

The battle between the five-headed king beasts is so against the sky!

A dead zone with a radius of more than ten thousand feet!

To him, it was as terrible as a battle of gods!

But when I thought that there are tens of thousands of ancient beasts of this kind in the little fairy world today, how can human monks go on?

Chu Chen couldn't help but feel bitter!

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