Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 213: Establish base

Jiang Li's vitality began to leap.

Suddenly the vitality from 4.1 to 7 can be said to be a huge leap forward.

It is a miracle to directly increase the vitality of 2.9, but compared to the energy just consumed, it is nothing. Jiang Li even feels that he has consumed two hundred kilograms of spirit stones, plus many attributes of spirit stones. The more the last fetus was added, the more it was added, is there something wrong with the practice?

"Teacher, my body seems to be strong. I can physically cross the storm canyon below, but why is there only 7 vitality? I seem to have a lot of power in my body, but I ca n’t explode and ca n’t vent it?"

Jiang Li ran at will, breathing, and punching with one punch. Suddenly, the innate suffocation was violent, and the air flow was like a knife.

His body rotates and pushes out with one palm. Within five steps of his body, the air flow is violent, forming spirals one by one, and finally stands still, forming a force field, thick and solemn, with the majesty of the emperor. It kept ringing, there was a lot of pressure everywhere.

This kind of force field is more powerful than King Kong's enchantment, but it is still congenital qi in martial arts, not a magical power.

But this martial art is not inferior to the supernatural power.

It is a pity that although Jiang Li was breathing, although he felt the infinite power in his body, he couldn't burst out. This kind of power made him feel uncomfortable.

He asked Hong Heiyu why?

"It's very simple. Now you have a very good physical fitness, even far more than Wang Rulai, but the body of the emperor has not been fully realized, so the strength is still accumulated in the body, and the potential of life cannot burst. When your body of the emperor achieves success, the combat power will be Soaring, when the vitality is completely liberated, it will show its true power. "Hong Hei prison glanced at Jiang Li, without hesitation:" Actually, this principle is very simple, just like a martial artist and a health keeper. The martial artist's fighting power is invincible , When he broke out, he could kill ten health-care families, but he certainly did not have a health-care family to live a long time, and he was also troubled by a series of problems such as illness. Life potential and physical fitness are the same thing, and vitality is the same thing. "

"So it is, but I have enough vitality now. I can tear the Sonic Mech and run at the speed of sound. And with my physical body, I can soar the sky and burst into the clouds." Jiang Li observed the body in the dark and found that although many Life potential can't burst out, but now that he has evolved, he can be comparable to a starry Warcraft.


His body jumped, and he rushed out, and it turned out to be the speed of sound.


A boulder was broken into powder by Jiang Li. He exhaled again, and the air flowed into a flying sword, shooting wildly. The body is clean and refreshing, without any trace of impurities, and without any pollution, it can be described as a clean body.

"Wonderful, really wonderful! The strongest of the ordinary vitality 7 runs at the speed of sound for a maximum of tens of seconds, and it will take you less than a minute. And you can run for more than ten minutes, so the battle is invincible. , Physical strength is still much longer than them. "Hong Hei prison looked around:" I will start mining ore, mining all the stone, see what good things are there? "

"It's difficult to mine below. What kind of tools does the mentor have?" Jiang Li paused in the air, his arms trembled, the air flow was turbulent, and he firmly supported his body. At the same time, he stepped down. A storm appeared at the foot, like an old monster in the legend. Wherever he went, the wind was violent and the sand was flying away.

Of course, he can also run smoothly, using the sky as land.

Now his practice is that he has surpassed himself who has a flying sword. Even if the sword body is united, it cannot be compared with the body of his emperor. This is still the case where the body of the emperor is not small. If the body of the emperor is small, he Your body will make even more incredible changes.

"Rest assured, my warship has undergone many transformations to specifically detect mining veins. Although the collection here is a bit more difficult, I have nano-robots to separate the storm canyon and let the robots go down. It is completely possible for me to collect these technologies. Simple. Also, I need to install a wind energy absorption furnace first to recharge the warship and use wind energy to restrict wind energy. "

Hong Heili said he would do it, sending many materials from the battleship, and several huge furnaces.

At this time, there was a lot of dense fog in the air, and many buildings just beginning to be built appeared on both sides of the canyon, just like magic.

"Nano-robot?" Jiang Li looked at them. Those fogs are particles one by one, and each particle is a robot. There are tens of billions of these robots, so a dense fog is formed.

However, the general appearance of architectural magic on both sides of the canyon was the result of the construction of these robots.

It really seemed like magic.

The magician sprayed a heavy fog, and the building appeared after the heavy fog.

Nano-robots are actually not magical. As early as two hundred years ago in the national era, human beings began to study, but at that time no alien technology was available. Nano-robot technology was still immature. With the advancement of science and technology, Now nano-robots are truly mature and reaching their peak.

Many robots are only the size of a molecule, and they are gathered together in an endless amount. They work together under the control of the light brain. It seems that a thick fog has diffused, and then the fog has dispersed, and various miracles have appeared.

