Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 330: Alien creature 3rd

{Miserable, just posted a photo on WeChat, but it was still said to be insignificant. I was a photo of serious boxing, how heroic and arrogant. Some brothers said that if I wanted to wear a suit and leather shoes, I could have a sister every day when I was driving a luxury car. It seems that this is the only thing. Please follow me on WeChat public account {mengrushenji1984}, or scan the QR code of the book cover. I stepped out, looking for a photo of a luxury car ride. }

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However, Star University did nothing like this, because Jiang Li had no choice but to sell the patent right.

Of course, that patent sale was actually a forcible grabbing, taking advantage of Jiang Nalan's persecution against him, the saint Sissa passed down the word, Marshal Goliath soft and hard, and intangible pressure on Jiang Li was forced. Sell ​​the patent right.

Sooner or later this account will be counted.

Of course, everything is based on strength. Strength cannot be reached, and there is only a dead end.

"Little prince, what are you thinking?"

Qing Lian stayed behind Jiang Li and followed the silence, but looking at him for too long, she could not help asking.

"I'm thinking how to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon." Jiang Li looked at the hot sun in the sky and felt very kind. During the breath, the emperor's embryo fused with sunlight, and the sunlight immersed in his body and began to saturate. Then, under the compression of the emperor's embryo, little by little the essence of the sun and the moon was refined.

The sun and moon essence does not exist in the second dimension, and is relatively better than the heaven and earth aura.

Jiang Li's mental strength is sufficient. Although he has not promoted the fetal rate and cannot communicate with the second dimension, he can use some of the energy in the third dimension to absorb it.

In this way, his mental power radiates, and he sees the sunlight energy dissipating around, giving the earth nourishment. If the earth does not have the nourishment of sunlight, then no life will be generated at all.

"Spirit power, continuation! Spread."

Jiang Li was unscrupulous, and suddenly all his mental power was radiated out, rising to high altitudes, absorbing solar energy.

Suddenly, the entire sky was distorted, and Jiang Li ’s spiritual power actually covered hundreds of square kilometers of sky. All the solar energy moved almost instantly, and all entered his body first.


His body was burning, the golden flames were boiling around, as if yellow financial, and the golden liquid splashed.

With him as the center, the ground was distorted.

The rocks on the ground melted into magma.

In the entire African city, the temperature dropped sharply, from 40 ° to 10 °. It is equivalent to changing from hot summer to winter.

Spiritual power emanates and absorbs sunlight energy, which actually causes the temperature of the entire city to drop in an instant. This is an incredible thing, but Jiang Li did it.

However, at this moment, he took back his mental power, but in a moment, he felt that there were several powerful breaths in the city.

Indeed, how can such a powerful fluctuation not be tracked by a master? But these breaths and his mental bursts were not his opponents at all.

At present, Jiang Li's mental power can only be suppressed by masters who are in the realm of forgetfulness. Even if the fetal interest rate is triple, the mixed interest rate is not his opponent.

But where on earth is the master of sitting and forgetting?

Therefore, no one can catch his clues, and even if he doesn't dare to continue to track, he is too strong. Any master who comes into contact with his mental power knows unstoppable terror. If all of them were chilling, how could they risk contacting him?

"Is this all yours?"

Qinglian had been away from the river one kilometer away, and saw the flames boiling on him, and the golden flame of the sun surged like a tide, and flew immediately, but waited for the flames to stop and flew back. The temperature in the entire city dropped instantly. She was not a fool, and knew that Jiang Li had caused it by herself.

Now she could see how vast Jiang Li's spirit was.

Between the changes in throughput, the sky and the earth are really discolored, and the sun and the moon are dark. There is almost a tendency to "tengu swallow the sun." This realm is no longer mortal, and Qinglian is also extraordinary. It is an internal talent cultivated by the Huaxia Group. What characters have not seen? She knew in a moment how terrifying Jiang Li's strength was not what she could imagine, so she understood why the above people attached so much importance to it, and why Jiang Li had to conduct a human nuclear explosion experiment.

"I'm doing an experiment here to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. I don't want to cause such a huge impact. Fortunately, no one can follow me." Jiang Lidao said: "Leaving this place, don't mention this to anyone, just When it wasn't me, did you know? "

"I see." Of course Qinglian didn't dare to resist.

In her eyes, Jiang Li seems to have become a person, and she has unparalleled majesty in her hands, and seems to be one with heaven and earth.

Then, Jiang Li changed. He was still an outstanding person with less than 1 dimension of mental strength and 18 vitality. He was not a super genius.

This is also considered a clumsy means.

"I contacted the people of the Hidden Dragon Society." Qing Lian opened the light brain chip, and soon a lot of information appeared on it. She immediately drove a flying car to circle and intersperse among the high-rise buildings. Landed on a huge office platform.

