Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1623: What is saving

Xie Xiu was able to climb to the position of the leader of the Black Dragon Breaking Formation Group, absolutely because of his strength!

Also because of his super instinct for danger insight, he escaped the catastrophe several times and lived longer than his competitors.

The moment this young Lingxi appeared, he fled without any hesitation.

"Hurry up, if you don't want to die here..."

Xie Xiu urged everyone behind him, but heard a sound from the rear right, booming...!

When he came back and looked, a golden-red fireball blasted from a distance and hit a black-clothed member with a bang. The strong man in the middle of the Linghe Great Realm had no time to hum, and the whole person was exploded. A big ball of fire.

Boom boom boom!

Dozens of golden and red fireballs chased like cannonballs, smashing pillars of fire into the sky one after another on the sand. Even though the group of black dragon elites that Xie Xiu brought rushed for their lives, there were still people who were blown to pieces by the flying fireballs.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

The black light of Xie Xiu's incarnation was getting faster and faster, breaking through the space, and everyone else gritted their teeth and followed behind.

In the end, dozens of black auras tore open the night and escaped from the fire of the company camp!

Fortunately, there were only three uninvited guests who could not completely surround the entire camp, allowing everyone to rush out of a gap and gain the last ray of life.

"Boss, we must avenge this grudge!!"

The tall and thin old fourth, who looked like a skeleton, gritted his teeth hard, not knowing whether it was because of anger or pain, his face was distorted.

The group of remnants behind the team were also very angry!

Xie Xiu still maintained a high speed, "Don't worry, I have my own care..."


Just as everyone was roaring for revenge, the space in front of everyone suddenly darkened.

Looking up, in the flying sand in the sky, a beautiful girl with a heavenly fragrance and national color fluttering in white, fell from the sky and stood in the void.

There was no mood swing in her clear and glamorous face, as if the nine-day fairy fell into the mortal dust.

At this moment, there are only two words left in everyone's mind.


"Fairy help!"

The fourth child's cry resounded through the world, immediately awakening the slightly stunned people.

Xie Xiu frowned, only to find that the old fourth's right arm was scorched black and still smoking. It was obviously burnt by a burst of golden fireball before!

Although the fire is not visible now, the burns continue to worsen, and even the waves of the spiritual power in the old fourth body can't be extinguished, his entire right arm began to burn black and scorched.


Xie Xiu let out a low growl, and a dark ghost scale appeared with a gleam in the palm of his palm. With a bang, he chopped off the old fourth's right arm and shoulder.


"Four brothers!!"

With a cry of exclamation, several members of the Po Zhen regiment rushed up to support the fourth child who had almost fainted, and hurriedly began to take the healing medicine to stop bleeding from the storage space.

"It seems that you are very affectionate."

The girl's cold voice came from the sky.

Xie Xiu quickly raised his head to look at the white-clothed girl in the void ahead, feeling the half-step Tianhe-level breath on her body, and his heart sank slightly, nodding his fist.

"Is the fairy an enemy or a friend? If the fairy helps each other today, when the black dragon breaks the formation and rises again, he will surely form a ring of grass in return!"

Fairy in white did not answer, looking at him noncommittal.

"The fairy must be a bodhisattva. Please show mercy and save our lives..."

The fourth child who had been chopped off had completely collapsed at this time, struggling directly to bow down to the girl in front of him.

"Save people? I have never done anything like this."

The face of the fairy in white in the void was like frost, as if a high **** was looking down at the people below who were like bereaved dogs. Suddenly he raised his hand and waved, a bright white light beam burst out, brushing across the ground in front of him. There was a deep mark one hundred feet long.

Separating everyone from the Black Dragon Breaking Formation Group from himself!

The fairy in white said word by word, "Now, you all know, who dares to cross this line and die!"

With a word, the entire space was suddenly silent.

Xie Xiu's face suddenly turned dark, and the elites of the group of black dragons behind him also turned pale.

The fairy in white didn't come to rescue them, but was in a group with the three...

"Your Excellency is only a half-step Tianhe-level monk, so deceiving people too much, is it too much!"

Xie Xiu's hazy eyes narrowed into thin slits, and Beng revealed a sharp gaze like a blade.

Although he was a little flustered at the beginning of this girl's peerless appearance, now he feels the aura of spiritual power in her body, and he has calmed down.

Xie Xiu told herself that although the young girl from Tianhe wasn't as simple as it seemed on the surface, it was the young Lingxi who was really terrifying. If he catches up, the consequences will be truly unimaginable.

"Am I excessive?"

This fairy in white is Shi Yuyan, she looked at the black dragon people innocently.

"You half-step Tianhe, our head half-step Tianhe, everyone does not offend the river."

Among the black dragon crowd, a thin and slender bald man came out with a treacherous look, "We are also at this time, don't want to make trouble, but in normal times, you meet us, such a beautiful little lady, Don’t let me strip naked and have fun!"

"Shut up old sixth!"

When Xie Xiu stopped speaking, the girl in white in the void shot.

She gently stretched out her right hand that was as white as jade, and her slender index pointed forward!

The space around her actually began to distort and overlap, as if it had become another misty world that was constantly deforming and reshaping!

And the bald monk, who was at least tens of feet away from her, had a fingerprint-sized hole on his forehead, and then his whole person was rapidly aging. The man of about 30 years old turned into a wrinkle in an instant. The body is like a dead man.


On the side there was only the thin, thin fourth one who wanted to pull him with one arm. The moment he touched him with his right hand, the bald-headed sixth was directly scattered and turned into a cloud of dust.

"No, it's gone!"

The fourth child and the other Black Dragon members are crazy!

what happened?

Just before the blink of an eye, the bald-headed sixth child changed from young to old, from old to dust, and all his life energy was sucked away!

At this time, Xie Xiu found that there was a blood-red essence on the tip of the girl's right finger in the void.

She sucked gently ~www.ltnovel.com~ The **** essence was inhaled into her nose, and then she shook her head slowly, "The murderous spirit is too heavy, bad review!"

At this moment, not only thanked Xiu and showed horror, the other black dragon cultivators began to want to step back. This white-clothed girl was obviously not much better than the gray-clothed boy.

"Speaking badly is a price. You are brothers, and you can't bear to let him die alone."

The girl in the void sneered, and the spring-like right finger licked in the void, and the space around her began to crazily twist and overlap!

These black dragon monks were just about to escape, and five of them had their foreheads sunken in, and then they grew old, wrinkled, their black hair turned white, and one by one turned into fly ash, and they were caught by the wind on the ground. Scraped away.

Only Xie Xiu and the fourth one-armed were left, and a few silly Black Dragon monks looked at each other.

"You haven't already escaped, why are you still here?"

An indifferent voice suddenly came from behind, and three figures slowly walked on the sand!

(End of this chapter)

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