Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1622: Ignited jedi

After the third great change in the little fairy world, the king beasts went wild, but for unknown reasons, they rarely appeared in this piece of land.

It seems that there are things they scruples here?

So this place has become a rare place of peace.

In the inanimate barren land, a lot of broken formations were stationed at once.

At this time, in the area where the entrance of the Houtu extremity was not very deep, a continuous black camp had been spreading for a dozen miles.

From a distance, this black area exudes a dangerous aura that no strangers should enter.

Over every black camp, there is a gray flag waving in the wind!

The gray flag is embroidered with a black dragon that is winding and circling, forming a huge skull. It looks maddening and wants to get out of the flag, which is very intriguing.

These Black Dragon Banners are obviously not mortals, but magical artifacts!

The evil spirit emitted by the Black Dragon Banner is not nothingness. Above the entire stretch of the camp, a clear layer of **** clouds can be seen rising.

In the clouds, the souls of painful and struggling resentment are looming, seemingly true and imaginary.

If the spiritual sense of the monk is strong to a certain level, you can find that those resentful souls are not ghosts, but real resentful spirits.

That is the grieving spirits formed by the monks' persistence after death, and these grieving spirits even gathered into clouds!

This is a very heavy defensive formation with murderous aura, and the killing formation comes from the frightening black dragon group of Xiaoxian Realm!

In the small fairy world, the strength of the Black Dragon Breaking Formation Group is not too strong, at most in the middle.

But it has a great reputation. For many cultivators in the Little Immortal Realm, it is like a nightmare. To a certain extent, it is no less than the top ten breaking formations.

The reason is that the black dragon has always acted bloody, cruel, and insidious!

This group of people is filled with a chilling fierceness, they can do everything to achieve their goals.

Poisoning, coercion, yin, sap...

Another point is that they don't keep alive after the incident, they will never let go of what they can kill, and the methods are quite cruel.

Therefore, in the eyes of many monks, this black camp is even more terrifying than hell!

But today, this **** has changed? !

The blood-colored cloud on the black dragon bursting group was turbulent and swayed, fragmented, and scattered.

In the black continuous ups and downs below, gold-red, blue, green, and white light clusters exploded violently inside the camp tent for dozens of miles.

The spiritual power of all colors surged into a violent storm that swept across the four directions, and the yellow sand filled the sky, and the billowing spiritual power rushed to the sky, completely dispelling the blood cloud above the camp.

Obviously, something happened to the Black Dragon Breaking Formation!

Bright pillars of fire rose up, completely igniting the endless black camp.

The camp of the Black Dragon Breaking Formation Group has turned into a sea of ​​fire in a flash.

The raging fire is rolling up, burning the hell!

In the billowing flames, from time to time, you can see the members of the Battered Array in black howling out of the sea of ​​flames, and then turning into scorched ashes.

This is the only crisis that the Black Dragon Breaking Formation Group has encountered since its history, and it is also a catastrophe!

"Flee! Run away everyone!"

"The one who can go is one, don't look back..."

"Don't go to the left, it's dead over there!"

In a panic and wailing, the members of the black dragon scurried like moths, just to escape to the sky, but there was fire everywhere!

There are countless dead black robes, and the fugitives who survived are not much better. There are signs of sword qi splits and flames burning everywhere. Almost everyone has wounds on their bodies, many of them Even an arm or leg was cut off directly.

This group of villains is like a group of incomplete puppets, struggling sternly in the sea of ​​fire, and they have long lost their previous cruelty.

At this time, if you overlook the entire sea of ​​fire from the air, you will find that in this place, there are three murderous rushes rising into the sky in three directions, surrounding the entire group of broken formations.

The three killing gods bombarded the entire camp indiscriminately.

The spiritual power in their bodies seemed to be endless, smashing this well-trained and prestigious team into an army.

Three people slaughtered hundreds of monks, it was as simple as killing ants! ?

With a scream of pain, an elite group of monks from the Linghe realm escaped from the front left of the camp.

Headed by the leader of the Black Dragon Breaking Formation Group, the ‘Blood Devil Dragon’ thanked him.

He is tall, with muscular knots all over his body, and his black robe is almost bursting by him, like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus, but at this time he is very embarrassed, his hair is scattered, his face is full of soot, and his blood-colored eyes are full of misfortune. Qi and spite.

"Damn, after escaping, I must avenge this revenge!"

"Boss, what the **** have we gotten into? Why are we so interested!"

Immediately behind him was the fourth figure of the Black Dragon Breaking Formation Group. He was tall and thin, and his whole body was almost the same fleshless young monk as a real skeleton. He was holding a wound on his shoulder that was more than a foot long and his mouth was sore. Must be trembling all the time.

"The man in gray clothes is really **** perverted. Obviously, he only has the cultivation base of Lingxi realm. It smashed the second brother of the late Linghe stage with a punch. What is the background!"

"The black dragon breaks the formation is over! But we are still alive, this hatred must be reported!"

Xie Xiu's gloomy eyes showed a trace of hatred and a sense of fear.

As the saying goes, if you walk too much at night, you will definitely have to encounter ghosts. Heilong Bianzhen Tuan has always acted fiercely and without taboos. I didn't expect that today I finally fell into bad luck and encountered even worse.

Three uninvited guests came that night, although only three people came.

There are three killing gods!

A boy in gray, a boy in blue, and an old man in green.

The blue-clothed young man and the green-robed old man are okay, one is probably at the beginning of the Linghe realm, and the other is at the latter stage of the Linghe.

But they are all extremely fierce, and their combat power far exceeds their cultivation base!

If they were alone, it would not be enough to cause the Black Dragon Breaking Formation Group to suffer a disaster.

After all, he Xie Xiu is also a half-step Tianhe level powerhouse.

The most terrifying thing is that the cold gray-clothed boy ~www.ltnovel.com~'s cultivation base aura is obviously only in the late Lingxi stage, but the real combat power is very powerful.

He saw with his own eyes that the deputy head of the Linghe Great Realm at the peak of the cultivation base could not get through with the gray-clothed youth, and was bombarded by him! !

So the moment he saw that young man, an unprecedented great terror struck his mind, making Xie Xiu unable to even think of resisting at all.

Obviously he had half the strength of Tianhe, but he could only flee in the opposite direction with the elites of his men.

This feeling is like a nightmare!

These three uninvited guests, in fact, formed a three-elephant killing array far away, with the gray-clothed youth as the front line, the blue-clothed youth and the green-robed old man also became unstoppable and became living killing machines.

Xie Xiu had seen how many storms and waves he had seen in his life, and Brother Tianhe had also dealt with it, but at this moment, his instinct told him that he must stay away from the indifferent gray-clothed boy.

That killer!

(End of this chapter)

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