Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 214: Demon King

A whole month has passed.

Hong Hei prison runs this cave heaven and earth wholeheartedly. He drives a battleship and purchases a lot of materials. He wants to build this maritime island into his eternal home. After the materials are delivered, they are built by nano-robots and centered around Storm Canyon. With the construction of many large high-rise towers, the geomantic pattern has become increasingly diverse.

Hundreds of large furnaces were set up on both sides of the canyon, and energy converters were used to absorb wind energy, so more energy blocks were continuously generated.

This is equivalent to a large energy manufacturing plant, and it is clean and pollution-free energy.

In addition to nano robots, some large metal robots are also transported in to do various things in this base. A large base needs human care, otherwise it will gradually become obsolete. Fortunately, the robot can take care of this perfectly. Everything, and the robot has a longer life than humans, and a high-quality robot can run for 500 years without any problems.

Underneath the Storm Canyon, the spirit stone was continuously mined.

There are more than 5,000 kilograms of spirit stones in it.

Jiang Li watched the spirit stones pile up in the warehouse of Honghei prison and was divided into various small pieces. At the same time, many robots explored hundreds of islands and found a lot of elixir and treasure.

At the same time, some deeper properties were found deeper in the ground.

This time is really rich.

How many stars will you get if you replace five or six thousand jin of spirit stone with wealth? Of course, the spirit stone is not equal to wealth. The first is that there are few people who can afford it. The second is that it is difficult to transport it out. Of course, Jiang Li can transport it out, but he will use it himself and Honghei. His body , Even the condensed body of the emperor's fetus, these spiritual stones are not necessarily enough.

In order to transform the cells and genes of the body into the body of the emperor, Honghei prison must also burn a large number of spirit stones into flames, calcinate the original energy in the body, and begin the transformation of Nirvana regeneration. This requires more spirit stones.

The body of the emperor has thousands of spirit stones, which cannot be calculated.

What's more, the master and apprentice are condensing together? Hong Hei prison didn't mean to sell the spirit stone at all. He started to do secret cultivation now, consolidating the body of the emperor.

Bit by bit, the impurities were expelled from the body, and then stood up.

His own body is very powerful. The practice of Shifang Hell Road has trained his body like the guardian diamond in hell, suppressing all ghosts and gods. But compared with the body of the emperor, it is much worse.

The body of the emperor is aware of the chaos and fortune, fuses the realms, transforms the cells into crystals, and forms space. As the cultivation deepens, it will become more and more amazing in the future. Both the potential and the combat effectiveness are far higher than the changes in Shifang Hell Road .

After the base was built, a large amount of energy blocks were also stored. Some of the energy blocks were sold through channels to obtain a large amount of funds, and the island was once again built on the island.

He wants to thoroughly develop this island.

During this month, Jiang Li practiced the body of the emperor, polished the martial arts, surveyed feng shui, and exercised with the help of the storm in the storm canyon.

He is now tough and terrible. When practicing, he went straight into the storm with his naked body. With the help of the storm and lightning, he constantly shuttled through the cells.

Around the storm canyon, there are non-stop electric ions forming thunderbolts, which makes the canyon on both sides of the strait flash and thunder all the time, and the electric snake flutters, which is why the storm is so powerful.

The storm that can tear the Sonic Mecha has no effect on the body of Jiang Li ’s emperor. In the words of Hong Heil, even if the vitality is 15, it is impossible to be baptized in this storm valley. Ripped into pieces, but Jiang Li is getting stronger.


He got out of the storm canyon, and rocketed into the sky hundreds of meters high, looking at the entire archipelago.

The archipelago is now brightly lit, and tall towers are built. There are many mirrors on the tall towers that are connected into one. At night, the stars of the sky fall and turn into many humanoid birds and beasts. They originally penetrated into the ground, but now all of them Absorbed by these huge mirrors, it is also converted into energy.

The entire archipelago was originally screened with a star, and the feng shui pattern is natural, occupying the right time and place. Now, after the transformation of Honghei prison, it can be described as the icing on the cake, the construction of a high tower, the mirror as the ground star, the stars attract each other, and the energy is even greater.

Sometimes, because the energy of the stars is too huge, countless stars can be seen flickering in the sky of the archipelago during the day.

These energies are all condensed into energy blocks, which are even higher in quality than the wind energy blocks in the Storm Canyon. They are six-star energy blocks.

This is the strength of the archipelago's terrestrial veins, which distorts the stance of space, so that during the landing of the stars, it is compressed by the huge space distortion force, and then becomes extremely high-level energy.

The entire island is thriving, and robots and nano-robots are under construction every time.

