Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 290: Humans are on the crop

Breath rate!

This is a realm from human to non-human. Anyone who hits this step must go through numerous difficult obstacles. From the normal state to deep sleep, only one of 10,000 people can reach it. There are three levels of deep sleep, and the last one is full of dreams, and dreams enter the realm of divine power.

This realm is difficult to reach.

It is one for every million.

As for the entry, that is one million miles. Into the triple, small, large, and constant. Each step is difficult.

After passing these barriers, it is the turn of the fetus. Think about how difficult it is to give birth rate? It is more difficult for others to give birth, and it is even more difficult for Jiang to give birth.

But now the divine will of the world of cultivating the world, actually passed down the will dimly, let him slay the people around him, this is this group of demon outside the world. If all the beheading is completed, the will of God will pass down the will and promote him to the birth rate.

This is a huge temptation. With his own instinct, Jiang Li didn't know when he was promoted. And he knows that the heavenly will of the self-cultivation world will not deceive itself at all, because the will of heaven is now equal to something like a light brain program, and the command issued is a program. If you meet the program, it will reward you and everything will work. No human emotional will.

The so-called inhumane world.

Benevolence is human feeling.

Cultivating the will of the world, a procedure, how can it deceive people? It does not have any conspiracy at all, that is, the NPC of the online game release mission.

"It seems that the God of Reality in the Cultivation World truly recognizes me as a person in the world. Next, you can use a series of means to improve yourself. As for killing yourself, that's fine." Jiang Li is still a human on earth This is where we are rooted.

"Little emperor, young emperor?"

He began to summon the little emperor, but to no avail, the little emperor did not seem to hear from him. It seems that Xiaodi knew that the world of the true religion was suppressed, and he did not dare to act lightly.

He summoned a lot of sounds, and the little emperor still didn't answer, and couldn't help but have a cold heart: "What happened?" At this moment, an obscure thought penetrated into his heart: "Jiang Li, I am a little emperor, I ca n’t imagine how much the oppression world has suppressed me. I can only hide in the relics of the great emperor now, and dare not incarnate the base. The will of the practice world is getting stronger and stronger. It is simply impeccable, and no holes can be drilled. ”

"What's the matter, haven't both of us been transformed? In accordance with the will of the cultivation world, we are the people of the will of the cultivation world?" Jiang Li quickly sensed, but could not feel where the emperor was.

"Because the empress, the emperor is the planet devourer, the plunderer of the world, the will of any planet, dimension, half dimension, is as close as the enemy to the emperor, because this thing is more terrifying than the human invaders, once it landed on In the world, it immediately developed into an army of swarms and swept the entire planet in an instant. It may be that the world of the true world feels the breath of my mother emperor. If I show up, I will be crushed by the vastness of heaven and die. "

Xiaodi's mental fluctuations were intermittent, as if the signal was not good when he was on the phone. This was never the case.

"However, I can suppress the last will of the emperor with the will of the world of self-cultivation, and succeed in one fell swoop. However, this requires retreat, and it also requires the use of the great emperor's relic. If God ’s will merges this godhead, add energy to this godhead, and then refine it, it will be able to start a huge absorption on all planes. The energy absorption speed of countless different-dimensional planes will increase by a thousand times. , Change into God. And the world of cultivation becomes a real dimension. "

Xiaodi explained again that there was some excitement in his tone: "Besides this, this is a big opportunity for me. I can gain infinite power in one fell swoop when the will of God and the enemy are in the strongest. .Now, I want to leave you, go to the deepest part of the world of self-cultivation, set up business, and never have time to take care of you and protect you. In the future, you will hone yourself here, but you do n’t have to worry about the saint. I will control the blasphemy and play with him slowly. Let him eat his fruit. "

"Very well, I just hope that, without your protection, I can hone myself." Jiang Li felt relaxed and able to make great progress.

Even, he did n’t even want the relic of the great emperor, and hone himself by virtue of his own cultivation. With his current cultivation, he can compete against many things, not afraid of being chased by others. In the world of cultivation, the sky and the sea are wide birds. Flying fish jump.

"I'm gone, Jiang Li, you're doing it yourself."


Jiang Li felt only a movement in his body, as if something disappeared without a trace.

He knew that Xiaodi had gone. Going deep into the world of cultivation, I don't know what a huge plan to carry out, including Chen Zhenghua, Chen Tianshu, and even Dahei.