Of course, this magical technology is still at the high end of ordinary human society, and only the elite zone can have it.

There are not many nano-robots at the level of Hongheil. If they have more, once they are released, the sky of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers will be completely covered by nano-robots, and then mountains, rivers, and the earth will There is a miraculous change.

"Wonderful! Nano robot." Jiang Li admired, he could not describe in words, this was magic.

In his eyes, many molecular-sized robots are gathered together, and they work in close divisions, cooperate closely and work seamlessly, and operate according to the procedures of the light brain. They collect stones, fuse them, build houses, cut rocks, decorate materials, install furnaces, and dig Ground.

They don't look like people, but small bugs with claws on their heads.

Robots are not called humanoids. Robots are called nano-robots. It is rumored that nanobots are in the universe, a ferocious zerg, and the appearance of worker bees has been reduced to a model. There are zergs in the universe. Worker bees are natural masters of architecture.

According to its structural principles, nano-robots can have various miracles in construction.

Even using nano-robots for human surgery can remove vascular diseases, repair genes, kill various viral cells, and delay cell aging.

Within an hour, many buildings marveled on both sides of Storm Canyon.

These buildings have altars, towers, pyramids, and attics.

Jiang Li immediately flew up into the sky and found that the buildings on both sides of the storm canyon were like chains, which blocked the canyon. The fierce storm in the canyon was like a wind dragon, trapped and locked.

"The pattern of sleepy dragon feng shui."

At a glance, Jiang Li knew that Honghei Prison had built an architecture, taking the storm canyon as a dragon and a wind dragon, locked with fengshui. Then, he cut a gap at the edge of the canyon of the dragon head, put the energy furnace up, and activated the huge furnace.

woo woo woo woo……

Immediately, the storm in the entire canyon became more violent, and it seemed that a wind dragon was really enraged, and the endless storms were all poured into the huge energy furnace.

Right now, the energy furnace starts to run.

The furnace is turned at high speed by the power of wind energy conversion.

"Good guy, the natural wind energy of this stormy canyon is simply too strong. It is the great shore power of nature." Hong Heil came to the canyon, watched the wind energy injected into the energy production furnace, and then he went into the depth of a newly constructed room. I saw one by one the energy blocks were ejected.

Jiang Li grabbed it and picked up an energy block, crystal-like, heavy, not as light as ordinary energy blocks. It is a bit similar to the spirit stone, but it cannot be absorbed by the body.

In fact, both energy blocks and spirit stones belong to energy, only one can be absorbed by flesh and blood, and one can only be absorbed mechanically.

It's like the difference between meat and oil. Human beings need to eat meat to run, and cars need gasoline to run. The two are not interchangeable, people will die if they drink gasoline, and stuffing meat in car fuel tanks is a big joke.

"The concentration of this energy block is so pure." Jiang Li took out the light brain and performed energy detection. The light brain immediately made a sound announcement: "The energy block was found, and its purity is five stars."

"Five-star energy block?" Jiang Li was even more shocked: "This kind of energy block can be materialized and condensed, and people of various energy bodies can be evolved under the control of optical brain machines ~ www.readwn.com ~ energy block Divided into many levels, according to current standards, from one star to ten stars.

The one-star energy block is used to generate electricity, cook rice, and run various aspects of life. The two-star energy block can be used for driving, etc. As for some premium cars, Samsung or even four-star energy blocks are required.

The five-star energy block is an advanced use that can be transformed into a human form, such as a master system of martial arts, such as Wu Zu, such as the military. Such as the energy shield, the value of this energy block is also very high.

A large base, if this energy is sufficient, it can completely replace all machinery, such as energy arm work, energy people to do things, energy shields to defend, energy to interfere with the weather.

"It's a treasure of feng shui. The wind energy in this storm gorge is not ordinary wind, but the divine wind, the essence of heaven and earth, and the energy of the stars in the sky. This wind is equal to the essence, otherwise it is impossible to tear the Sonic Mech." Hung Heil watched the energy blocks constantly being produced, and a happy smile appeared on his face: "If all the wind energy in this storm gorge is used up, I will set up a stellar light absorption plate at this base, and the energy of the entire base is completely It can be self-sufficient and even sold outside. "

"That is to say, after our base is established, it can be the same as Star University? All kinds of energy are realized, transmitted, wrapped, treated? Shields? Can even evolve into energy robots?" Jiang Li felt incredible, ecstatic Sprouting spontaneously.

"Nice." Hong Hei prison looked around and smiled with satisfaction: "This time you found this cave heavenly place is perfect, we will build a base around this cave heavenly place, transform Feng Shui, interlocking, making this cave heavenly place Exerting strength, radiating outward, absorbing more energy, this is a steady stream of wealth and shelter. "

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