Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1624: Gulei Destroying the Sky

The three gloomy figures headed by the gray-clothed youth walked out of the sea of ​​fire, like three evil spirits from hell, making Xie Xiu and others shudder.

At this time Xie Xiu suddenly realized that more than three people appeared in front of him, but these three people were chasing a group of people in a hurry.

It's just that the murderous aura of these three people is so strong that it conceals the existence of a large group of bereaved dogs in front.

In front of the three of them, dozens of members of the Black Dragon Breaking Formation Group, all covered in cuts and bruises, were crying and crying, like a bereaved dog, they gathered in front of Xie Xiu.

When Xie Xiu saw the gray-clothed boy with an icy face among the three again, his brows jumped fiercely, and a sense of fear that originated from the deepest part of the soul burst out inexplicably, making him short of breath and his body could not bear it. Zhushi was trembling slightly, his feet soft and hard to hold on himself.

Is this kid a peerless old demon?

Now that there is no way to go back, there is no other choice, fight it!

Xie Xiu glanced horizontally, palm shook, and took out a thing about half the size of a fist from the storage ring, and a thick black air and evil aura came out.

It looked like a black mysterious iron ball, with a smooth surface like jade, with a thunder-like pattern on one side, exuding an unparalleled aura of destruction.

"Tan Tian Lei!"

The old monk Xuan Engraved his wrinkled face fiercely, and his expression passed a trace of surprise unnaturally, and he took a breath.

On the side, Lan Xuan was directly frightened, **** it, chasing these poor bandits, is it really chasing out ghosts.

Only Chu Chen took a faint look, "Oh, this is the legendary Tianhe Thunder that can severely injure the Tianhe powerhouse?"

"This Tiantian Thunder is made by the ancient gods who collected a trace of the innate hot air from the divine fire of the heavens. Once it erupts, it is equivalent to an attack by a strong Tianhe!"

A stern look flashed in Xie Xiu's eyes with a sad look, as if he was about to die.

"Gray-clothed boy, I know you are terrible, but I don't believe that any of you can withstand the bombardment of the Tianhe-level powerhouse! It is useless to regret now...you are the one who forced me!"

Xie Xiu's complexion became more and more ferocious, looking at the three of Chu Chen, and then at the fairy in white who stood volley behind him, with a fierce energy that would burn at any moment.

"Well, I think you misunderstood."

Chu Chen said lightly, "In fact, when we first came here, we just borrowed a entanglement from you because we were tight on hand. You have done a lot of these things yourself, and you will probably not make a fuss. But in the end, you wanted to kill us. We can only protect ourselves."

Lan Xuan on the side couldn't help but want to laugh. Chu Chen was simply talking nonsense. Who would believe the so-called people who want to rob other people's belongings by entanglement.

And you have to steal other people's wealth, can others not fight you hard?

Then you are wronged in every way to protect yourself, so what the **** is it to retaliate?

At this time, Lan Xuan could only rejoice in his heart. Fortunately, he and Chu Chen were in the same group, not the unlucky black dragon group that he was staring at.

"A bunch of nonsense, it's clear that you rushed to kill and bully our black dragon!"

Xie Xiu was anxious, her red eyes couldn't help but screamed, her right hand stubbornly held the Tiantian Thunder in his hand, and her knuckles turned white.

"What is bullying? Since you want to kill us, we also want to kill you. Everyone has their own ability. Whoever is inferior to others will die. What can we complain about?"

Chu Chen said coldly.

"Very well, if you want us to die, you don't even want to live!"

Xie Xiu, who decided to make a desperate move, angered his guts, and suddenly roared, waves of tyrannical dark red spiritual power surged out of his body, and the whole person was burning up, wrapping the jade-black iron in his hand. The ball swept away towards the three of Chu Chen!

The sky thunder blasted out!

In this second, the whole world seemed to be still.

In the monk world, this thing is definitely famous. In the end of the ancient era, the gods of the doomsday, the legend has a special flame system gods who made this kind of ancient thunder in large quantities, countless ancient thunders blasted into the sky, the blood of the gods Pouring the earth, the incomparable might has blasted countless big holes in the sky!

From this battle, this powerful one-time consumable magic weapon got its name, Tian Lei!

At this moment, just tens of thousands of years after the end of the ancient era, this terrifying ancient magic weapon once again bloomed its terrifying power.

Perhaps the power is no longer comparable to the ancient times, but the destructive power is not to be underestimated!

Chu Chen could see that Xie Xiu's dark red spiritual power was constantly squeezing and flying inside Gulei in the air like a storm!

Obviously Xie Xiu's spiritual power was not intended to bombard Chu Chen at all, but only to detonate the thunder!

When the dark red storm squeezed to a certain extent, the jade black ancient thunder burst out!

In an instant, a thunderstorm suddenly appeared on the flat ground, and the sky seemed to suddenly appear as a blazing sun.

The vast red flames billowed up, as if a piece of lava suddenly poured down from nine days.

Ruled this space!

The old monk's Xuan Ke's face turned pale, he has the ancient Jianmu bloodline, the wood monk is most afraid of the explosion of this flame system, not to mention the dazzling gold in this turbulent red flame. The radiating aura of destruction caused Xuan Ke to be frightened, and almost instinctively began to burst out of shape.

Lan Xuan also subconsciously retreated. The exercises he practiced tended to be a mixture of water and wind. Although he was not restrained by fire, his expression was greatly changed by this pure aura of destruction.

When the footwork was used to the extreme, he even shook his hands and threw out a few body protectors, which turned into spiritual lights around him.

At this moment, even Shi Yuyan, who was floating in the sky on the other side, changed his expression greatly.

She is worried about Chu Chen!

The Dayan Swallowing Secret Technique claims to be able to swallow all spiritual power in the world, whether it is righteous energy, spiritual energy, evil energy, or devil energy, it is simply unscrupulous.

But even the ancient chaotic giant beasts still have some things that they dare not swallow, including the so-called celestial fire!

Faced with this terrifying power that was purely destroying everything, Shi Yuyan subconsciously bit her lips tightly, with only deep worries in her eyes.

Because, right in front of her, Chu Chen, who was standing in the forefront, was facing all the bombardment power of Tiantian Thunder!


Facing the thunder and fire that swept across the sky, Chu Chen did not take a step back. His body shook violently, and a blazing golden-red flame erupted violently around him like flowers~www.ltnovel.com~The vast flame In the middle, a dark golden dragon of more than a hundred meters long, like a mighty prison, jumped up fiercely and swallowed the golden lava that erupted from the sky thunder in mid-air.


A dull dragon roar resounded in the void, and the dark golden dragon's figure suddenly skyrocketed, and then gradually retracted.

It has become several meters in size, and the water dragon that Lingxi has transformed into seems to suddenly become a real living thing at this moment. At this moment, everyone discovers that this water dragon has kept its eyes closed? !

It suddenly opened a pair of eyes!

It turned out to be blue!

It is impossible to describe how intriguing the pair of blue dragon eyes are. The azure blue eyes seem to come from the purest color of the heavens, giving a sense of grandeur and grandeur.

It is suppressing the world!

(End of this chapter)

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