Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1618: Shadow of True Dragon

Lan Xuan never expected that the demon girl Shi Yuyan would take the initiative to suggest that she herself would go and lead away the old demon Duan...

Did her brain break down in the process of climbing the mountain?

In front of the old demon Duan who is against the sky, let alone that she can be temporarily promoted to a half-step Tianhe, even if she truly reaches the Tianhe stage, she will be killed at the moment of being attacked!

"Sister Shi, how terrible Duan Lao Xiu is... you know."

Lan Xuan couldn't help but remind him.

"Otherwise, what else can you do, you can lead him away, do you have any confidence?"

Shi Yuyan glanced at him, her bright eyes were as cold as frost, and she couldn't see any mood swings.

Lan Xuan looked embarrassed, I obviously care about you, what are you doing with me!

He could only let out a silent sigh.

Well, if you are strong, you have the final say, I am weak and I shut up.

Xuan Ke nodded, "Ms. Shi, go, we will cooperate with your actions, and death will save Brother Chu."

"Very well, the timing is fleeting, you are ready, Chu Chen will leave it to you."

Shi Yuyan was as cold as ever, but her heartbeat started to speed up, because what she had to face was Duan Xiong, she knew in her heart that she was doing something stupid, but she still decided, do it!

The pressure of dragon power in the void is everywhere, but the three of them are cultivators who have been successful in cultivation after all. After staying in place for a while, they quickly adjusted their breath and adapted to the spiritual pressure on the top of the cliff.

At this time, Shi Yuyan's body shook slightly, she disappeared out of thin air, and all traces of her existence were completely eliminated.


Lan Xuan's and Xuan Ke's eyes widened in an instant, and Shi Yuyan's situation seemed to have escaped into a space channel. However, at this location at this time, it was completely impossible to do!

Space channels have great requirements for the stability of the void. The most feared thing when constructing a spatial channel is the instability of the void. One carelessness will crush the channel and then fall into the endless gap of space.

And now the situation on the Broken Dragon Cliff is the place where the space channel can't be built the least. The pressure of the dragons on top of each other is irregular, and the pressure of each layer of space is in a progressive state.

In this state, unless the cultivation base reaches Tianhe level or above, the space rules can be changed, otherwise, it is impossible to build a space channel.

But in front of Xuan Ke and Lan Xuan, this impossible thing just happened.

Shi Yuyan's white-robed figure like an immortal disappeared without a trace, she could no longer sense the slightest breath, and seemed to have completely left this space.

Even if Xuan Ke used her ancient Jianmu bloodline to touch the surrounding void, she couldn't feel the slightest breath of her.

This enchantress is really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Then, let's slowly climb to the top of the cliff. No matter what means Stone Girl uses to escape into the space channel, I am afraid that she will not persist for too long. We must be ready to take action at any time."

Taking a deep breath, Xuan Ke took Lan Xuan and slowly climbed his arms and feet towards the top of the cliff.

The expressions on their faces were extremely serious, with a sense of absoluteness.

At this height, the pressure of the dragon's power in the air alone has already made people fight with all their energy, and they have to rescue people under the hands of a peerless old demon. Thinking about it, you can know how much such a thing is. metamorphosis.

But now, both of them insisted on choosing not to look back!

When the two of them were less than fifty feet away from the top of the cliff, the void suddenly fluctuated like a stone.

You can see above the sky above the cliff top, a group of invisible air outlines a huge translucent behemoth with a length of hundreds of feet and a fierce aura.

The behemoth was hypertrophied, with six legs and four wings. It had no eyes, nose or cheeks all over, but had only a blood basin and a big mouth. It looked extremely hideous.

The sky on the top of the cliff became blank!

This behemoth is the legendary chaotic behemoth, good at devouring everything. In the ancient times, it even swallowed the entire world. Later, I don't know why it failed?

But its terrible reputation has long been deeply imprinted in the hearts of all things.

As soon as this translucent giant chaos beast formed, the sky and the earth suddenly became stormy, and the entire sky was darkened.

A vast aura of chaos filled the space between the heavens and the earth, and the huge aura even temporarily retreated a little bit of the dragon power in the air.

Right in front of the huge translucent chaotic behemoth, a graceful figure in white clothes was flying like an immortal, falling straight down from the sky, with both feet about one meter off the ground, floating in the air to surround Chu Chen and Duan Xiu Walked to the golden enchantment.

Boom boom boom...

The two tyrannical auras of the ancient chaos giant beast and the ancient giant dragon violently collided with each other, causing the air on Broken Dragon Cliff to change drastically.

One after another hurricanes swept across the world, winding around.

On the dark sky, blazing electric lights scurry around like a snake.

Void surging, and in front of the huge translucent chaotic giant beast, the majestic dragon will quickly condense and gather, forming a vague dragon light and shadow.

It's just that the dragon's shadow is too vague, it's not clear at all, just occasionally you can see a few huge scales gleaming in the void.

The world has changed dramatically, everything is silent!

In the ancient ancient legends, the giant chaotic beast swallowed all things in the world, without scruples, fierce and mighty, it was the supreme powerhouse in the prehistoric age.

It is so powerful that it will even devour the entire world in the end, to achieve an eternal and immortal body that has never been seen before.

Later, it failed.

There is no way to know exactly how it failed, and there are different opinions.

Among them, the most convincing ~www.ltnovel.com~ is that the ancestor of the true dragon clan at that time, the ancestor dragon, out of claws, defeated Chaos with the supreme power and prevented it from destroying the world.

Therefore, the two races can be said to be inherently hostile.

At this moment, when the translucent phantom of the Chaos Giant Beast and the Ancient True Dragon appeared again, it seemed to extend the battle of the Primordial Era to the present.

Shi Yuyan's surface was as cold as an immortal, but she was shocked. She summoned the Shadow Guardian of the Chaos Giant Beast to fight against the golden light from the branches in Duan's hand.

Unexpectedly, it triggered the ultimate dragon evil on the top of the cliff!

But at this time, she could no longer think about it, going forward, must go forward.

God blocks and kills the gods, the dragon blocks the dragon!

I saw two chaotic vortices appearing in her eyes, and the giant chaotic beast above her head opened a huge mouth in the blood bowl, which instantly fissioned to more than a thousand feet, and swallowed the real dragon phantom in one bite. Go in.

The real dragon phantom struggled for a moment in the translucent chaos monster, turned into a blue light, and flew into Shi Yuyan's eyebrows!

"I'll go, this demon girl is really a man of destiny, and she has endless adventures, the shadow of the true dragon, after being thoroughly refined by her, I am afraid she will truly enter the Tianhe half a step."

Lan Xuan, who was hanging on the cliff, was very envious.

"She may not have the opportunity to refine this true dragon shadow, the old demon didn't let her go for a reason..."

The mysterious carving on the side sighed quietly.

When the two sighed, the girl continued to march forward again.

The gusts of wind roared, the electric light rushed, and the girl fluttered in white, like a nine-day fairy, under the blessing of a giant chaos beast, constantly approaching the center of the top of Broken Dragon Cliff.

The distance to that golden enchantment is also constantly approaching, fifty feet, forty feet, thirty feet...


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