Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1620: Impulsive girl

The green light came surgingly, and Duan Xiu's eyes, who had been closing his eyes, suddenly opened wide, the golden dead branches in his hands gently lifted up, and a layer of golden cloud light rippled out!

With a bang, the billowing blue light was blown away, and even the pair of biqing double rings behind Guanghai were knocked into the air.

Just this second!

As soon as the golden dead branches moved, the golden enchantment of ten meters square began to fluctuate violently, becoming less stable than before.

A purple light flashed across Lan Xuan's body.

At the same time, Xuan Ke slapped Lan Xuan's back with a fierce palm, and a strange green glow rushed out, transforming a primitive green wooden armor on Lan Xuan's body.

With the green wooden armor and purple alien guard, Lan Xuan's feet danced wildly, and his whole person instantly turned into a light and shadow, and flew to the top of the cliff with great speed.

A green afterimage instantly appeared in front of Chu Chen sitting on the ground. After Lan Xuan hugged Chu Chen on his shoulders, he did not hesitate to quickly draw a dazzling arc of light across the top of Broken Dragon Cliff, towards Jump down below!


The void trembled, and the green awns of both palms responsible for the mysterious carving after the break flashed, and a layer of billowing air was exploded to block the golden light that filled the golden barrier.

Then the whole person almost followed Lan Xuan's footsteps and jumped directly below the Broken Dragon Cliff!

The three of them flew down, like falling into the abyss!

I am dizzy!

This...what the **** is this! !

Chu Chen, who had mostly fallen into a cultivation state, reacted at this time, and quickly understood that these people should have misunderstood, so he came to save himself.

In the sudden falling like a meteor, Chu Chen remembered the tragic scene of the last fall from the top of Broken Dragon Cliff, would he have to climb again?

No, it was easy to climb the mountain this time.

Chu Chen reacted, this true dragon shadow of Broken Dragon Cliff had been merged by his own deserted stream!

The sacred attributes that his own Huangxi originally possessed forcefully swallowed the shadow of the true dragon, so that the flood dragon, which was transformed into one after the five streams were merged into one, took the breath of the dragon of the gods.

Those blue eyes are the proof of God's attributes, suppressing the heaven and the earth!

But these companions are working so hard to save themselves, so it seems that they still have to play a good role...

Give them an explanation.

Chu Chen closed his eyes again, immersed in Duan Xiong, and returned to the top of the cliff.

At this time, on the top of the cliff, Shi Yuyan felt that she had fallen into a desperate situation.


Seeing Lan Xuan lead Chu Chen and Xuan Ke to jump off the cliff one after another, Shi Yuyan also knew that her mission had been completed, and it should be time to retreat.

But she knew she could not go.

Duan Xiong is really too strong and too strong, even if he doesn't know why his cultivation base drops sharply at this time, he still has the power to surpass the peak of Tianhe Stage.

With a casual brush of his golden dead branches, the burst of power is unimaginable.

Not only a single blow easily knocked her magic weapon into the air, defeated her power, and even shocked her body full of energy and blood, and she couldn't control her body for a while!

The whole person is like a small boat in the tsunami, unable to sustain himself.

Fortunately, Old Mo Duan didn't rush to move further.

When the girl calmed down slightly and could move the blood in her body, a huge and vast consciousness coerced from the sky, completely locking her in the void.

That consciousness was so powerful that the phantom of the giant chaotic beast behind her collapsed like a bubble with a pop.

When he looked up, he saw Duan Xiong's gloomy eyes staring at him, as if a prehistoric beast was staring at his prey.

At this moment, Shi Yuyan's heart sank, she knew that she was doomed to escape.

"For a long time no one has been so disrespectful to the old man when he is practicing."

The gloomy eyes did not contain any emotions, staring at her coldly.

At this moment, although Shi Yuyan, who was floating in the air, was at a higher position, there was a feeling in her heart that she seemed to be the one prostrate on the ground, being judged by the gods.

"The inheritor of the Dayan Swallowing Secret Art has a cause and effect with the old man. Let's talk about it, little girl, why do you do this? You know the consequences that provoke me."

Duan Xiong's eyes were calm and Gu Bo's face was calm, as if he was chatting.

However, it was this calm demeanor that made Shi Yuyan's heart clenched tightly.

"I... junior, the junior owes Chu Chen a favor, and there are some things I have to do."

Shi Yuyan lowered her head slightly and bit her lower lip lightly.

No matter how high she is in the monk world, no matter how amazing she is, she must not be too nervous to face the evil giant who is famous for shaking the entire monk world.

"Favorites? How big of a favor do you need to take your own life?"

Duan Xiong sneered, his voice getting colder.

"Junior, the junior hasn't considered that much for a while."

The girl's voice became lower unconsciously.

"As far as the old man knows, the purpose of your Scarlet Shadow Sect is to forget one's love and not to fall into the world. In order to achieve your own goals, you must throw the world into chaos and disturb the situation at all costs.

Duan Xiong sneered again and again, "Any man is just a tool for you. Now you are actually disregarding your own life in order to restore the favor of a man. Are you really the new generation of the Scarlet Shadow?

"The purpose of this door, the younger generation will never forget."

Shi Yuyan looked solemnly, "The younger generation overestimated her cultivation level, but simply wanted to pay him back. She offended the senior, and asked the senior to look at her family ancestor Xueyan's queen, and forgive the younger generation this time."

"Then I have to ask you for Xueyan first, are you really insensitive to that kid?"

Duan Xiong asked coldly.

Shi Yuyan's heart moved, knowing that something was wrong.

Feiying’s Supreme Sovereign, Xueyan Queen, famously moved the entire monastic world~www.ltnovel.com~ and it is said that when she was young, she had a history with someone who was one of the ten most powerful in evil ways, but she didn’t know the specifics. Which character only.

Looking at Duan Xiong's expression now, he was actually indifferent to the title of Queen Xueyan, and it seemed that there was no way to escape the danger with the previous cause and effect.

"The younger generation has long since cut off the mortal heart, and will not be moved by any man. Yu Chuchen just helped each other in this chaotic and dangerous situation to increase his chances of surviving in the little fairy world."

"Very well, if you are really enamored with him, then don't blame the old man for being ruthless, because he is indeed the temporary master of the old man for this period of time."

"Temporary master?!"

"Yes, the temporary master," the old man once had a gambling fight with him. "

"Junior understands."

"So I still have to keep him comprehensive. After you are emotional, Xueyan will not let him go, so don't be emotional, otherwise the old man will only kill you first."

(End of this chapter)

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