Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1608: Duan Xiong smiled

the host!

Is this gray-clothed boy the master of Duan Xiong? !

Monk Huangpao took the lead in responding to Wei's arrival. It was true that Duan Xiong had passed the word "Master" from the beginning, but like everyone else, he felt that he had misheard it. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

At this time, the word "Master" came out again from Duan Xiong's mouth. He and the members of the golden lions were all pale and shaky.

But... how is this possible!

Who is Duan Xiong?

The evil troll, the hidden old demon, is one of the ten strongest of the evil road, and the top existence in the pyramid of the human monk world.

In the biography of the monk world, this peerless old demon has always been alone, acting cruelly and coldly.

But he has one of the most basic principles, that is, he will always treat himself as a businessman.

Therefore, when dealing with such a peerless monster, as long as he is deemed qualified to trade with him, and follow the basic rules of businessmen, and suffer a bit of a loss to make him feel that he is taking advantage, there will not be much trouble.

He can be the most special existence among the top ten evil masters.

To a certain extent, he can also be the most lonely existence. He is just a business relationship with anyone, and he doesn't bother to associate with anyone.

And at this moment, he actually respected the shameless Lingxi boy twice as the master?

The previous "don't keep alive" by the gray-clothed youth institute is not just a joke.

"Senior, it was definitely a misunderstanding just now..."

The monk Huangpao bit his teeth and decided no matter what, even if he lay down all his dignity, no matter how much he paid, he must remedy his previous mistakes and survive.

At this time, another long silver lightning flashed across the sky, and the whole world was reflected pale again, while the old demon Duan in the sky disappeared?

As if they had never appeared before, just when the yellow robe monks and the golden armor monks were panicking looking for the figure of the old demon.

There was a flower in front of everyone, and the thin black figure of Old Demon Duan suddenly appeared in front of the monk in yellow robe.


Just what Huangpao monk was thinking about, a big thin hand with thick black smoke was already on his chest, and Duan Xiong's face showed a strange smile.


The blood was in full bloom like fireworks, and a group of golden-armored monks saw the entire upper body of the yellow-robed monk exploded to pieces, and the blood was sprayed everywhere like fireworks!

Brother Tianhe, even Old Demon Duan did not catch a palm!

Monk Huangpao was under Duan Xiong's palm, and his upper body was blasted to pieces, and his lower body was still standing abruptly in place!

Within ten feet of a radius, it suddenly became bloody.

In the eyes of the golden armoured monks, the whole world turned into a blood world, and a strong smell of blood penetrated their nasal cavity, causing their stomachs to contract uncontrollably and their throats itchy.

This old demon is a sneak attack!

An evil giant would directly attack a Tianhe monk?

A group of golden armoured cultivators could not think too much about it, one by one, they backed away from the battlefield in horror.

In fact, according to the fierce character, he should be disdainful of attacking the Tianhe realm cultivators, but it is normal that the trader is Chu Chen.

For the first time, Chu Chen separated his soul to control Duan Xiu's physical body. He was not very proficient in controlling this physical body. At least some of Duan Xiu's unique secret techniques could not be used, and he could only temporarily use his powerful physical power to attack.

This is also the reason why Chu Chen used Duan Xiong's body to kill the Huangpao monk, the most threatening monk Tianhe at the fastest speed!

If you get rid of the strongest, the following group of half-step Tianhe monks can harvest as much as they want.


The golden-armored monks without a group of dragons warned each other, as if they were approaching an enemy, they exploded dazzling waves of spiritual energy and retreated continuously.

At this time, they were completely gone. They stepped into the Iron Sword Forest before, and they were about to kill them all.

Like a bereaved dog!

In the Golden Lions team, the only one who was still calm was the beautiful monk in yellow shirt with a cold face.

At the moment when the leader was killed, she with a cruel face looked like a ghost, and she retreated to the back of the retired army, a cruel sneer passed over her lips, and with a swish, she pulled a narrow three-foot golden sword from her waist.

The jade wrist shook, and a dazzling golden sword screen appeared, flew into the iron sword forest, and cut off coldly towards Zhou Lin, who was leaning against half of the iron sword wood!

This cruel beauty was cruel, knowing that with her half-step Tianhe's cultivation base, Duan Xiong could not be hurt by any means, so she simply did not stop doing it, and directly attacked Zhou Lin who had lost the ability to resist.

I have to pull a back when I die!

The qi glow is vertical and horizontal, and the sword qi shoots sharply.

The golden sword aura seemed to swept away vastly, and the iron sword wood that had been broken long ago was swept away by the sword aura and turned into powder.

Zhou Lin, who has lost consciousness, obviously cannot avoid it!

However, the beauty in the yellow shirt only felt that the space in front of her eyes was slightly distorted, and a black figure suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Lin.

brush! brush! brush!

All the sword energy was cut on the old demon Duan Xiong!

That dazzling sword energy that contained the life-saving blow of the beautiful monk in the yellow shirt was completely cut in Duan Xiong's black robe, bursting out sparks in the sky!

It's like all the sword energy is cut on a piece of hard and unmatched iron?

After the sword qi dissipated, Duan Xiu still stood coldly in front of Zhou Lin, his black robe and even the corners of his clothes were not damaged.

The beautiful monk in the yellow shirt suddenly turned pale, apparently this level of attack was not enough to tickle Old Demon Duan.


Duan Xiong let out a cold snort, and his right palm was bent into claws and Yaoyao grabbed the yellow-robed lady in the sky.


The exquisite jade body of the beautiful monk in yellow shirt who had not had time to make any reaction was torn apart and exploded directly.

The blood flowed away and shot, this **** scene completely awakened the golden armored monks.

This old demon really wants to kill him if he doesn't stay alive!

"We can't escape!"

A tall, middle-aged golden-armored monk suddenly roared: "Everyone, come on! Let's fight this old demon!"

Obviously, these golden armoured monks are also very well-versed in battle ~ www.ltnovel.com~.

After the headed middle-aged gold-armored monks shouted in anger, the other gold-armored monks also took out their weapons, and the panic in their eyes turned into desperate tragic and murderous.

In the distance, Chu Chen found that the members of this group of golden lions broke the formation group showed extraordinary bravery when facing desperation, and they roared and flew out one by one, looking like death at home.

The aura of the half-step Tianhe-level powerhouse burst out with all its strength is extremely shocking, especially the spiritual power aura of a dozen such powerhouses joining hands to burst out is really earth-shattering, causing this piece of void to boil!

But in the face of absolute power, all resistance is futile.

Chu Chen's eyes were colder, and his mind turned, Duan Xiong, who was surrounded by the golden armored cultivators, smiled, grinning evilly.


Hei Yan, the translucent body guard, sprang out from Duan Xiong, and the violent vitality around him was completely suppressed by him.

(End of this chapter)

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