Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1609: Dangerous distribution

When the body guard Hei Yan sprang from Duan Xiong's body, the surrounding void was instantly suppressed by him. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā

The original dazzling golden auras of more than twenty golden armoured monks were all dulled by him.

This group of monks was so tragic and heroic that they were so angry and heroic that they were also overwhelmed by Duan Xiong's fierce flames.

Duan Xiong smiled, his black robe swayed, and he slammed into front of the burly golden-armored monk closest to him. He raised his right arm, his five fingers were like a skip, and he penetrated into the golden-armored monk with a sound Chest.

The five fingers used force at the same time, and the golden-armored monk was directly caught by him!

With a bang, the whole person burst into pieces, like **** fireworks in full bloom.

Another fat armored man gritted his teeth to support his companion. After a lightning dash, he slashed directly behind Duan Xiong. Duan Xiong's eyes became cold, his black robe fluttered, and his left hand flicked out.


The fat monk with golden armor couldn't stand the strength of his hand at all. He swung his sword angrily as if he slammed into an invisible wall. All the offensives could not be killed, and then he was smashed into pieces by the huge wall. .




Duan Xiong continued the killer. When the black robe was floating, every punch and kick took the life of a golden-armored monk. These golden-armored monks were half stronger than the ancient beasts, and they were like paper in front of this old demon. It's like muddy, unbearable.

This group of golden-armored cultivators found that if this goes on, the final outcome is that everyone will be harvested one by one by the old demon Duan who has entered the flock.

The headed tall and middle-aged golden-armored monk made a gesture, and the other monks immediately gritted their teeth and nodded, they are desperate.

"The Lord of Ten Thousand Demons!"

Accompanied by a loud roar, twelve golden-armored monks who seemed to be of the same size linked together and quickly gathered in the void to form a formation.

A purple-red light of spiritual power gleamed endlessly on them, and the space of a radius of one hundred meters was completely covered by the purple-red magic array.

The vast purple-red light between just two breaths turned into a giant ancient demon statue that was as powerful as a prison.

The colossus of the Demon God was purple-red, with a human shape as a whole, but on its huge body there were more than a hundred knotted arms, which looked extraordinarily cruel and hideous.

As soon as this hundred-armed demon **** appeared, more than a hundred arms under his body quickly coiled, twisted, and entangled into two huge fists that looked like mountains.


The giant fist shattered the void fiercely and rolled towards Duan Xiong!


Duan Xiong snorted coldly, without any extra action, his black robe swung, and his right hand squeezed the fist mark and slammed against the hill-like two fists.

The fists of the Hundred Arms Demon God seemed to fall down like a mountain range, while in contrast, Duan Xiong's fist marks pierced like a small black needle.


This contrasting mutual attack triggered a completely opposite effect, and the thin, jet-black fist prints slammed into the huge purple-red fists as if they were smashed.


The huge mountain-like fist burst out like a bubble, and even the body of the entire hundred-armed demon **** burst open.

In the next second, the black robe swayed, and the ghost-shaped Duan Xiong floated among the twelve soldiers, but two punches blasted them all.

Pieces of blood were enveloped, and a strong smell of blood floated in the air.

The tree fell and scattered, and the remaining gold-armored monks rushed like mourning dogs, but none of them could escape Duan's cruel harvest.

call out!

call out!

call out!

Plenty of blood-colored fireworks continued to bloom and wither.

In front of Duan Xiong, Brother Tianhe was even thinner than a paper man!

The dying Lan Xuan was in a trance of consciousness, and between the opening and closing of his eyes from time to time, the golden-armored cultivators of these golden lions had been killed one by one by the old demon, and this piece of iron sword wood was completely transformed into A blood-colored Shura hell.

"Lord... Master is mighty..."

Lan Xuan, who originally thought he was bound to die, saw Duan Xiu coming, and after killing the enemies with his fingertips, he finally let out a long sigh and couldn't help crying low.

At this time, Chu Chen had fed the green-gold pill in his mouth before, and it completely melted.

It turned into a vast expanse of blood and spiritual energy and rushed into his limbs, quickly replenishing the vitality and injuries he consumed.

After Chu Chen asked him to rely on a broken tree to heal his injuries on his own, he rushed to deal with Zhou Lin's injuries.

Lan Xuan found that Duan Xiong didn't care about his servant at all. He just flew up and stood on top of a giant tree not far away. Standing against the wind, his black robe was waving in the wind.

Obviously he was guarding everyone, Lan Xuan was a little confused, when did this old demon become so enthusiastic?

Doesn't it look like his style?

The most likely thing is to have reached a deal with Chu Chen!

At this moment, Chu Chen, who was helping Zhou Lin to deal with the injury, suddenly thought of something. He looked up at Duan Xiong not far away and shouted, "Old Duan, clean the battlefield for me."


Lan Xuan didn't expect Old Demon Duan to answer "yes"? !

Suddenly dumbfounded.

After Duan Xiong agreed, Feishen landed in the center of the battlefield, which was already covered in blood.

With a wave of the old demon's palm, a huge suction force came from his palm.

Pulled by this huge suction force, among the broken corpses on the ground, storage rings, storage bracelets, etc. turned into auras and rose into the sky. After these dazzling auras hovered in the air for several breaths, they fell into the sky. Duan Xiong's palm.

Just in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen gleaming storage artifacts became the old demon's pocket.

Lan Xuan, who had been observing the situation, suddenly became short of breath, and even Zhou Lin beside Chu Chen showed envy.

These twenty-odd people are the Tianhe elite squad of the Golden Lions!

Headed by the Tianhe-level powerhouses, there are more than twenty half-step Tianhe-level powerhouses, let alone Lingxi monks like them, for the Linghe monks, this is a god-level team against the sky.

The treasures carried by this god-level team will definitely not be less!

If the top-level team wants to conquer the perilous ancient ruins, they will generally spend great efforts to cultivate the backbone of the team, and no matter what good things they get, they will first use the best resources for them.

It is conceivable that this super team from the Golden Lions is simply a mobile treasure house!

Thinking of this, Lan Xuan only felt dry and dry, and licked his lips with his tongue.

Killing people for treasure, in this chaotic little fairy world, is simply the fastest way to make a fortune!

The absolute fastest and most effective way to get rich...

It's a pity that I'm courageous~www.ltnovel.com~ and my strength is also weak. I can't do it and don't like this kind of dirty work.

Just look at it enviously.

So Lan Xuan watched Duan Xiong collect Qi treasures, his eyes were cold, and a black magic flame flew out with his fingers and threw them on the corpses.

The black flame ignites when it encounters objects, and it spreads quickly to form a sea of ​​fire, quickly burning all the blood fog of the corpses of all the golden lions into the formation.

Only a piece of red ashes is left!

After finishing all this, Duan Xiu walked quickly to the distant place where Chu Chen and Zhou Lin were.

At this time, Lan Xuan's heart suddenly hung again. According to his understanding of the old demon, he might not go to share the spoils with Chu Chen. It is very likely that he would directly kill Chu Chen's exclusive treasure.

That's it!

Chu Chen is in danger!

(End of this chapter)

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