Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 756: The Great Fight 1

{A lot of new book friends can't see the update in front of Dragon Snake 2. I'll wait for a big synthesis and gather chapters 1-17 together. WeChat public account []. Fans give it a try, 100,000 fans have not yet broken through. }

"That's it." When Feng Feng heard Jiang Li's words, she closed her eyes immediately, and seemed to sense the heavenly will of the immortal world. Sure enough, she felt a boundless force blessing on the Wanbao River, which is the capital of heaven and earth. Praising the actions of Prince Dream.

This is inevitable.

Truth teachings are expanding wildly, changing the immortal realm, burning and plundering, forcing the Zongmen beliefs, and also eroding the heavenly palace and destroying the foundation, which has long made the sky angry and unforgivable. However, there is no good way for the heavenly will of God. After all, God ’s will is God ’s will and system. Truth is a virus that invades the system and makes the system helpless.

Now is the most critical time. Truth religion has eroded the heavens to a great extent. Once the heavens are absorbed, the heavenly will of the immortal world will be swallowed up by the time.

If, at this time, a great hero stands up and confronts the truth, then Tianyi will immediately concentrate the Grand Canal on him and give his full support.

This is like the heroes in troubled times, sweeping away the demon atmosphere, and destiny.

Jiang Li and Howling Wind can be seen. The sky is transported in purple and blue, and it shines on the Wanbao Changhe. The Changhe expresses all kinds of fiery atmosphere. Between the Wanbao Pentium, the Tiangong is affected, and it seems to be trembling slightly.

"I have to say that when Prince Dream chose a good time, it was just right to start a war against the Lord of Truth. If it is later and the climate of the Lord of Truth is 10%, no one can cause harm to this cult. Now that he suddenly shoots, even if It is possible to retreat without killing this sect, and in the course of the battle, it has received the favor of God, and the hope of hundreds of millions of gates can improve your cultivation and reputation. This is one point. The second is to return. We can take some treasures from the truth teaching. But this is also a good opportunity for us. We are not opponents of the truth teaching, and even it is difficult to enter, but when the war begins, our opportunity comes, at least we can get the eternal heart and rescue Emperor Xiaoli. "Jiang Lidao said:" We are waiting for the war and we are approaching quietly as the war begins. "

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate." Wu Fengdao said: "The truth lord is also a great emperor. The two great emperors must fight together and be bound to make a living. The storm that destroys the surname can kill many gods in one fell swoop. We are also in a dead end."

"I am about to hone myself. The storm between the emperor battles is very rare. How can I improve without absorbing the power in it? This is the fairyland. Your territory, no matter what, you are the sons of immortals." Jiang Li Tao: "Come, our strength runs through and circulates with each other, and we must certainly get a chance in danger. The treasures and energy stored in the heavenly house of Truth are simply amazing. If we can kill a few seriously injured in battle, God, enter the heart of the world, isn't that a big profit and a special profit? "

"Yeah!" Feng Fengxin said, "You do n’t enter a tiger's hole to win a tiger. You are right. There is very little confrontation between the emperor and the emperor. If you do n’t take this opportunity to enter the Heaven Palace of Truth, you will never have it again. At any opportunity, besides, we also passed with the purpose of annihilating the truth, and how much we can enjoy the great fortunes of heaven and earth. "

"Yes, as long as we enter Truth and kill those believers, we can get the heaven and earth luck. Although you are the child of the fairy world, you must also contribute to the fairy world, and you can grow up step by step. You will soon give up on you. "Jiang Li saw it very accurately:" Knowing the fate of heaven and then obeying it, you can last forever by doing things for heaven. If you have no action this time, you will be snatched by Prince Dream Part of luck is more sure to suppress you in the future. "

"That's what he thinks about, Prince of the Kingdom, **** slave." Howling gritted his teeth.

Although Prince Dameng is now the emperor and she is famous, she is still a slave in her eyes. This is her inherent pride.

"My goal is to get the ten empresses. If in normal times, any one of them is not an opponent, but it is different now." Jiang Li smiled: "No one knows the empress better than me, they build The Palace of Truth, builds the outer defense, and is the first to resist when encountering danger. Therefore, it must be injured in one blow, retracted, and changed into the mother emperor egg. I will use the mother emperor in the human heart to attract them and instill energy for them. With slow control and your blessing, you will have a chance to gain the energy of these ten empresses! The ten empresses enter the heart of the world and let them merge with each other. At that time, the world will expand again. And a lot of mystery. "


Between the two people's rapid exchange of souls, Wanbao Changhe has been bombarded on the Palace of Truth. As Jiang Li said, the ten empresses sent out dense patron saints at the same time. Those zergs kept thinking. Spells, guard the heavenly palace, absorb the power of Wanbao Changhe.

But how easy is Wanbao Changhe to resolve it?

Wanbao Changhe is the killer of the whole heaven. It concentrated the innate magic of the beauties of the realm of the world, and was obtained by Prince Dream, and it inherited the supreme mystery of this magic.

In one hit.

The patron saint's curse was broken, and even the strongest emperor in it made a cricket sound and shrank into a ball.

