Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1616: Conspiracy to take the real dragon body

The majestic Broken Dragon Cliff towers high into the clouds, and on this ancient land of Xiaoxianjie, it exudes a vast and proud momentum.

Lan Xuan, Zhou Lin, and Xuan Ke turned into three dazzling auras and flew upwards along the cliff. The more they flew up, the more they could feel the vast and heavy pressure becoming stronger and stronger.

Shi Yuyan, who was in white clothes, had already passed the three of them, and there was no trace!

The three of them took care of each other, maintained a relatively average speed, and worked hard to make progress.

When flying to a height of more than two thousand feet, the coercion in the void was already so strong that it was almost unbearable!

Zhou Lin, with the weakest cultivation base, felt that her body was crushed by a huge boulder. She couldn't continue flying in the air at all, so she had to change the way of climbing the cliff and continuously leapt up with the help of the boulder on the cliff.

Lan Xuan and Xuan Ke both had spare flight power, but in order to take care of Zhou Lin's speed and reduce the consumption of spiritual and physical strength, they gave up flying and jumped instead.

The clever figures of the three of them are very elegant, and they are as free and easy as they are wearing flowers and butterflies when they stagger up.

And the mountains on Broken Dragon Cliff are not so rugged. In most places, huge rugged rocks can be seen everywhere, which can be used as a borrowing force.

The three of them could still talk and laugh during their flight, but the good times did not last long. After more than a thousand feet, Zhou Lin was no longer able to do it.

Zhou Lin's body fell on a prominent bluestone, and this time she did not immediately rise up.

Suddenly, the girl staggered, and she sat down on the rock, she was already sweating, and her clothes were completely wet.

"what happened?"

Lan Xuan kept staying not far in front of Zhou Lin, and hurriedly turned back at this time, and fell onto the bluestone.

He saw that Zhou Lin's smooth forehead was already covered with beads of sweat, and the girl's face was flushed, and she was gasping for breath, and she seemed to be unable to hold it.

"No way, I... I really can't go up, what kind of strange mountain is this?"

The girl gasped for a while before she eased a little, wiped the beads of sweat on her forehead, her expression was extremely exhausted.

"There is no way to climb this strange mountain. The pressure is too strong. I can only hold on to this place, Brother Xuan, you...hurry up and see how Brother Chu is doing. If there is... danger... save him. "

Looking at the girl's clear eyes, Lan Xuan nodded gently.

"Senior Brother Chu has always had good luck, Junior Sister Zhou, don't worry too much. If there is a situation, I will do my best."

"Oh, it's hard to imagine a character like Duan Xiong willing to be someone else's servant. This is a dangerous thing."

Three feet above the rugged rock, the mysterious black robe flew up, and the face of the war lion-like old monk was full of worry.

"As the strongest person, Duan Xiong naturally has the arrogance of the strongest person and the heart of a strong person who pushes all enemies horizontally. A character like him has always been lawless and unscrupulous!"

Xuan Ke's voice was very low.

"If Duan Xiong is willing to serve as a servant, it would have ruined his strongest heart. From then on, he will not be able to set foot in the divine way again, so it is absolutely impossible for him to recognize people as the master."

Xuan Ke's analysis made Lan Xuan's face turn green. He desperately comforted Zhou Lin, but Xuan Ke was telling the truth that this was tearing down the stage. He hurriedly glanced at the old monk.

"Could it...Could it be that Senior Brother Chu is too high and has a history?"

Zhou Lin panicked, and said something that she thought was ridiculous, "Brother Chu has always been able to perform miracles. Maybe he is a descendant of an ancient god? Or is he the reincarnation of the Supreme Demon God of the Evil Dao?"

"No matter what, no one is qualified to let Duan Xiong willingly be a servant."

Xuan Ke shook his head to deny Zhou Lin's fantasy, his tone was very firm.

"Zhou Lin, Lan Xuan, you are still young! Maybe you don’t know that 30 years ago, Duan Xiong did an earth-shattering thing. He asked the other two of the top ten evil ways to help each other. He wanted to plan a truth. The body of the dragon wants to take it away and turn it into its own use!"

"Scheming to seize the body of the true dragon?"

Lan Xuan was startled, his pupils shrank violently.

Since ancient times, true dragons have been the supreme beings standing at the apex of all living things, and true dragons are also called the sons of heaven.

To seize the body of the true dragon is to seek fortune!

The old demon is truly bold and crazy! ! !

"Thirty years ago, he dared to conquer the body of the true dragon. Tell me, now he is willing to become a servant of the descendants of the ancient gods? What kind of status is Chu Chen, it is impossible to subdue Duan Xiong into a slave. "

Xuan Ke's voice suddenly sank!

Both Zhou Lin and Lan Xuan fell into silence.

Zhou Lin's heart began to worry about Chu Chen the more she knew about Old Demon Duan.

If she knew the truth, Chu Chen had already used Old Demon Duan's body as a tool, she would probably go crazy immediately.

"However, no matter how terrible Duan Xiong is, since we have already gone up the mountain, we must do everything possible to rescue Chu Chen."

Xuan carved the final conclusion.

Lan Xuan's heart was hot. Although Xuan Ke, the old monk, has been used to seeing wind and rain, he should have experienced everything in the world of monks who eat the weak and the strong, but he has always maintained a heart of love and righteousness, almost a passionate child. It is rare.

"No matter how much you discuss, it's useless, I want to remind you."

At this moment, a cold voice came not far from above, and the temperature in the void dropped a few minutes in vain.

When everyone turned their heads, they saw Shi Yuyan floating in white, her face as cold as frost.

Apparently it was because the three people had stopped going up the mountain, and the demon girl turned back again.

"I'm telling you the truth, with your strength, even if you add me, everyone **** and rushed together, it will not pose any threat to Duan Xiong! He wants us to die, it will not be more laborious than crushing an ant."

Shi Yuyan's words poured on everyone's heads like a basin of cold water.

"To rescue Chu Chen from Duan Xiong is tantamount to idiotic dreams."

The girl's words were as cold as it could freeze everyone's souls.

"That's not necessarily."

After hesitating for a moment, Lan Xuan, who knows Duan Xiu best, still speaks, "Duan Xiu is a businessman. If he can't get through hard, he will come to the soft, enticing him to profit, everything is possible.

Everyone also understands that there is no result to be discussed here, and everyone does not understand the situation on the top of the mountain.

After simple communication, Zhou Lin was allowed to rest, and slowly returned to the foot of the mountain to wait, Shi Yuyan, Lan Xuan, and Xuan Ke continued to move forward.

What is going on at the top of the mountain can only be seen up the mountain.

Of the three, the demon girl is the strongest ~www.ltnovel.com~Xuan Ke is second, and Lan Xuan is slightly inferior to Xuan Ke.

But when climbing the mountain, Lan Xuan was not at all disadvantaged.

His blue shirt is agile, like a big fish, going upstream, extremely powerful.

On the old lion Xuan Ke's body flashed green and secluded glows, relying on this green glow to protect the body, the speed of dragon walking and tiger step climbing rose instead of decreasing.

The most calm of the three is the demon Shi Yuyan.

The white clothes are like an immortal, her phantom-like figure is like crossing the void, appearing in front of her in an instant.

Lan Xuan flew up, and couldn't help muttering, "Is this demon girl afraid of Dragon Sha?"

The demon girl who possesses the Dayan Swallowing Technique is indeed an existence against the sky!

(End of this chapter) () "Nine Sun Emperor" only represents the author Jian Zong's point of view. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. It is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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