Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 365: campus

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Divination in a dream, a dream of the Forbidden City, a dream of Huaxia University, and a death party of Guo Meng, what is the situation?

Originally, he was divining alien creatures to open space passages in Jinghua City, but dreamed of these messy things, which can be said to be irrelevant, but according to the track of the dream, there must be a connection between the two.

"Is there a connection between Huaxia University and the dead party Guo Meng and alien creatures?" Jiang Li woke up from a dream and lost his thoughts. Meng Bu only had so much information for him, because his big dream seal could not practice at home, he could only dream so much and couldn't show the original things.

This is like calculating the hexagrams using the Yijing. According to the hexagrams, masters make judgments. The results of different practice differ greatly. Some of them can even draw corresponding results.

"How? Did Meng Bu produce any results?" Hong Heiyu was very patient, and waited for Jiang Li to finish his thinking.

"There are no eyebrows, but there are some clues in the dream, which may be related to Huaxia University." Jiang Li looked a little dignified and did not mention his own dead party, Guo Meng. After all, it was a dream, and it was his own dead party. If you contact the aliens Even if the future is ruined, for the invading alien creatures, whether it is the government or the highest military department, they would rather kill the mistakes and not let them go.

In order to protect the dead party, Jiang Li can investigate it himself and find a way to resolve it.

"Huaxia University, this matter is troublesome." Hong Heiyu also thought it was a bit tricky. "University is the place where the public opinion is the heaviest. In the national era, Huaxia University was the merger of Huaxia First University and Second University. After entering the interstellar era, the big imperial city was merged into the university, because the imperial city represents the blood of the Chinese civilization, and the university is a place of humanity. Only by virtue of the popularity of the university can it be The suppression of the imperial spirit does not dissipate, making our Huaxia bloodline people stand on top again. Although Huaxia University is not as good as Xingkong University, it is also very important. If alien creatures are lurking in it, it is really not easy to detect. In this way, It ’s okay for you to investigate. If there is a space node in Jinghua City, you ca n’t really find a second place other than the Imperial City. ”

Hong Heiyu said something very clearly.

Huaxia University is a place of humanities, a place of academics, and a place of research. Even if the government has to investigate slowly, it cannot use simple and crude methods, otherwise public opinion will crush people.

Moreover, Huaxia University has numerous scientific institutions, which also represent a high level of human science and even military secrets. The entire university is secretly protected by the army.

"Then I only have to go in and look at it." Jiang Li thought about it. "Only my dream seal can observe people's hearts. Even after an accident, it can eliminate people's memories and hypnotize many students. It can ensure people's peace of mind.

"Then you go, be sure to find out where the space nodes are, and at the same time find out the alien creatures, don't fight the grass and scare the snake. It is best to kill the silent seal, if you can't, then don't mess up." Heihe cautioned gently, but he believed in Jiang Li's ability to handle affairs.

"I know that everything is important for stability. It is impossible for alien creatures to cause damage in cities." Jiang Li naturally knows this: "Also, I should investigate this matter first, don't alarm the army. The ministry made a noise. "

"This is even better. In fact, there is not a master of the military stationed on Earth. What great things can be done?" Hong Heihe shook his head: "Yes, let me tell you that the channel in Bermuda was shot, it is the big president Locke personally shot the seal, but this seal won't last long, you still have to pay attention. "

"It's impossible. It should be the saint who seals the Giant Triangle Channel in Bermuda. The great power ... is indeed the saint. There is no doubt about it." Jiang Liyi said: "The big president is just a state of forgetfulness. The cultivation of others? "

"That's the prerogative of the big president."

Hong Heiyuan said: "This is also the foundation of human society. The main god, the light brain, controls the Internet ports and human identity information around the world. The human government can control 51% of the power. Every four years, all human beings When voting, whoever has the most votes, he is the great president. At the same time, the Lord God Light Brain will automatically give him 51% of the power to run. This president relies on the Lord God Light Brain, He can sit on a par with the Holy One, and his spiritual practice will be greatly improved. However, as long as he loses his vote and retreats from the position of president, he will lose his strength. "

"That's it." Jiang Li realized just now how important the Lord God's light brain is to humans.

The big president must be strong, otherwise who will convince him? Where does power come from? From light brain, why does light brain give him strength? It must be universally recognized.

Although each term of the presidency abstained, the light brain power is not there, but he has been assisted by the light brain for four years in office.

"Jiang Li, after a few years, you can also run for president. Or me, but you must make contributions to humanity and win the hearts and minds of the people. After you get the president, you will get the blessing of the Lord God, and your spiritual practice will advance rapidly." Honghei prison said: "This time is an opportunity. You have to make great efforts in the disaster or have a good performance."