Jiang Li also learned a lot of feng shui knowledge during this great transformation, and he has a deeper understanding of the unity of heaven and man during cultivation.

Everything is changing.

A large number of energy blocks are produced here every day. Hongheil sells part of it and keeps it for storage. It purchases various advanced equipment to build the islands. There are more and more nano-robots. Hongheil is released every time. Jiang When you saw the fog covering dozens of square kilometers, dense robots were building and repairing everywhere, and even carved patterns on the island's ground.

These patterns are also a feng shui technique, forming patterns and runes that make the air flow mysteriously pulsate.

Between heaven and earth, there is energy surge all the time, such as the wind sweeping across the earth, such as the light of stars shining on all sides, the function of the runes is to create a special kind of fluidity, such as digging drainage channels between fields. Energy flows As time goes by, it will flow with the runes, resulting in many incredible divine powers. This is actually a kind of mysticism and also belongs to science.

What Hong Heil does every day is to cultivate, build, and upgrade battleships.

In a month, his repairs became more and more unsightly, and the battleship was also larger. It seemed to have a sense of emperor. He sold energy blocks every day and got a lot of money. In addition, these There is also a wealth of elixir sold on the islands, so that warships can be upgraded in some places.

Jiang Li is pure cultivation, forgetting everything, observing various acupoints, absorbing aura, transforming the body of the emperor bit by bit, and at the same time using the fire, fire and thunder to temper various elements.

During his practice this month, the body of the emperor gradually became familiar, absorbing massive auras for burning. The inside of the body is getting more and more crystal clear. If you look at his bones at this time, it is pure crystal, but it is very flexible and can be bent at will. As soon as the idea comes, it is almost gelatinous. As soon as the idea rises, the skeleton is better than diamond It has to be many times harder, punching through any high-tech forged metal in one punch.

And at this moment, far away from Emperor Star, a group of cats are growing.


The Flower-faced Overlord rushed out and scratched the head of a python, which had a unicorn on its head, a rare unicorn owl. Originally inaccessible, but under the cat's paw, it looks like tofu.

As soon as the cat's claws were pulled out, a bead was drawn from under the top corner of the head of the bowl-sized python. It looked like a capsule, soft and exuding a scent. It was swallowed by the flower-faced tyrant and began to cultivate.

At this time, a ghost appeared and sucked the python into a dead body, such as a snake skin.

In this way, Dahei was suspended in a vacuum. Looking at the kittens around, Dameng was looking for five and five kittens, but he searched everywhere and drilled into a huge cave. He would pick up the lingzhi fungus with fragrance.

"Sure enough, Dahei, you guessed right. Sure enough, there is Ganoderma lucidum in this cave." Dameng also began to eat the collected Ganoderma lucidum, and then swallowed a Lingshi, and the hair of the whole body was set up. The spirit stone was apparently found on Emperor Star.

"Very good." Dahei looked around. "Fengshui is pretty good here. There is a forest in front of it. It is woody, and the mountains stand behind it. The backing is stable. Lakes are on both sides. The sun and the moon converge ~ www.readwn.com ~ I gather here, but there is some spirituality, but it's cheaper for us. I think there should be spirit stones in the mud under this giant cormorant's cave. "

"No, it's so easy to find the spirit stone?" Dameng didn't believe it.

"Look at it! Seven Killing Swords!" Da Hei beckoned, and suddenly the sword light condensed, and the high-speed spiral drilled into the cave to penetrate the ground. Sure enough, a spirit stone was pulled out of the deep underground.

About thirty grams.

"Every animal that has spirituality will perceive some aura, and will choose to live in a place with a lot of spirits, contaminated by the aura to strengthen itself." Dahei spoke while dividing these spirits, "You eat and speed up the pace of cultivation This emperor star is simply our paradise. It's wonderful. "

"Roar roar!" The flower face fighter jumped up. "My vitality has risen to 2! This month's practice is really good."

"It's nothing, keep going!" Da Hei suddenly spit out a breath of blood. The blood was not bloody, but with a scent, and **** lightnings were transported into the blood. Within the bodies of the six cats, the six cats suddenly inflated as if they were blowing air.

"This is the life potential that I absorbed with the demons, which can be injected into your body. It is the lightning blood method that I realized after a thunderstorm. Every time a powerful creature is killed, its life potential can be shared with you. You It will become stronger and stronger, but grudges will gather on your body, and thunder will occur between the accumulation of negative energy charges. In other words, your vitality will grow rapidly, but it will also be split by lightning. "Great underworld.

"Roar roar! What a thunderbolt is." These cats yelled, "After thunderstroke, the cells are activated, and they can take the shocking thunder beast gene, and we all evolve!"

They are not afraid of death and fearless.

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