Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 331: Xianhu Manor Chapter 1

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"I came back in secret this time, relying on the strength of the Huaxia Group. The first is to want to promote the fetal interest rate, and the second is to eliminate the control of the Sage, Marshal Goliath to my Chidi Group. Hidden alien creatures in the group. "

Jiang Li knew the purpose and thought of returning to earth.

However, he was not sure about conducting a nuclear explosion experiment to build a sacred fetus. For nothing else, he was not aware of the "Dream Seal".

As soon as the "Dream Seal" was completed, the nine seals of the Great Emperor were completely completed, and the cycle continued, and his mental strength would rise to a very high level.

Now his vitality is about 50 and his mental strength is about 30 dimensions. In this realm, the vitality is equivalent to the master of mixed interest, while the mental power is almost close to sitting and forgetting.

However, because the emperor's embryo absorbs all the damage, it can make him defeat the opponent who is invincible, and completely defeat the opponent.

But this is also a threshold, and it is too late to enter the room.

The Holy One, Sasa, has a little emperor to confuse and deal with, and the Holy One generally does not appear in human society. Jiang Li ’s current resistance is Marshal Goliath. If he promotes his fetal rate, he can suppress Marshal Goliath at some point. Like a maggot in the dark, he empties the grass-roots of the saint Sisa, leaving him to betray his relatives. , Killed by the emperor.

Of course, in addition to the enemy of the saint, Sasa, and the enemy of Jiang Nalan, Jiang Li can not be ignored.

He has a heavy burden on his body, and he is oppressed at all times, prompting him to practice hard every moment, and dare not relax in the slightest.

"I only came to realize the Great Dream Seal, and there was an unpredictable mystery of ghosts and gods. Last time I was suppressed by the Twelve Winged Angels, and I couldn't kill it at all, but at the last moment, I showed a trace of the Great Dream Seal. Actually, it collapsed and disintegrated directly. This is still the case where I have not fully enlightened. Once fully enlightened, who can compete? "

Jiang Li's thoughts are tens of thousands, but each thought is well-organized, and there is no confusion, what to do next, how to plan, what risks, every move, whether his strength is feasible or not, he has a detailed plan and outline, absolutely Nothing goes wrong.

This is also a necessary quality for masters.

No master is a reckless husband. Their powerful spirit and precise calculation always choose their own favorable future development.

"Well, I'll introduce it here, little prince. Your task is to find opportunities to lurk into the Red Emperor Group and look for alien creatures, especially angels, do you know?" Yang Yang introduced the characteristics of many alien creatures. The dragon finally came to an end.

"I know." Jiang Li expressionless.

"Okay." Dillon clapping his hands: "However, it is very dangerous to lurk into the Chidi Group. Once you are exposed, you must commit suicide to protect us. Similarly, if we are exposed during the mission, we will also commit suicide, from a certain theory. Say, we are dead men. You must know that, too. "

"Understand." Jiang Li knew that there were naturally brutal rules in the army.

"We need to cooperate first, look for the lurking alien creatures in the city of Kalu, and cooperate with each other, then go to thirty-six Huacheng." Emperor Dragon pointed at the map on the screen of the light brain, and then three appeared on it. The appearance of the Sixteenth Chinese City is like a dragon meandering on the earth.

However, Jiang Li saw nothing wrong.

Because the thirty-six Huacheng Fengshui began to be destroyed, many statues, factories, and bases were built around the black market of Huacheng City.

Take a closer look, the pattern of the black market in Xihua City is actually a "cross".

In this way, it is tantamount to the cross being inserted into the throat of 36 Huacheng.

"Marshal Goliath, through the Red Emperor Group, sent troops to take over the black market of Huacheng, a 36-story city, and built it into a scientific research base. Originally, the human government did not agree, but he used the research of Taiji rice and other technologies as a cover, The resolution was passed by the parliament. "Di Long had murder in his eyes:" But after his people entered the main market of the Huacheng black market, he sent someone to build a base, and this Feng Shui pattern was formed, which is to exterminate the foundation of Huaxia. Vicious is indescribable. "

"This is also the fault of Jiangli of the Chidi Group. If his father had developed Taiji rice and sold it to Xingkong University, causing shock, how could it make the military ’s western forces excuse this invasion success? Then Jiangli is a The traitor, I heard that he believed in the saint, Sasa, and he is not of our own kind, and his heart will be different. If he has the opportunity, he can be assassinated. "

The classical woman "Xianglong" was annoyed at the mention.

Jiang Centrifuge smiled bitterly, but he was hated by many people with lofty ideals in Chinese blood.

However, Marshal Goliath is destroying the Feng Shui of the 36th Huacheng City. It is true that in order to fight Jiang Nalan, he has a responsibility to lead the wolf into the room.

But there was no way at that time, if not, the saint Sissa would not let himself go.

Marshal Goliath is a Westerner. With his support in the highest elite district councillors, he sent troops into the 36th Huacheng City to transform it. In this way, Fengshui destruction was completed without a hitch. A nail was ambush in the city.

Naxu Huacheng seems to be a military institution, with a large number of military masters stationed there. If there is any problem, this army can burst out, **** suppression of the 36th Huacheng people, and even interference in the internal affairs of 36th Huacheng .