"Know. Teacher, then I'll go. It's not too late for this matter, in case the space creatures are really opened up by alien creatures, like the Bermuda Triangle, then things will be out of control." Jiang Li shook his body. ,Disappear.

The next moment, he appeared silently in front of the gate of Huaxia University.

Huaxia University is huge, covering an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers.

It belongs to the ancient red wall of the national era, and the yellow tile stands in the school, showing the ancient history. In addition, there are many sci-fi-like buildings built in it, and the entire university is already in a state of full automation.

Flying cars driven by robots shuttle through the university.

But compared to Xingkong University, there is a gap here. Xingkong University is all energy automation. For example, if you stand here and suddenly a package of energy wraps you, you will be transmitted to another place.

And here is mechanical automation, flying cars.

Rao is so, this university is also known as the number one on earth. On the campus of the university, there are also high mountains of several hundred meters above sea level. They are artificial, beautiful mountains and clouds, in addition to forests, lakes and other attractions.

Huali University Jiang Li has never been here. This time I came here, I couldn't think of such grandeur.

When he was studying, he didn't pass Jinghuacheng High School.

But high school is high school, after all, how can it be compared to college? Although many excellent people have gone to Xingkong University, Huaxia University also has a lot of excellent people. After all, not everyone can be admitted to Xingkong University, and even if they entered Xingkong University, after one year of reading, they failed to pass the exam. Many of them have come down, and these people can also enter Huaxia University to study, and they are still the pride of heaven.

In fact, Huaxia University also has shares in Huaxia Group, which has always wanted to build a school comparable to Star University.

This is the headquarters of Huaxia University. There are branches of Huaxia University in various places on the earth and even in many human bases.

However, Xingkong University is the only university designated by the human government. Huaxia University is inherently inadequate.

There are eight gates of Huaxia University in Beijing City, divided into gossips, Qiankun Kanli and Chen Genji, and at the same time coincided with the life and death in the eight-frame picture, shocked Du Jingkai.

This is a perfect combination of ancient Feng Shui art and modern architecture.

Jiang Li entered from Ganmen, which is the authentic gate of Huaxia University. There are so many students going in and out, the youthful faces on the faces, some single men and women, some couples holding hands together, Jiang Li feels that he is a bit out of touch with this atmosphere.

However, Jiang Li is about the same age as them. In principle, he is now in his senior year.

Graduated from a master, almost three or four years.

He is also a four-year student at Star University.

But he walked along all the way and practiced quickly. Although he is only in the state of regaining his breath, he can counteract sitting forgetfulness and conduct human nuclear explosion experiments, becoming a military marshal and a mainstay of humanity. He has surpassed Star University, he has not been a Star University student since he obtained Marshal status.

The marshal's identity is on par with the president of Starry Sky University.

The marshal is the most effective force in human society, which is equal to the ancient officials of Fengjiang, or the six ministers, the minister of the study, and the prime minister. The saints are not born, and the high-level power of human society is sitting and forgetting. Sitting and forgetting have marshal status.

As Jiang Li's current status ~ www.readwn.com ~ even the president of Huaxia University is more than enough.

At the same age, these people are still students, but he is already thinking and planning for the future of mankind. He even saved humanity once.

At this moment, his state of mind also changed, feeling that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. The students in front of them are happy and full of enthusiasm, forming a kind of joyful and sincere beauty. Pairs of lovers add the sweetness of love to school life.

Jiang Li took a breath and seemed to feel the vitality of all sentient beings.

He can imagine that once the large migration is carried out, the ordinary lives of these people will be destroyed, and there will be no happiness at all.

Think about it, dragging the family with a mouth, without any property, transferred to a strange planet, eating and drinking Lazar did not land, what should I do?

Thinking of this, Jiang Li squeezed his fists and felt that he had a responsibility to guard these people.

"It's still not strong enough!" Jiang Li secretly said, "If I'm strong enough, if I'm a god, I can open up the kingdom of God and envelop the earth. No one can invade. This makes the ethnic group develop, grow, and occupy the universe. A place. "

He stepped into the campus from the main entrance.

Originally, to enter the campus of Huaxia University, you must go through the light brain to scan your identity chip. If he is not a college student, a police officer will immediately come to ask him. If he is a rogue, the campus defense system will knock him out.

However, when Jiang Li entered the campus, the light brain scanned the marshal chip, which was automatically sensed and would not be blocked at all. This was the highest authority. Moreover, Jiang Li could set himself to have the right of passage without the ability to be recorded by light brain. In other words, when Jiang Li entered the university, the light brain automatically released while there was no record of him.

This is the marshal's authority.

There is a place in the lighthead of the Lord God.

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