Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 755: World Without God 3

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Chapter 755: The World Is Godless

{Today ’s three changes are coming. Many students have newly added WeChat public account []. I do n’t see Dragon Snake 2. It ’s actually very simple. Just click on the historical news to find the previous chapter. }

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Wu Tianting, the central palace, above the throne of good fortune, Jiang Li and Yi Feng smiled at the situation, practiced each other, reversed the blood, and learned about good fortune.

Jiang Li himself has 77 rules, the mental power of 500,000 dimension units, and the blessing of the entire human world, but he is almost at the limit now, even if he sits on the throne of nature, it is difficult to improve, because this is the realm. problem.

There are 23 rules left.

These rules come together to form the long river, the high mountains, the nebula, the sentient beings, and the martial arts moves. All kinds of changes are in my heart.

His infinite heart is constantly absorbing the power of fairyland.

Much of the immortality of the fairyland was sucked into the depths of the infinite heart, condensed into a ball, and then fed back to resolve the injustice of the fairyland.

This practice of his is part of the peerless avenue that he has learned.

His cultivation does not deplete the origin of the immortal realm, but resolves the injustices of the entire world as nourishment and absorbs it into itself. In this way, it decays into magic, not the predators of the world, but the cleaners of the world. Can get the favor of Wanjie, immortal praised him constantly.

Suddenly, the energy in the depths of his infinite heart became more and more intense.

As he continues to practice in this way, sooner or later he can enter an extremely mysterious realm and reach the most glorious apex, but he is not satisfied, because at this speed, he must wait at least hundreds of millions of years, and he needs to be promoted now .

He wants to be promoted quickly, time is not waiting.

But I don't know what year and month it took to practice the remaining 23 rules.

Moreover, even if the remaining 23 rules are practiced and 100 rules are concentrated, that is also the general king of the avenue. It is not as good as the three-in-one of the dream paper kite, but the powerful place is to create and open the avenue. Merit, so in the end, he still has to practice 100 rules into the strongest way of 100 million runes and compete with fate.

Even, he still has ambitions, which is beyond the fate of destiny, maybe beyond 100 million runes, and truly reaches the limit of runes.

In that way, he swept the world with a avenue, breaking through all the gods, even the emperor. In the future, the practice between heaven and earth will no longer have any gods, but he will respect the avenue.

In this way, he can be said to have changed the pattern of beings' practice.

I was at this moment, his thoughts were brewing in his heart, and he would never linger.

"The Tao originally contained everything. It should be supreme, and it should have unlimited development possibilities. The avenue is above all else. Why do so many avenues condense into a godhead? My understanding is that the Tao is above God." Jiang Li seems to be holding onto a problem that countless people have never solved.

He wants to subvert the practice.

Since then, there is no need for a godhead to break the road to infinity.

The road between the heavens and the earth is cultivated to the extreme, which is the Avenue of Destiny, with 100 rules. 100 million runes per rule. Although it can overcome many gods, it is limited after all.

Even after thousands of years of cultivation, he still has to follow the path of godhead. He has become a **** of destiny and once again improved his strength, it is impossible to stay in the realm of the avenue forever.

Minjiang River is different. He now believes that Tao is the supreme thing, Tao is the birthplace of God, Tao is respected, and Tao is godless.

The cultivation of the gods and the gathering of avenues is nothing more than a hodgepodge.

The real Word is the only one.

Only by breaking the shackles of fate can we break through the pinnacle of the avenue and achieve the strongest peerlessness.

决定 He decided to turn Infinite Avenue into Infinite instead of practicing some **** goddess, that is to say, his rule must break through 100, runes must also break through 100 million, and endless.

After a while, no one will go to practice the godhead, but specialize in the avenue.

There is no end to the Dao Avenue.

However, how difficult is it to subvert the world pattern by one hand?

Throughout the ages, no endless great wise man has been able to subvert. It is impossible to subvert with his current wisdom and cultivation, but with this idea, he is out of control.

As big as the heart is, the world is as wide as it is.

At this moment, Minjiang Li reversed the practice of countless people, and once again set out on a road of no return, or an endless road, an infinite road, and a road of nowhere.

Don't be a godhead, abandon the godhead, there is no **** in the world!

Min Jiangli's mind is shaking, his cultivation is constantly promoted, his will is jumping, his thinking is active in his ideal country.

At this moment, he was determined not to practice the godhead anymore.

In the future, do not take the path of godliness.

I only pursued the avenue and extended it to an endless extent.

Martyrdom is the same, and it is infinite. This is his ideal.

I can't make destiny supreme.

At this moment, he came to realize the 78th rule again, no god!

The law of atheism is to abandon the godhead. God is a stray path. Condensing the godhead is the wrong method of practice. All people have gone astray.

He's going to mess up anyway and get people right.

This kind of ideal and determination brings great wisdom, and of course great calamity.