"None of these years was a good kind. He thought he had deceived the saint Sisha, but Marshal Goliath began to control the 36th Hwaseong Fortress by his own hands and gained a huge political advantage. For the rain. "Jiang Li knows that Marshal Goliath is not a simple role, even if he does not have the saint Sisha behind him, it is difficult to deal with.

"We at the Hidden Dragon Club, everything is centered on the blood of Huaxia, and we strive for all rights and interests." Emperor Long said coldly: "There is something above, that Jiang Li can still fight for him. He led the wolf into the room instead of his own wish, but Jiang Nalan. According to the news, Jiang Li is fighting in the cultivation world, and his brother is also ours. So don't mention the assassination of him for now. "

"Well, let's do it." Xianglong looked at the sky. "The temperature of the whole city has changed suddenly just now. It seems that there are infinitely powerful masters absorbing solar energy. Who is this master?"

"According to light-brain calculations, people in this realm only have the ability to cultivate sitting forgetfulness. However, people in the realm of sitting forgetfulness need to gain energy and directly communicate with the fire dimension. Why should they absorb sunlight energy?" Emperor The dragon was also puzzled.

"This weird phenomenon is not within our control." Qing Lian said: "Let's start." She knew Jiang Lidi, who was afraid that this group of people would guess something.

"The goal is this Karu City Councillor, Liu Gong's manor."

Emperor Long pointed at the big screen of light brain: "Liu Gong, also a Huaxia bloodline, is a master in his own right and is a branch of the Liu family. And the Liu family has huge power in the elite area. Because the Liu family has an old ancestor, called Liu Furong is a master in the realm of forgetfulness. With his support, there are many branches of the entire Liu family. "

Jiang Li didn't interrupt, but listened quietly.

"Liu Gong has a daughter, Liu Xin. She was talking about a boyfriend who is a Westerner and a descendant of an ancient aristocracy. However, we suspect that this man has been robbed by alien creatures and lives in the body, but also outside. The star biome began to infiltrate the Liu family. We need to find out all of this now. In addition, the Liu family has a good relationship with the 36th Huacheng City, and it takes care of each other on the earth, which is also an important force in our Chinese blood. . Do not allow Western forces to infiltrate. "Emperor Long displayed many materials in front of everyone.

"However, our hands are inconvenient, and the Liu family is not vegetarian. I, as well as the poisonous dragon, Xianglong, and others know the Liu family." Dilong pondered: "I am afraid that this investigation will make the Liu family disgusted. And we are afraid of causing panic in human society, so we have to use another method. The first step in this method is you, the little prince. "


Jiang Li's gaze moved: "I won't let me go and hook up with Miss Liu."

"You are extremely smart." The smile on Emperor Dragon's face became thicker. "There is another benefit to contacting Miss Liu family, Liu Xin, that Liu Xin has participated in the King of Kings training camp. She is also very strong, and she is training. In the camp, she and Jiang Li ’s two girlfriends have a good relationship and often have contact. And when Jiang Li ’s two girlfriends will come to Caru City to see her. If you can pass this girl, Jiang Li ’s two It's not difficult for a girlfriend to reach a relationship and join the Chidi Group. You see? "

"I'm going." Jiang Li knew very well that the so-called "two girlfriends" were Luo Han and Xue Ling.

But he laughed secretly, but nodded in his mouth: "No problem, I will contact the Miss Liu family."

"Well. Let ’s start from another aspect, infiltrate the Liu family, dig out the big fish, accomplish this task, and gain the trust of Miss Liu family, we can contact Jiangli's two girlfriends through her relationship ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ and then investigate the Chidi Group. "

Right now, the final word.

At night, the city of Caru is full of lights, which is basically a city that never sleeps, but the city is very peaceful, and the wind on the African grasslands has swept, making the entire city have a scent of grass.

In the national era, no matter how well a city is built, it will produce dust and noise due to its high population density. Modern cities have a higher population density, but they are peaceful, peaceful, sci-fi, and environmentally friendly.

Jiang Li, wearing a smart designer clothing, drove a flying car worth tens of millions, came to the outside of the city, in front of a manor house on the prairie.

The building is called "Xian Hu Manor House" and was built on the prairie to create artificial lakes that run through ancient underground river channels, like a giant gourd.

This is the Liu family's industry. It is also a sacred place for leisure and vacation. Only wealthy people come here to eat, drink, play and relax. There are senior hypnotists, massages, food, beauties, handsome men, and various enjoyments.

Jiang Li came here to catch up with Miss Liu's mother Liu Xin. Of course, the main thing is to see if her boyfriend is an alien creature.

Whoo ...

The car landed on the manor's special parking lot, and Jiang Li's handsome body came out of it, which attracted the attention of many young girls.

Here are all rich boys and girls, youthful.

"Hello sir, may I ask if you are visiting Xianhu Manor for the first time? Could you introduce me to you?" A girl wearing a white veil came up, and seemed to be a waiter at the manor, with a sweet smile.

"I'm here to apply for a hypnotist at Xianhu Manor. Could you please introduce Miss Liu Xin, the boss of your manor?" Jiang Li turned his finger, and a card fell into the hands of the girl in a white veil: "Inside is a thousand stars Yuan, your tip. "

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