Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1627: Shadow of the Sky

"Blood Sovereign Supreme Elder, Night Sovereign Supreme Elder, Spirit Hall Supreme Elder, we have to call the shots for us!"

"The three elders have come forward, everyone is saved!"

"Masters, you quickly kill all these bastards, they killed the leader, you must avenge the leader!"

"Boy, you are dead, and the three elders come forward, even if you escape to the end of the world, it will be useless!"

At this time, more than a dozen black-clothed monks covered in blood appeared in the sea of ​​fire.

I don't know if they pretended to be dead before, or whether Chu Chen didn't kill them all!

However, Chu Chen didn't care about the remnants of the dirty crowd, but through their cheers, he confirmed that these three people were the supreme elders of the Black Dragon Breaking Formation Group.

Really manipulate the existence of the black dragon to break the group!

The fierce blood-clothed old man and the noble black-clothed old man are both Tianhe cultivators, while the cold beautiful man is half-step Tianhe.

Xuan Ke and Lan Xuan did not say a word very tacitly, while Shi Yuyan's figure appeared more vague, as if the whole person became transparent, as if she would escape into the void at any time.

"The black dragon can rise, originally it depends on the three of you."

Chu Chen nodded thoughtfully, just like a judge.

In the Little Immortal Realm, fish and dragons are mixed, and the strong are like clouds. A Xie Xiu obviously can't support the black dragon to break the formation group. There are no taboos in acting in the Little Immortal Realm, burning and looting everywhere.

The biggest background and backing of the Black Dragon Breaking Formation Group are definitely the three people in front of you!

"Little beast, who instructed you to dare to ruin my black dragon to break the formation of the group!"

The angry blood-clothed old man felt like he was about to explode. As the blood-clothed fluttered, bursts of blood burst out of his body, and the world was reflected in red.

"The black dragon breaks the formation and does injustice and will kill itself. We instruct ourselves, and if we don't take it, it will also be destroyed in the hands of others. But is there any valuable treasure in your body?"

Chu Chen didn't mean to instigate him. Instead, he was thinking that Brother Tianhe also meant that no matter how bad they were, there were legendary magical artifacts. If luck is better...

"Yehuang, this young Lingxi boy turned out to be a fool. He is about to die, and he still thinks about what treasures Tianhe cultivator possesses?"

The violent blood-clothed old man was suddenly laughed at by Chu Chen.

The black-clothed old man always had an arrogance that looked down on sentient beings on his face. He glanced at Chu Chen faintly, then looked at the motionless Xuan Ke and Lan Xuan, as well as Shi Yuyan in the void, obviously making a decision.

"Xiao Ling, since you have inherited the position of the Spirit Palace, and now Xie Xiu is dead, you should control the resentment of the black dragon group! These juniors, let you take it. ."

While he was talking, he glanced at the girl in white clothes in the void, "As for the girl who inherited the Dayan Swallowing Technique, I will do it myself."

"Doesn't the old man take action?"

The angry blood-clothed old man was very dissatisfied.

"You don't have a big deal, let Xiaoling come first."

The black-clothed old man waved his sleeves, "These people must be a little bit evil, especially this kid in the Lingxi realm is very weird. I am afraid that he inherits some ancient orthodoxy. You have to catch the little spirit, break his limbs, and search. Take his soul and kill him at the end."

"Master, don't worry, I will pay attention to my measure, and I won't let him die. I will kill the other two to fight the fire for Master Blood."

The feminine young man smiled charmingly and turned his head to look at Chu Chen who was a hundred meters away. His eyes suddenly changed. All the whites of his eyes disappeared without a trace in an instant, and his eyes became dark in an instant. , Like a bottomless abyss!

A stream of weird and incomparable spiritual power radiated from those abyss-like eyes, turned into invisible and inexplicable waves, and swept towards Chu Chen!

At the same time, a two-foot-long old white jade blade with willow leaves appeared in the hands of the feminine young man. The thin blade turned into a sharp stream of light, cutting through the layers of space with incomparable sharpness, towards Chu Chen who was a hundred meters away. My chest burst out!

The overall situation is set!

Seeing this scene, the blood-clothed old man and the black-clothed two nodded slightly, and became calm.

The attacking methods of this feminine young man seemed very ordinary, and did not explode the breath of the stormy waves of half a step Tianhe, but only two people knew how vicious his attack was!

This feminine young man was born with different pupils, and a pair of eyes contained innate soul-stripping devil energy. As long as he locked his opponent, he could deprive him of his soul abruptly.

Later, he inherited the position of Lingdian, and even practiced the special "deprivation of soul and soul" pupil technique. The power of this pair of different pupils is even more powerful to an exaggerated degree.

With the pupil skill cultivation base of the Spirit Hall today, as long as the monks whose cultivation base is not as good as him are locked by his pupil technique, they will be able to forcibly strip their spirits out of the flesh immediately, and destroy them!

If facing a cultivator whose cultivation level is equal to or higher than one's own cultivation level, even if this pupil technique cannot directly deprive the soul, it can also severely damage the soul origin of the other party, which can be described as vicious and abnormal!

With Lingzun's current pupil skill cultivation base, even facing a monk who has just stepped into the Tianhe level, he can instantly destroy at least 10% of the opponent's soul origin.

Coupled with the indestructible "soul piercing blade" in his hand, it can almost fight against the legendary powerhouses of the Tianhe rank!

In fact, not long ago, Lingdian used his powerful pupil technique to kill a monk who had just entered the Tianhe Stage.

Although the opponent had been severely injured by the blood-clothed old man, he was also a real Tianhe-rank powerhouse!

Even if it is a leak, this feminine young man is absolutely terrifying!

Ok? Weird!

Seeing that dazzling thin blade of light from the hand of the feminine young man approached infinitely towards him, Chu Chen's pupils shrank slightly.

Some kind of pupil technique is actually integrated into this blade light!

The bright blade light flew into the ten-foot space inside, and Chu Chen frowned. At this moment, he felt a faint tingling sensation from the deepest part of his soul.

It can directly hurt the soul!

In today's world, magical artifacts that can directly harm the origin of the soul are extremely rare, and the soul is hidden deep in the life origin of the monk~www.ltnovel.com~ invisible and intangible, invisible and intangible.

Soul artifacts are extremely rare.

But this was the first time that Chu Chen had encountered. Someone wanted to break through his soul barrier?

He laughed, come on!


In the darkness, a loud eagle's voice suddenly resounded.

Faintly, there seemed to be a huge silver giant shadow emerging from the void behind Chu Chen.

The silver giant bird soared into the sky, and suddenly opened a pair of giant wings that covered the world, and the vast and inexplicable machines overwhelmed the entire sky!

With nearly a thousand feet of silver wings covering the sky and sun, the entire world seems to be shrouded in giant wings!

The complexion of the blood-clothed old man and the black-clothed old man changed. They were so domineering. Just a phantom shadow controlled the world and suppressed all the energy!

(End of this chapter)

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