Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1621: Looting the little fairy world

"Junior will never be moved!"

The girl in white said word by word.

"Well, the old man is just cheating you. It's your young people's business to be emotional. The old man won't take care of such nostalgia when he gets older. Go!"

Before he finished his words, he smiled, Duan Xiong's big sleeves fluttered, blasting Shi Yuyan away with a soft force.

The white-clothed girl who fell in the sky bowed slightly to the black-clothed old man on the cliff, and then flew towards the bottom of the Broken Dragon cliff.

At this time, Lan Xuan and Xuan Ke were already at the bottom of the cliff with Chu Chen.

Boom boom boom...

Spiritual power surged, and the golden-red aura transformed into a layer of light more than a foot long on the surface of Chu Chen's body, burning a stick of incense for a full time before it slowly extinguished.

After checking the realm, Chu Chen nodded, very satisfied with the result.

The cultivation base has been upgraded from the realm of four streams to the realm of five streams. The origin hasn't had any influence or damage yet, and the result of this upgrade is definitely very good.

"Little friend Chu, are you really all right?"

Xuan Ke's eyes were filled with a layer of green color, and he looked up and down at Chu Chen carefully, a little surprised. Originally thought that after Duan Xiong's refining, Chu Chen should have suffered a great loss of origin, floating blood, and unstable bloodline.

Now it seemed that his breath was extremely calm, as if he hadn't suffered any damage.

"He is okay, we were all wrong. The old demon Duan Xiu didn't want to refine him, but he really improved his cultivation level. Old Demon Duan recognized Chu Chen as the temporary master, and had no intention of remorse ."

A cold voice came, and everyone looked up and saw Shi Yuyan's white clothes floating in the air. She took a personal risk to offend Duan Xiong's practice, but she didn't suffer any injuries.

Retired all over!

"What the **** is going on? The old demon is so kind?"

Lan Xuan always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

At this time, Zhou Lin also climbed down halfway down the mountain. Without the trouble of Dragon Sha, she moved naturally and easily.

After checking Chu Chen herself, Zhou Lin, who had always been prudent, finally let go of her heart.

At this moment, the worried Xuan Ke asked, "Brother Chu, what are we going to do next?"

"Well, how to go next, this is indeed a big problem. The group of blood eagles who broke the formation may not be able to count on it for the time being. We have roughly understood the direction of the frontline lair. We will move in that direction and continue to deepen. In the heart of Xiaoxianjie, step by step."

Chu Chen said slowly, everyone knew that he should have a clear plan.

"Then we will go all the way into the Little Immortal Realm and robbery all the way."

When Chu Chen said this, everyone was stupid. What kind of plan is the robbery?

"Robbery... is it a robber?"

Zhou Lin frowned. She was born in an upright sect. She learned to help justice since she was a child, and she has always hated this kind of robbery behavior.

"Robbery! I support. I still have to pay off the debt to the old demon Duan Xiong. I can do whatever I want. If Brother Chu takes the lead, let's ransack Xiaoxianjie."

Lan Xuan looked excited, Zhou Lin frowned slightly again when he heard the words, wondering what happened to Brother Chu?

Could it be that the one who is near Zhu is red, and the one near Mo is black, and it is broken by that old demon?

Shi Yuyan never said a word, and stood quietly on the side.

What is the robbery to her?

In this chaotic little fairy world, the weak eat the strong, the monks follow the law of the jungle, and it is not a matter for the strong to kill the weak.

Let alone robbery.

However, Xuan Ke had reached an age after all, and he was so mature that he saw the awkwardness in Zhou Lin's heart, and he suddenly laughed.

"Girl Zhou, who is your brother Chu, tell me?"

Zhou Lin hesitated for a moment, and still said firmly, "Brother Chu is a good person."

"That's right, you have to believe Brother Chu, what he did is definitely not a bad thing. Everyone in the Little Immortal World is in danger. Everyone is going crazy in order to improve their cultivation in a short time! Bao is now a commonplace affair. The entire Little Immortal Realm... has become a Shura field. Others are not sensible, but Brother Chu must be sensible."

Zhou Lin looked at Chu Chen seemingly.


Chu Chen nodded, "In the current Little Immortal Realm, countless king-level ancient beasts are wandering, and they have completely turned into a land of Shura. In such a harsh environment, only the resources such as heaven, material and earth treasures can be continuously obtained to rapidly improve. Our own cultivation is the right way. We are going to plunder, of course, we are going for the wicked. In this little fairy world, the most indispensable is the cruel wicked."

When Zhou Lin heard this, she was relieved.

I thought that Senior Brother Chu was indeed Senior Brother Chu, and he could have his own way of survival in this desperate little fairy world.

"Let's go."

Chu Chen shook his gray shirt slightly, and his whole body jumped into the air and flew forward.

Lan Xuan reacted the fastest, and flew away, and the blue clothes fluttered behind Chu Chen.

Xuan Ke smiled, slapped his big hand on the Qingyan beside him, and rose to the sky, catching up with Lan Xuan.

Zhou Lin looked at Shi Yuyan, who was incapable of moving like a mountain, and decided to leave it alone. When she moved, she flew into the air.

The four people turned into four auras to break through the space and gallop towards the distant horizon.

Under the original Broken Dragon Cliff, the Qingyan District, where only the girl in white was left, was already empty.

Obviously, Shi Yuyan had followed Chu Chen and left together!

One month later.

The thick soil extremity in the small fairy world.

The Houtu extremity is the largest and most expansive piece of desert in Xiaoxianjie.

Here is the driest place in Xiaoxianjie, with hurricanes roaring and quicksand everywhere, and there are almost no signs of vegetation and life.

The environment here is so bad that even king-level ancient beasts rarely visit.

Before the Little Fairy World changed, no one wanted to truly explore this desert.

It is too desolate and too arid~www.ltnovel.com~ And unlike other deserts, this desert has a special field. The monks living here will lose a lot of water in their bodies than the outside world. Ten times, no matter how strong the cultivation base is, people can't stand it for long.

There have always been rumors in Xiaoxianjie that there is a huge ancient relic in the thick earth extremity, which contains a shocking secret.

Legend has it that the reason why this place is deserted is that there was an earth-shattering battle that broke out in ancient times. It is one of the most important battlefields.

The divine power of all great powers swept across the four directions and wiped out everything, so this vast desert was formed.

Many people once wanted to go deep into this desert to hunt for treasures, but finally gave up helplessly.

Among them, there are even legendary powerhouses of the Tianhe rank. After that, no one wanted to come in again.

At this time, this fierce land has undergone a shocking change!

A huge accident that shocked all the monks occurred on this piece of land.

(End of this chapter)

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