At the scene, there was only one person alone.

At this time, in the depths of the sky, the overwhelming evil birds fell down, and these birds attacked everyone. Thirty unjust soul birds also killed Xiangli.

Although he was favored by the divine will of the cultivation world, it is not uncommon for these injustice birds to attack him. In the cultivation world, the battle between man and man, and the monster and beast is very common, but this kind of cannibalism cannot be rewarded by God. .

Of course, the will of the true world cannot prevent cannibalism, because the fundamental process of the entire world is also the law of the jungle. Many people have banned this and the whole world will collapse.

Think about it, what would it look like if biological hunting were not allowed?

Kill extraterrestrial demons, invading alien creatures have rewards, kill each other, and repair the world's providence. Here are a few basic principles.

"Kill!" Jiang Li roared, the whole person flew up, the pure flesh began to penetrate, and the speed in the air was ten times the speed of sound. The dozens of unjust birds were swept away in ten seconds, and were killed. The injustice birds hit by his fists exploded into pieces and turned into dust.

Jiang Li's fist wind carried congenital qi, which was exhibited with the vitality of his emperor's body carrying 20. Within ten steps, this violent air could break steel into powder. Especially with the power of the emperor's windmark, it is almost no worse than the magic power.

His fighting power is still higher than many masters with a strong birth rate, even that little art shot, killing the injustice bird so fast.


Zhang Xiaoyi Fei flew over and did not show the slightest magic power. It was purely a physical change. He could still manipulate radon and tear the master.

"Jiang Li, don't entangle here. The endless monsters in the entire world of cultivation are enough to drown us. Only by entering the enchantment of the saints, long-term discussion, transforming the breath in the body into the breath of the cultivation world, blinding God's will, This can be dealt with calmly. However, you have the baptism of the Holy One. You have completed this important point, but the monsters will also kill each other, and they will attack humanoid creatures. It is safest to hide in the Holy One. "

"OK, go."

Jiang Li followed Zhang Xiaoyi's flight and rushed out to the front. Many masters here also rushed out. Those who could go to the cultivation world were all masters who had gone through hundreds of battles and experienced countless killings. How could they be killed by monsters?

I saw a few people join hands and suddenly released a sword light, and suddenly the evil birds fell like raindrops. This flying sword is obviously not made by humans, but it is made in the world of true cultivation, so it flies without interference from heaven.

This situation also reflects from the side that there is a loophole in the will of the true world, and it is impossible to distinguish more detailed energy changes.

Numerous unjust soul birds rushed down, but were killed one after another, and none of the humans died.

"Just kidding, so little monster attack wants us? If we are killed simply like this, what are we going to do to repair the world?"

A master stretched out his **** against the sky: "Oh my God ~ www.readwn.com ~ how can you treat me?"

The party turned into a huge torrent. Everywhere they went, any monster was torn, and they went to the mirage not far away. They saw a huge screen blocking people, and a breath incompatible with the true world stood on the ground. .

Suddenly Jiang Li felt uncomfortable, as if his body had been as smooth as new skin and had an abscess.

The entire world of self-cultivation is itself a flawless world. Now that this saint enchants, the human base is a giant tumor, chaotic sores, pus and bleeding.

After a while, all of them entered the enchantment of the saint, and suddenly the pressure eased, and the tense heart suddenly relaxed, and they saw that all the runes were flowing around, and all the runes were spiritually cohesive and The formed entity is not energy, it is pure spirit.

Appear in the spirit of the material world.

This is the state of manifestation. Jiang Li saw this kind of spirit appearing directly in the material world, he felt extremely impressed. He didn't know when and where he could cultivate successfully.

This spirit is a thing that breaks through the gap between the void and reality and appears directly in the material world. It is infinitely changeable and can almost create the world. Void creations can bring life back to life, can create souls for people, and life and death can be regarded as death. After that, as long as the saint who cultivates to a very high level can seize the opportunity, he can copy the memory, and then inject the memory into his own spirit, and reincorporate it into the soul, so that a person is completely resurrected.

This is the soul clone.

In modern science, people die when they die, the soul dissipates, and the body can be cloned, but the soul cannot be cloned in any way, and the Holy One has the ability to clone the soul. Of course, that requires an extremely ruthless Holy One, in general No saint has this ability.

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