Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1617: Irrational witch

Lan Xuan and Xuan Ke crawled and rested, struggling all the way, seeing that the top of the cliff was just around the corner, they were already tired into dogs. *WWW.suimeng.lā

Only Shi Yuyan, the fairy-like fairy in white, can always be calm and calm.

The old and the young couldn't help but look at each other, envious in their hearts.

It can only be said that the Dayan Swallowing Technique is too much against the sky. As the innate secret technique of the ancient Chaos Behemoth, this technique is best at swallowing, containing, bearing, and dissolving.

Legend has it that the Chaos Giant Beast even wants to swallow the entire world in one bite, and naturally has far more endurance than ordinary people's endurance to the pressure of the dragon's might.

The future growth of this demon girl is destined to be a road against the sky that the two of them will never reach!

When the "nine dead" two climbed to the last 100 feet from the top of the cliff, they stopped and rested again.

Lan Xuan, who fell on the Qingyan, felt like a wandering soul who had walked a few times in the cycle of life and death, and the mysterious carving that was holding on to the mountain wall and panting like an old dog was obviously not much better.

Only the hateful demon, except her face was slightly paler, her breathing was not disturbed.

Like waterfall hair and white clothes fluttering, the fairy spirit is unabated.

It's really better than people, so angry!

However, anyway, he finally climbed up, Lan Xuan could only force himself to comfort him.

The happiest thing is that on this tor which is less than a hundred feet away from the top of the cliff, you can see the top of the cliff when you look up.

All three of them could see that the top of the towering Broken Dragon Cliff was covered by a golden halo within a radius of ten meters.

Seeing from a distance, the golden light all radiated from a strange dead branch held in Duan Xiong's hand.

Opposite Duan Xiong, Chu Chen sat on the ground with her eyes closed, her body trembling from time to time, as if she was enduring great pain.

"How is this going?"

At first sight of this scene, everyone's pupils were unconsciously enlarged. This scene was too weird. There was no expected torture or other **** scenes. Both people sat quietly on the ground.

But it looks like a mysterious ritual is going on?

However, this ceremony seemed very unfavorable to Chu Chen.

"Could it be that Little Friend Chu is really a descendant of an ancient **** like an ancient true dragon? Does this old demon plan to refine his body and then seize the house?"

Xuan Ke is the oldest, and he has naturally seen all kinds of cruel secret techniques in the monk world. At this moment, when he saw this scene, his face suddenly became pale!

Lan Xuan and Shi Yuyan couldn't help but change their expressions.

"When little friend Chu is in the realm of the four streams, he can burst out the power of the Linghe realm, and even the strong of the Tianhe stage can fight. Throughout the ages, there is such a potential and combat power against the sky. , And only real dragons and unicorns can do it."

Xuan Ke said in a deep voice, "Even if it is not an incarnation, for Duan Xiong, Chu Xiaoyou's physical body is probably the most potential and best object to seize."

After a word, the atmosphere in the air became heavy again.

The trio's expressions became increasingly ugly.

Both Lan Xuan and Shi Yuyan felt that Xuan Ke's speculation was not unreasonable.

No matter what his origins, Old Demon Duan's idea of ​​hitting his body was normal.

"Little friend Lan, do you have a way to confirm what the old demon is doing now? You have always known him better!"

Xuan Ke broke the silence, turned around and asked Lan Xuan.

"I really don't know. Actually... No matter what Duan Xiong is doing right now, Brother Chu is already in great danger. We must take action as soon as possible and delay it... it is very bad."

Lan Xuan looked solemnly, "But... Old Mo Duan is the most taboo against being disturbed by others when he is practicing, and he is extremely defensive. At this time, when his six relatives do not recognize him, he will not negotiate a deal with anyone. If you rush to provoke him, I'm afraid it will provoke a thunderous blow instantly!"

Duan Old Demon's thunderous blow!

Thinking about it, the three felt that this world was about to collapse.

The three people who looked at each other were silent again.

With Duan Xiong's terrifying strength, he could break Broken Dragon Cliff with a single blow, and the three of them had no way to survive against him.

"Then what to do..."

Xuan Ke was anxious and clenched his fists, but now acting boldly, he was undoubtedly hitting the stone with a pebble.

But because he owed so much to Chuchen, and to pay for his life to save him, the most important thing was to save him. It would be meaningless to die for nothing.

Lan Xuan also rubbed his head vigorously, unable to do anything.

"Besides the danger, what do I always think is wrong?"

The girl in white who had always said that she was just following everyone up the mountain to take a look.

A gust of mountain wind blows, and the cold girl in white clothes seems to be flying away with the wind.

"I don't know if you have noticed that the aura on Duan Xiong's body seems to have become extremely weak...This is very abnormal."

Shi Yuyan awakened the dreamer with a word.

"Huh? It seems to be a bit, why didn't I find out just now?"

Lan Xuan was taken aback, his mouth opened wide.

He spent the longest time with Duan Xiong, so he naturally understood how terrifying this evil master was.

If you say that the previous period of fierceness gives people the feeling that the mountains are standing up, as high as a god, it is out of sight. Duan Xiong at this moment seems to have become less powerful. It seems that something very important is missing...

"Regardless of whether he was because of the refining of Chu Chen, or some other reason, Duan Xiu at this moment is an unprecedented weakness, and now should be the best time to rescue Chu Chen."

Shi Yuyan said word by word.

"If you want to make a move, everyone must do it as soon as possible. If you wait for the old demon to recover from his breath adjustment, I am afraid that there will be no survivors in the end!"

The girl's face became colder.

After Lan Xuan and Xuan Ke looked at each other, they both nodded.

"Senior Sister Shi, what do you want to do now?"

Lan Xuan looked at Shi Yuyan sincerely, no matter what, the wisdom of this inheritor of Dayan Swallowing Heaven technique is still worthy of trust.

The girl didn't answer right away, but gently frowned her eyebrows, and then she could speak for a moment.

"You will listen to my arrangements?"


Lan Xuan gritted his teeth, his eyes firm.

Xuan Ke also nodded heavily.

"Well, my arrangement is very simple, that is, I will figure out a way to divert the old demon away, and you will seize the opportunity to save Chu Chen."

Shi Yuyan said faintly, but when she said these words, Lan Xuan and Xuan Ke's hearts were shaken!

No way?

This demon is definitely not a good person~www.ltnovel.com~ She has innate charm, cultivates peerless charm, and never blinks when she kills. In order to improve her cultivation, she can unscrupulously devour the flesh and blood of a group of testers and use the world. It's not an exaggeration to describe the level of beauty and disaster.

People like her should always abide by the code of conduct that I would rather let the people of the world instead of me.

In order to survive, you can do whatever you can.

And at any time, the first rule is to preserve one's life.

But at this moment, Shi Yuyan, the demon girl, can say that she took the initiative to take all the dangers on her body!

Just to save Chu Chen's life?

Where is the problem?

Is she crazy?

(End of this chapter)

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