Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 364: Mengbu

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"Abandon the entire planet? Migrate all human beings on the planet?" Jiang Xinyue was also demented and dumbfounded. This is really a big thing: "Billions of people on the planet, how many resources, how many cities? How many technologies, all They all move out. Such things are still the first thing human beings can do. Can there be any loopholes in them? Once something happens, it will be infamous forever. "

People on a planet are migrating and are the parent star. Want to give up where human civilization originated? How big is this project?

This is not the demolition work of a city.

The first is public opinion.

I am afraid that as soon as this matter is announced, the public opinion of human beings will start to uproar. Basically, public opinion is impossible to give up the earth.

The government has to carry out the relocation work under such a great pressure of public opinion, which is an almost impossible task.

Regardless of public opinion, how can the property of these tens of billions of people be relocated? Where to move?

A large jumping wormhole battleship of human beings can hold tens of thousands of people, up to 100,000 people. How long will it take to move all of them out?

Other than that, what about those properties?

According to the truth, tens of billions of people on the planet have to give up all their property and transfer it smoothly. Who would agree?

Jiang Li thought that with the current technology of mankind, it would be very difficult to transfer tens of billions of people. It is simply impossible to transfer property.

Hundreds of billions of humans on the planet have no property. How can these people be settled?

In his mind, he calculated the difficulty of the relocation and found that there was basically no solution.

And the best place for human relocation on earth is only two planets, the first is Qu Boxing, and the second is Emperor Star. There are so many beasts on Qu Boxing, and there are virgin forests everywhere. Tens of billions of people will be relocated, and a large part of them will die.

Although Emperor Star built a starry sky university, gravity is simply not suitable for human habitation on earth.

The average human vitality of the earth is now only 0.85, and to live comfortably on Emperor Star, it needs at least 2 vitality.

In addition, the world of cultivation is the most suitable for migration, because its gravity is the same as that of the earth. It has vast expanses and rich resources. Unfortunately, the vastness of humanity is migrating on a large scale. I am afraid that it will be crushed by the will of the heavens. Dead to death.

Even if it is Jiang Li who wants to break his head, he does not know what method the human government will use to carry out a large migration of human beings on earth.

Moreover, he also felt that the decision by Congress, the Presidential Palace and the Supreme Military Department was a bit hasty. It is not necessary to give up the earth. Human beings have so many sages. If alien creatures want to invade the earth, they will cut it directly. Soldiers will cover the water and cover the earth. What are they afraid of?

"This is an irreversible event for the earth to undergo a major migration. We cannot change the thinking of Congress. The immediate task is to assist the government in doing this." Jiang Xinyue also thought for a long time, and his tone became cold: "Jiang Li , I will not kill you for the time being. This is a big thing for human beings. When this thing is done, it will be your death. "

"I don't agree with migration and stay on the earth." Jiang Li didn't seem to hear Jiang Xinyue's words.

"What did you say?" Jiang Xinyue felt that Jiang Li seemed crazy: "Dead to the earth? I think you are really tired. The high-level decision must make sense. Such a major event must be a lot of research. Lord God Light brain calculations, layer by layer calculations, step by step planning, every step of the way, and just now there are giants three thousand meters high in this seal channel. You also know its strength. We are not opponents. Although the Holy One has temporarily sealed this channel, but The seal must be incomplete. If you rush out some 10,000-meter-tall giants, how can you resist? You are a mantis arm and you can't help it. "

"I mean, even if things don't work out, I want to be the last one to withdraw from the earth." Jiang Lijing solemnly said: "This matter is too big, I'll go back to Jinghua City first, and inform the top."

"It's not as difficult as you think." Jiang Xinyue looked at the seal on the sea: "Maybe high-level humans have developed space-folding technology. Not necessarily. If the space-folding technology helps, then human migration is also easy. Things. "

"It's also possible that the government can't do things without a head." Jiang Li's spirit refreshed: "I'll take a step first."

He was anxious to inform his parents, as well as the plan of the entire Red Emperor Group, and the high-level of 36th Huacheng. This matter must be started from the upper level and planned slowly.

During the migration process, it will certainly cause a huge loss of benefits. There is a game between Easterners and Westerners. We must also strike a good balance in this regard.


He disappeared.

Jiang Xinyue paused and disappeared.

After this battle, it seems that the hatred has dissipated.

Honghua Prison is still on the island of the Red Emperor Group in Jinghua City. He opened his eyes with joy and sadness: "I already know what to move."

"Is there really no way to save it?" Jiang Li looked at the blue sea and blue sky, and felt the aroma of the earth's mud. A blood-lined feeling suddenly emerged, and he didn't want to leave here.