The Law of Atheism suddenly trembled, and began to condense out 99999999 runes, but it was not satisfied yet, but it did not reach the great consummation and was still being promoted.

Yan Xianyin bursts, the breeze slowly came.

Zhou Jiang's body from Minjiang Li seems to have a great merit blessing. This is a kind of fate and a great virtue landing in the void.

"What the **** is going on?" 珞 Feng also stagnated.

Minjiang's practice made her feel strange.

Then she understood, because Jiang Li's 78th rule, atheism, turned into 100 million runes, breaking through the crucial one.

"You have actually come to this level, and the realm of this level is to make up your mind to do a pioneering business, and then you will reach this point." Feng Feng nodded: "Different numbers, this is Different number, it seems you are determined to break through. "

"Yes." Jiang Li stood up, with a completely different momentum. He seemed to be looking for the true meaning of his cultivation and the way ahead. He looked at the whole fairyland. "My current philosophy is completely different from what I used to do. From a different perspective, I found a lot of new things, and I think I will soon practice the Infinite Avenue. "

When he was about to reckon, practice, and comprehend other rules again, the heavenly house of truth in the distance suddenly shocked.

The entire Tiangong Temple of Truth seems to have come under attack from outside and began to shake. This is no longer the power of ordinary gods, but the power of the great emperor.

"The Emperor is attacking the Heavenly Palace of Truth? Which is it?" Jiang Li and Feng Feng were both alert. They obtained many of the Emperor's magic weapons and were deeply familiar with the breath of the Emperor. When the Truth Palace shook, the gods retreated. It is the emperor who is shooting.

The two quickly left the Throne of Creation.

The so-called is a big draw.

The Throne of Creations is at the highest point in the fairyland. Once the emperor fights, it will definitely spread here because this place is shrouded in luck.

Buzz ...

A long river of magic weapons appeared in the air, covering all the palaces of the Taoism, and began to kill.

"Wangbao Long River!" Jiang Li and Howling startled: "Wangbao Long River has appeared, but who has fallen into it? Who is this?"

"I know."

Mengfeng seems to have been instructed by the heavenly will of the immortal world: "This man is the Prince of Dreams, riding on us to get the wish **** spirit. He evacuated all the treasures of the immortal world, and Wanbao Changhe has been taken away by him for a long time. He has become a great emperor. In fact, he is a set of thousands of pets. He was loved by the emperor of the soul and the queen when he was born. He was blessed by the two origins of the fairyland and the martial arts. He now lives in a mysterious place, which is the vacuum hometown . "

"Vacuum hometown?" Jiang Li tightened his heart and suddenly understood: "This is Wang Chao's calculation. It turned out that Wang Chao had already calculated the existence of Prince Dream. He is a key figure. I don't know if this person is an enemy or a friend?" "

"This person didn't deal with us at the beginning and let us collect the gods. We can see that they are friends, but now I know through the heavenly heavens that this person is a huge enemy and poses a great threat to me, even faintly restrains me. I don't know why." Feng tense up, seems to be oppressed.

"I see." Jiang Li just realized the rule of atheism, and practiced this rule to 100 million runes, his mind is clear, and the calculation is infinite: "This person also wants to unify the fairy realm, and promote the fairy realm to heaven, complete this An unprecedented great cause. And you are his hindrance. You are the son of the fairyland. He is above him in both status and status. In the final analysis, he is a former prince and you are destined to be in the fairyland. In the name of righteousness, you are what you want, so now he is the first to destroy you. Of course, you will be backswept by the will of God ~ www.readwn.com ~ Moreover, he may not be able to destroy you, because he was born in immortality. . The second best way is to marry you as a wife. Enjoy your luck and let you do things for him, and now his cultivation can be done. "

"It's impossible, I won't ignore this person. Even if he is the emperor, in the immortal realm, I am the supreme being, even if I want to be combined with people, I will not be combined with the slaves of the immortal realm."

In her opinion, all the people in the fairyland are slaves.

She won't combine with slaves.

Although she is the bloodline of the Emperor of the Sky, her soul is the son of the immortal world, the son of the immortal, and the noble soul cannot be profaned.

Even if she is a big prince, she is also a slave in her eyes.

He is also the crown prince of the kingdom and the dog of the bereaved family.

"Yes, yes, it seems that you are also ambitious. But at this moment, Prince Dream is fighting, and he wants to defeat the truth, but it is our best chance." Jiang Lidao said: "True truth goes on like this, he I did n’t want to have a chance to dominate the heavenly court, so I attacked. If I suppressed the truth and taught the master, then I would gain great fortune and take advantage of it. I would eliminate the hidden dangers of the immortal world in one fell swoop. Support him, because the heavenly will of the immortal world has no feelings, and it only weighs the gains and losses. If he grasps the truth and teaches the Lord, and sacrifices the will of the heaven, the will of God may really give up on you, or give you instructions to let you come with all your strength Assist him, then you must be his wife, or a concubine. Otherwise you will give up by will. "

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