Prince Damen himself is an emperor. Wanbao Changhe urges him in his hands. He is also quite an emperor. Behind him is the support of his vacuum hometown. He is also a supreme emperor. Fierce.

"Glory, glory ..."

At the sight of Truth Temple, the defense on the outside is broken, but at this time, a void voice is transmitted from the outside.

It seems that someone is singing the hymn from a distance, and it seems that someone is praying.

A hymn and hymn appeared, and many halo layers nestled against each other, resisting the power of Wanbao Changhe.

It seems that Wanbao Changhe suddenly burst out of many brilliance, and the storm swept away. I don't know how many dimensions of the fairyland were passed.

Even the storm swept into the Tiangong. Although blocked by the ban on the outside of the Tiangong, Jiang Li still felt that God would destroy the power of the surname in the storm.

Many hymns collapse again.

But there was a big hand in that hymn, entangled in black and white, like Tai Chi, evil and goodness came together, the yin and yang merged, and it was exactly the same as grabbing the palm of the little emperor, and it was stronger.

"The true body of the Truth Lord has appeared." Jiang Lidao said: "It's a good opportunity for us to go, and we immediately lurk into it."

"I feel the two strong breaths looming, and I seem to want to lurk into them. The two breaths are very horrible. Together, they can destroy everything like the combination of a good fortune jade dish." Suddenly suddenly said.

At this time, Jiang Li grabbed Feng Feng's hand and felt a lot of information. He frowned: "It is Qian Qianqiu and Xuanyuan who came from the other side, and the two are joining forces. We also want to destroy the Temple of Truth. After all, this truth teaches They are the enemies of all realms, and the light realms are also disgusted by them. Of course, they are not for the sake of all realms, but for the sake of themselves, and they want to get a lot of things from the heaven of truth. "

The two flew out and left Tiangong.


The heavens and the earth were mixed, and the two were almost shocked, and they needed to crush their bones. Fortunately, as long as they were in the immortal world, the wind was almost immortal, and the magic power was immediately activated, and the whole body was enveloped by a purple cyan airflow.

However, Jiang Li unfolded the power of the human heart and turned himself into a converter. No matter how violent storm hits him, it is equivalent to deepen his energy, so as to input the human heart and the human heart. Increase energy reserves.

"The emperor was really fierce." Feng Feng said: "In the depths of Tiangong, we can't feel the protection, we can watch the drama, and now when we leave Tiangong, we only know the powerful surname."

"This is a good thing for me." Jiang Lidao said: "I absorb the storm of the Great Emperor fighting and enter the heart of the world, which is equivalent to instilling power between the two Great Emperors, which can activate magic weapons and store energy."

Sure enough, in the human world.

Hum ...

The heart of the earth suddenly lit up.

The immense storm of the emperor was passed on, absorbed by many emperors' magic weapons, transformed into energy, and the speed of operation was ten times faster.

Many people in the human world feel that their chip's network speed has accelerated again.

Some core characters saw the chips in their hands begin to upgrade. This time, the upgrade is not for all human beings, but for all core characters. It is a team united around Jiang Li.

"it is good!"

In a secret room, Luo Han and Xue Ling opened their eyes one after another. They awoke from their deep sleep, only to feel that their chip suddenly turned into a golden dragon, and then the colorful colors sent out a mighty divine power, at the same time A ray of light shone on their bodies, and the curse in the bloodline had been lifted.

Because they practiced a method, in the deepest setting, Jiang Li removed the curse of many people last time and did not remove them. They were afraid of interrupting their realization, and now they wake up from the realization. Come and immediately remove their curse.

The wisdom of the two women is like the tide, the breath is soaring into the sky, and the brilliance is shining like the moon, which cannot be seen.

Some core figures of the Infinite Group also watched their chips turn into dragons. They were very pleased. Until now, chips are their biggest magic weapon. They can not only create energy, purify elixir, absorb vitality, but also analyze their own cultivation. , Make the best choice for yourself how to go in the future.

In addition, the chip can also be turned into a furnace of energy, alchemy, magic weapon, and body.

As long as you contribute enough ~ www.readwn.com ~, you can use a chip to connect the heart of the world.

"This time, I know what happened." Dream paper kite and Tianyi Juvenile were together, and through the open channel, looked at everything in the fairy world.

"Your ancestor has appeared, he has big ambitions, how are you going to prepare?" Providence said.

"Master Wang Chao has taught me how to do it. I am the owner of the vacuum hometown. The pure land created by the vacuum emperor in the chaos. He turned himself into this hometown. I will try to get it in my hands. What about my ancestors? It ’s not me. ”Dream Paper Kitty said,“ I ca n’t shake the idea of ​​the human world. Even the big prince ca n’t interfere, and he ’s counting me. This is something Master Wang Chao told me long ago. I have to Playing with him, this is also my accomplishment. The moment I created the vacuum avenue to become the king of the avenue, it was the moment I gained control of the vacuum hometown. The vacuum hometown itself is a special universe. Once obtained, it is integrated into the world of human beings. You have enough capital. "

"Prince Dream will not let you get it. He is going to use your hands to master the vacuum hometown and obtain a reading and special universe." The God of Youth said: "Hey, the God of this universe is too tied, I still want to be honest and be free, so that we can have great development. "

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