Emperor of The Cosmos

: 291 Humans are crops

The masters among the saints are also divided into three, six, and nine classes. There are many realms, each of which is extremely deep and contains unpredictable mysteries. However, human beings have not yet transcended the realm of the saints, and they have become gods, so even the first human being does not know how to divide the realm of the saints.

The division of the realm of the saints by the spiritual world is also very vague.

Because there is no God in the world of self-cultivation, the providence of the world of self-cultivation is also a saint in some ways. Although ten thousand times stronger than the human saint, he is also a saint.

Of course, the providence of this true world may not be inferior to that of God, as if human beings in the same realm can't compare with Thunder Thunder beasts.

A quake-struck thunder beast against a human being in the same gestation realm is simply crushing, and even seven or eight are not opponents.

"Welcome to the enchantment of the saints."

A large number of people entered the enchantment of the saint, and Jiang Li looked around, and found that the enchantment of the saint had an area of ​​about 100 square kilometers. There were no buildings in it, but light buildings one by one. The light buildings were like canopies. Umbrellas, each like a city skyscraper.

In the saint's enchantment, any reinforced concrete building can not withstand shock and toss, and can only condense into a building with energy for human habitation.

And in this saint's enchantment, there is also a sun, like a fireball, spilling light and heat into this enchantment. The little sun Jiangli feels that although it is not large, it continues to be stable forever.

"Fire Dimension!"

Suddenly, he was taken aback, only to find that the little sun in the saint's enchantment was actually a channel, forcibly extracting the energy of the fire dimension.

This is simply a means to heaven.

"Dear fellows, you have come to the world of cultivation, and I will first introduce that this saint's enchantment is a base created by many sages of mankind. Without this base, the survival of our earthly humans in the world of cultivation is difficult. "

Sound echoed in the enchantment of the saint.

Jiang Li followed his voice and found that above the high enchantment, among the little sun, there were actually three people sitting on the side. The three were wearing military uniforms and looked very young, but their eyes passed with time. Vicissitudes.

"These three people are so strong, they are actually maintaining the operation of the entire enchantment, slowly condensing the energy of the fire dimension, settling down in the enchantment of the saint, strengthening the entire enchantment, and resisting the erosion of the will of the true world." Jiang From his secret calculations, his heart flashed. He had seen that the cultivation of these three people surpassed Marshal Goliath, and he was afraid that it was the most advanced level below the human saint.

"These three people are the masters of the Wang family. They are the top figures of the Wang family. They even surpass Wang Wangrong of the Wang family. However, they are lower in rank. They are newcomers to the Wang family and Jiangnalan generations." Zhang Xiaoyi said behind Jiang Li.

"What?" Jiang Lidao said: "These three people surpass Wang Mingrong? Impossible."

Wang Mingrong has a vitality of 105, more than three digits. This time it is one of the people running for the president, the pinnacle of humankind, and one of the strongest under the Holy One. Now the young juniors of the three royal families are stronger than Wang Mingrong, which is incredible.

"These three people are called Wang Zhong, Wang Hui, and Wang Xiao. They are the most talented young people in the Wang family. The three brothers do not participate in politics, but are honed in the world of cultivation. They have long been in a state of forgetfulness. Hope to be promoted to the Holy One. Although the Wang family has the old ancestor Wang Chao, this old ancestor has not appeared in human society for many years. Some people even said that he disappeared into the depths of the starry sky, and the hope of becoming a **** has fallen. Now the Wang family It ’s about cultivating a sage, as long as there is a sage, you can compete with many families. Otherwise, if the ancestors of the Wang family will not appear for hundreds of years, the Wang family will gradually shrink and become a small family. "

Zhang Xiaoyi praised: "These three people, who are here to guard the saints' enchantment, are a great exercise. For decades like a day, they are better than training anywhere."

"It's really a big thing to protect the enchantment of the saints." Jiang Li nodded: "Whenever I want to face the crushing of the Providence of the entire world of repair, I am shuddering, I feel shuddering, this is just putting myself in In the furnace, this kind of mental pressure, hey ... "

He felt that for the entire world of the true world, this saint's enchantment was a tumor growing on the body, which had to be cut off quickly, and those who guarded the enchantment basically had no way to escape and died without burial. place. Every moment is in danger.

This is tantamount to the sword of Damocles hanging overhead.

"All of you, let me introduce you to this saint's enchantment. It is our saints of humanity who are united, led by Wang Chao, our ancestor of the royal family, extracting the energy of the fire dimension and condensing it out. I want to destroy this enchantment, but it is also afraid of it, because when our old ancestor Wang Chao meets, we will arrange the pieces. If the world is forcibly destroyed by the divine will, the energy channel of the fire dimension will be opened, and the infinite flame will come to this cultivation The world has caused a catastrophe in the world of self-cultivation, so the providence of the self-cultivation also casts a jeopardy. "Then the three brothers of the royal family made a sound.