The platform was automatically raised and lowered. As soon as the car landed on it, the control light brain of the platform automatically retracted in, bringing the car into the office building.

The interior is quite sci-fi, pure silver-gray, it seems that the future world, many robots are walking around, doing various tasks, and in the conference hall of this office building, there are several men and women, all yellow .

"Qing Lian, are you here?" A girl stood up, tall, with a beautiful mole on her brows, a smile on her face, a smoky fragrance, wearing a blue gauze, quite like some classic palace beauty.

"Ordered to bring a new member to join the Cryptosaurus organization, specifically to remove hidden alien creatures from humans on Earth." Qing Lian introduced: "This code, Little Prince."

"Little prince." The classical beauty covered her mouth and smiled: "This name is really interesting, is the girl's Prince Charming? Hello, my name is Xianglong."

"I'm a poison dragon." A man said lazily.

"I'm a flower dragon."

"I'm a mad dragon."

"Codename, Emperor Dragon."

There are five people in total, three men and two women, the two women are "Xianglong" and "Flower Dragon", and the men are "Poison Dragon", "Mad Dragon" and "Imperial Dragon".

Among them, only Emperor Dragon is older, looks like a middle-aged person, and does not know whether it is 50 years old, 60 years old, or 70 years old.

Such a person is considered middle age at the age of seventy and does not look old.

Jiang Li has seen for a long time that this emperor dragon is the captain, he is deeply cultivated, and he is a strong one. The other four dragons are all in a fixed state, but the strength is very strong. It seems that it is possible to promote the birth rate, but it suppresses himself. Promotion is just accumulating strength and completing some special task.

Indeed, for others, it is not cost-effective to promote a fetal rate on earth.

"We are members of the Hidden Dragon Society, responsible for the removal of the earth, specifically to remove latent alien creatures. Little prince, you are a newcomer, let us introduce you?" Emperor Dragon is more stable, standing up, pointing to the light brain Big screen: "According to the intelligence of the highest military department, there are very many alien creatures mixed into human society, at least hundreds of them, but they are not afraid to act, just lurking. Such as this, heart-breaking."

Zizi ... …….

A monster that appears to be a small octopus appears on the big screen.

"This is a heart-striking monster, very cruel. They have a high level of wisdom, can lurk in the human body, devour a person's brain, obtain this person's memory, and then implant the cells. Li Daitao stiffens the body into its own parasite. Nothing can be found outside. "

Hearing the explanation from Emperor Long, Jiang Li didn't expect that so many alien creatures were secretly lurking among human beings.

"Also, this is a shadow monster." An energy body monster appeared on the big screen, which seemed to be a shadow: "It can also be integrated into the human body, control human thinking, turn humans into empty shells, and use this method to borrow souls to return souls. , Living and living in humans, disturbing storms in secret, and this monster feeds on human souls. The means are cruel and must be eliminated. "

"Besides that, the biggest threat is angels, most of them turned into westerners, and even some angels have been concealed and have a high status in western human society. We are very difficult to arrest ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Hunting angels is our main responsibility. Of course, there are still many monsters, such as deformed monsters. Instead of occupying the human body, but after killing humans, they become humans, even DNA can be simulated. There is also a This kind of alien creatures is not lurking in human society, but is transformed into small animals, such as cats and dogs, or even mice and snakes. They are hidden in the city. Only masters can see which are alien creatures and which are humans. I will now tell you the method of discrimination, that is, the spiritual fluctuations, the frequency of the soul. The human soul frequency is distinguished by the spirit, very agile, lively, and full of wisdom, and the soul fluctuations of alien creatures are very evil and secretive. , Cold, bloodthirsty. "

Jiang Li nodded secretly, indeed, using soul fluctuations to identify alien creatures is a standard, DNA can imitate, but the soul can not imitate, each creature has its own unique soul.

In the past century or so, humans have fought against many alien planet races, plundering a lot of resources, and of course, there are many enemies, but ordinary alien creatures are not human opponents at all, but the rapid expansion of human beings will naturally cause more Hostility to alien civilization.

Of course, human beings have sages, which is too strong. Any alien civilization that invades humans on a large scale will be destroyed by the sages.

A saint is in the galaxy, and his thoughts pass by, which can destroy large groups of fleets.

The Holy One is the guardian of mankind.

Therefore, alien civilization can only choose to lurk into the earth's human beings in an attempt to disturb it from the inside.

"Note that we are focusing on the Chidi Group this time. This group is booming recently. The great scientist Jiang Zhendong has made preliminary achievements in studying crystal cells and Lingmi, leading to the goal of a large number of alien organisms. "

When Jiang Li heard that the Red Emperor Group was being targeted by alien creatures, he was worried for a while.

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