In fact, he still wanted to be the will of the earth, but now looking at it, this matter is simply delusional.

The earth is not ordinary, it may even be a node connecting many dimensions. Even the sage cannot understand the mystery, let alone himself?

"There is no way." Hong Heiyuan sighed: "The wonders of the earth, you also know that it may be a magic weapon in itself, not to mention this, the Bermuda Triangle Giant Channel at sea was opened, opened this head, and then Countless channels will be opened one by one, and the entire earth will become the battlefield of many powerful alien races. There will never be peace. Do you know why I came to earth? "

"Is it not for the sake of my sister Jiang Xuan?" Jiang Li felt that Honghei prison had deep meaning.

"I actually came for alien creatures." Hong Heil stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass in front of the hall, and could see the beautiful scenery of Jinghua City across the sea: "The highest military department reported that as early as last year, There is a very powerful alien creature lurking in. When planning a project, it is very likely that Jinghua City will have a space-time tunnel. "

"What? There are sometimes empty tunnels here in Jinghua City?" Jiang Li was taken aback, thinking about the special task force's information, and felt creepy.

Jinghua City is different from the Bermuda Triangle. It is densely populated. If an alien creature is destroyed, it will not know how many people will die.

"Unfortunately, alien creatures are hidden too deeply. No matter how you investigate, you can't investigate the situation at all." Hong Heiyu said: "Even I used Yi Jing to calculate, I used Tarot fortune-telling, various predictions, and hexagrams. I can't guess the slightest. But I have a hunch that this alien creature is performing an activity to activate the passage of Jinghua City, connect a dangerous place, and make a large-scale arrival of alien creatures. "

"Divination cannot be divined?" Jiang Li suddenly felt that the situation was serious.

Divination is a method of predicting the future, and now it is also one of the methods for human masters to predict the future changes and choose the right path.

In this way, humans do not know how many disasters have been avoided.

"You have become the nine seals of the emperor, and the last seal is the dream seal. This dream seal has the magical effect of breaking the universe." Hong Heiyu said: "You can dream of countless changes in the future when you enter the dream, and you can predict divination. Just where are the extraterrestrial creatures in Jinghua City and what activities are they doing? "

Any divination is no better than a dream seal.

The outline of the Great Seal of India, Mengyin can develop human potential, or in a dream, so that a person without a chicken can become a master of martial arts. In the depths of others' minds, they can add memories and delete memories at will. , Manipulating the soul, such as the clever chef to cook soup, feel free to come according to his own taste.

Of course, Jiang Li's comprehension of Mengyin is only a fur, and he is only a small one. To be far from the real one, it is still ten thousand miles away.

If it is to be fulfilled, or even to be fulfilled, at least he must wait for him to become a saint, or even a god.

This in itself is the martial arts of the gods.

"Okay, I'll come to dream and dream." Jiang Li felt that the situation was serious ~ www.readwn.com ~ Before the great human migration of the earth, various clean-up activities must be carried out, and the alien creatures hidden in humans must be one by one Except, otherwise, these alien creatures will stir up trouble, and human beings will have to be civil.

"I also want to see your dreambuy and my calculations?" Hong Hei prison was interested.

Jiang Li sat down cross-legged, changing his hands with various postures, strange and strange, and the complicated imprints condensed in this way, and finally integrated into one, and then turned into a circle, like heart, like heaven, like ground, like human ...

Clouds of mist erupted from his body, and clouds of smoke were simmering.

Jiang Li whole person went to sleep.

The dream seal is unfolding. The mind is integrated with the universe in the midst of meditation, running through the past and present, and combining the future. The long river of time cannot be broken through with physical power, but dreams can. Ordinary people can dream of crossing through ancient times or appearing outside.

The power of dreams, the power of imagination, can break through any obstacle.

The dream of ordinary people is so magical, not to mention that Jiang Li has specially cultivated the emperor's dream seal?

After entering the dreamland, Jiang Li only felt that his surroundings had changed. He saw that he seemed to be in an imperial city.

Come to ancient times.

This imperial city was the Forbidden City of China in ancient times.

Jiang Li saw that many emperors were here to accept the worship of civil and military officials, and he saw that the luck of the entire court was gathered in the Forbidden City.

Later, time passed, and in modern times, the Forbidden City has been built into a school, a university, the first university in Beijing, and Huaxia University.

The university covers an extremely large area and countless students are studying in it.

Finally, Jiang Li saw a familiar figure among the students, who was actually his own dead party, Guo Meng!

Then he woke up.

What does this dream represent?

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