When Jiang Li heard this explanation, he immediately knew that it was truly an invincible gesture.

The entire world of cultivation is only the size of three solar systems.

The entire fire dimension is much larger than the Milky Way. If the energy channel is opened, the flame of the fire dimension appears and it is more than enough to destroy the Milky Way.

Of course, there must be other ways to close the channel in the world of cultivation, but as long as the energy of the fire dimension is a little moment away, the calamity is coming, and the world is enveloped by flames and turned into ashes. This thing ca n’t gamble in the will of the true world.

"Great, this thing is terrific." Jiang Li deeply admired Wang Chao's methods. Actually, there is such a way to let the cultivation world cast its jealousy. This is simply turning its hands over the clouds to cover the rain and confronting the cultivation world.

In this way, there is a smell that human beings create a nuclear bomb with a weak body, which can destroy the world.

"Human beings in the world of cultivation have two bases. This is the first one established by Wang Chao, the ancestor of the royal family. The other one is not far from here. It was established by Jiang Nalan and the new generation of saints. "The other three brothers of the royal family said," These two bases provide you with rest, shelter, and win a glimmer of life for your struggle in the world of cultivation. "

"Most of you don't have the ability to blind the world's providence, and you will be attacked as soon as you go out. But after entering the enchantment of the saint, you can conduct a series of training. You can obtain the ability to temporarily cover the providence." The brothers of the Wang family warned: "Below, each of you will get a soul bead. This is what we have gathered in accordance with the countless magic weapons of the world of cultivation, soul converter."

Before speaking, Jiang Li saw that many clusters of energy meteors generally landed, and one cluster fell into his own hands and turned into a bead.

The beads were crystal clear, and it seemed to contain the void. There is a small black hole flowing.

"You all know what this is? I'll tell you that this thing is called the soul bead, also known as the soul converter. You carry this thing and go and kill the souls who cultivate the true world. Every soul you kill will absorb its soul. Among them, when you accumulate to a certain level, you will come back and give this soul bead to us, and we will use the soul power in it to condense into a soul card, which is equivalent to your identity card in the world of repair. God recognizes you Is part of the world of cultivation. "

One of the three brothers of the Wang family said, "It's as simple as that. Kill the soul. The soul bead will automatically absorb the soul."

"Everyone may not understand yet, let me explain it to you." Another of the three brothers of the Wang family said, "Why are there all kinds of creatures on the planet? Where do souls live after the death of the creatures? In fact, humans plant crops, crops Grow and provide food to human beings. For us, human beings are also crops to the planet. One person, from birth to growth, is equivalent to crop maturity, and death is to harvest crops. When rice grows, it absorbs the energy of the sun and condenses into Carbohydrates provide nutrients for human beings. After human beings are born, they absorb the soul power from the void, grow and grow, and finally die, the soul is sucked away by the planet. It becomes part of the will of the planet and the food of the planet. "

"A lifeless planet ~ www.readwn.com ~ will not have a planet will, it is as simple as that. Without life and death, the planet will starve to death. Or sleep. It is like human beings starve to death without food. same."

"So the ancient legend on earth is that after the death of human beings, the soul will return to the land. In fact, it is penetrated by the earth and absorbed by the earth."

"This is the case in any world. The same is true of the world of self-cultivation. The dead, dead, and dead souls of this world will be absorbed by the planet. In this continuous cycle, the more prosperous the world of self-cultivation is, the stronger its power will be."

"So, all the Taoists who practice the magic path on this planet and absorb the strength of the soul are the magic path. It is the weeds in the crops that will be eliminated by the planet's will."

"We are the souls that absorb the souls of the world of cultivation, covering our souls."

After a brief explanation, Jiang Li finally understood. His understanding of the soul has changed dramatically. The relationship between the planet, human beings, and will is just like watching the fire.

Humans grow crops, and the planet treats humans as crops and reaps the soul. This is the law of the universe, iron-like strength, and proof of evolution.

Human will, emotion, and morality are not worth mentioning to the will of the planet, just as human beings have no feelings about the rice they grow and the pigs and sheep they raise, and they don't care about their thoughts.

Some great sages establish religion, just to see through this. Believe in me, you can surpass **** and reach heaven. In fact, it is also a scam. After death, the soul is absorbed by those people and strengthens itself. These people are also aware of the changes in the heavens and the world, and have realized the will of the planet, but they regard themselves as the planet and the sky.

For the Great Sage, man is a sheep, and he is a shepherd.

This is a change of mindset.

Suddenly, Jiang Li immediately understood the mystery of faith.

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