Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1628: Void Blood Array


When the giant eagle hummed, the huge sound storm centered on it, radiating frantically to the surroundings!

The space is turbulent and turbulent, and the ground is violent with yellow sand!

Everyone was involved in the yellow sand, including the blood-clothed old man and the black-clothed old man.

Lingdian felt an invisible heavy hammer hitting his soul, and a panic of terror flashed across the dark eyes like an abyss.

The invisible fluctuations emanating from his invincible "deprivation of soul and soul" pupil technique that day had not had time to rush to Chu Chen, and he was taken aback by the eagle's whirr and disappeared with a bang!

He was also affected by the giant eagle's sound storm. At this moment, his head was dizzy and the world was spinning, leaving only black and white in the whole world.

The body of the Spirit Hall staggered in the flying yellow sand and almost fell to the ground.

At this time, not only the blade light he released was shattered, but the thin and sharp blade in his hand was violently dark, and suddenly burst into pieces with a pop!

That is... what is that, what is that? ?

How could a young cultivator in the Lingxi realm have such a perverted soul ability, just a long haunt of a ghostly shadow, broke his soul attack, and hurt himself!

What is this silver giant bird phantom? !

This is an ancient Golden Winged Roc that has not evolved completely!

The soul of the supreme beast is not to be watched!


Chu Chen screamed coldly, and in this second, the power of the soul in his mind was suddenly stimulated to its strongest state.

The terrifying silver-winged roc had a virtual shadow, and immediately vibrated the sky-shielding giant wings. There were countless soul storms in this space!

The blood-clothed old man and the black-clothed old man were about to take a defensive action against these raging soul storms, but all the soul storms disappeared instantly?

The irritable blood-clothed old man was about to scold and make a fuss, but his mouth opened wide, because he saw a shocking scene!

All the soul storms were gone, not disappearing, but merged into a soul hurricane, swept into the spirit hall! !

The whole spirit hall was carried by the hurricane to a hundred feet high in the sky, like a puppet being pulled into the void!

When the soul hurricane dissipated, the vitality in the eyes of the floating spirit hall had disappeared, the body was stiff, there was a thump, and the head fell silently and quickly fell down.

One of the three great elders of the Black Dragon Breaking Formation Group, half a step in the Spirit Hall of Tianhe Step, died just like that!


The corpse that fell from a height of one hundred meters directly smashed out a huge sandpit and raised countless dust.

"His Royal Highness is dead?"

"How is it possible that the Supreme Elder of the Spirit Hall is much more powerful than the head of the group?"

"It must be magic, the gray boy is a demon from a restricted life zone, right?"

Seeing that half of the feminine young man's body was buried in the sand, he sensed from a distance that there was no life fluctuation on his body, and the remaining members of the Black Dragon Breaking Formation group went crazy.

one move?

It was just a trick, half a step Tianhe's monk was killed by a Lingxi monk!

This is the spiritual hall elder among the three elders!

This is the spiritual evil hall that has once destroyed a group of broken formations with one's own power!

When the rest of the black dragon group is almost crazy, the black-clothed old man is extremely calm, "The soul cultivator confrontation, life and death really only takes a moment, don't panic."

"It turned out to be... the soul bite?

The old man, who was hunting and dancing like a battle flag, also nodded suddenly.

"The soul deprivation pupil technique of the spirit hall is most afraid of opponents whose soul power is far stronger than his own. This kid's soul power is actually stronger than the spirit hall. He should be a little genius with super soul talent."

The black-clothed old man looked at Chu Chen in his gaze, and there was a bit of regret. It was difficult for the soul genius to come out, but he was still dying.

"Xiaoling has swallowed a rare seven-fruited Poria cocos by chance and coincidence, and his soul ability has been forcibly improved. Compared with the real monk with strong soul talent, it is indeed weak. Then he will be recognized if he is dead. We will avenge him. Exactly."

The blood-clothed old man slowly clenched his fists.

"What kind of revenge do you want?"

The black-clothed old man said with a slight concern.

The blood-clothed old man smiled grimly, "The little monk in the realm of Lingxi is so abnormal in his own soul power. I won't kill him so soon. I finally found such a good material. I have to study it and play. Have fun!"

"If you don't launch a soul attack and let him take advantage of it, he can't escape no matter what. You have fun, just keep your breath and let me search for the soul."

The black-clothed old man knew the cruel hobbies of his old man. The grey-clothed boy killed the spiritual temple he had painstakingly cultivated for many years. It was necessary for the blood to train him to dispel his hatred.

Standing hundreds of feet away, Chu Chen looked very cold as the two Tianhe cultivators discussed how to send him off.

As if it had nothing to do with yourself.

"Hehe, this kid is a little courageous, he is not afraid when things come."

The blood-clothed old man's blood-colored lines on his forehead shimmered slightly, looking like a strange snake moving slowly.

"I have been in the world of cultivators for so many years, but it has been a long time since I saw such a little beast who knows nothing about life and death. It is up to me to teach him what is the awe of the superior!"


A blood-red beam of light suddenly lit up from the blood-clothed old man, twisted and tangled in mid-air, and quickly transformed into a blood-colored monster that was a hundred feet long, which was full of evil spirits.

The evil worm erupting was covered with dark red scales, without feet, claws, face and eyes. At one end of the body was a large mouth of a hexagonal blood basin, which was covered with dense fangs.

This is the ancient evil worm!

Xuan Ke's heart beat wildly in the distance.

At this time, Chu Chen took the action, and he flew up, turning into a gray light and flying towards the west.

The ancient evil worm chased him immediately, and its huge body continued to swell during its flight. The huge body twisted, halfway through it, and suddenly "bang" exploded in the void? !

This is also unexpected to everyone~www.ltnovel.com~What kind of waste is this ancient evil worm?

Would he blew himself up?

When everyone was dumbfounded, Chu Chen, who was escaping quickly, had a face like frost, flying faster and faster, without a trace of relaxation.

call out! call out!

In the huge blood mist, blood-red rays of light danced horizontally.

These blood-red rays of light instantly caught up with Chu Chen, shrouded in a few hundred feet of Chu Chen's body, and transformed into a huge dark red formation.

A gust of wind blows, and after the explosion of that group of monsters, the **** clouds drifted into the entire huge array!

A bloodline evil formation is completely laid out.

At this time, looking from the outside world, I saw a hazy blood-colored fog, and Chu Chen's figure was faintly visible in the fog, so hazy, as if it would disappear from this world at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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