Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 764: Avenue Chengyi {yesterday drunk}

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Chapter 764 Daocheng Chengzhang {Drinked yesterday}

Great Galaxy Author: ecstatic dream machine

Updated: 2014-06-0716: 25: 49 Word Count: 3502

Seeing the 100 rules, it is very difficult to turn Infinite Avenue into the king of Avenue. Even if Jiang Li is now in an adventure, he must put aside life and death, and have the determination to die unsuccessfully.

In heavenly space.

All the seniors are gathered together.

They are also practicing, praying at the same time, praying for human heart, and praying for Jiang Li's success.

The cursed people and the reincarnation of the five emperors were also present. These are the core of the human world. The host of the infinite group, the dream paper kite, and the **** of heaven are also here. They all know that Jiang Li's promotion is The key point is that if the promotion is successful, the human world will change again. After all, the human heart was created by Jiang Li himself.

He has at least 80% control of the human heart.

Moreover, this does not include the totem pole being integrated into it. Once it is incorporated, he may occupy more control power, because the human heart was originally a magic weapon that he obtained everywhere and was refined by his own cultivation.

"Once Jiang Li has practiced the Infinite Avenue, it will be stronger than me." Tianyi said: "He is not as simple as the successful creation of the king of a avenue. His blood, genes, and soul are all promoted by a big one. On the steps, his infinite blood potential is much greater than the blood potential of Yuan Shi Tian Wang. "

"I want to be reincarnated as a human, and I have the twisted soul of the heavens and blood of Yuanshi Heavenly King." 珞 Fengdao.

"No, you have your own uniqueness. The identity of the Son of the Celestial Realm is very noble. When the Celestial Realm becomes the Celestial Realm in the future, your identity will be even more supreme. You may even be the first Celestial Master of the Celestial Realm. This status is far away. Far more than the soul emperor. "Dream paper kite said.

"I'll wait and see." 珞 Feng is actually not optimistic.

Now she secretly senses the fairyland, a picture appears in front of her eyes.

The battle of puppets is coming to an end.

The Lord of the Truth has steadily retreated, lost the repression of the Totem Pillar, lost the goddess of ten empresses, and even the incarnation of the loss one after another. He has reduced his luck to the extreme.

Prince Dream is also very fierce. He urged Wanbao Changhe to attack fiercely. With each attack, he was able to get the blessing of the heavenly will of the immortal world. The purple air was poured into his body almost like a long river. More and more fierce.


Jain's palace of truth is completely broken.

Then the Lord of Truth roared again and again, the body settled down, and as the palace sucked into the channel of light world.

信 Those believers who died in the Palace of Truth, wounded and wounded, and some even recovered their own intellect. Because of the loss of the Palace of Truth, the heavenly will of heaven fell, and they had the ability to expel evil beliefs.

Prince Damon watched the collapsed Truth Temple and the disappeared Truth Lord, and did not catch up.

Poor Kou Mo chase.

Because he knew that although he was the emperor, he could not fight against the whole light world.

I can drive him out now and restore the clearness of the fairyland, and he has already taken advantage of it.

The order of Wuxian Realm shook, and you can see countless clear qi coming out, the resentment was eliminated, the world was clear, and the limitless expansion.


Prince Damen entered the heavenly court. If he entered no one's realm, the forbidden laws of heaven could not stop him, or he did not stop him at all. He was originally the prince, the son of the soul emperor. If this heavenly court was not an accident, That is, he inherited.

He immediately sits on the throne of good fortune.

Xun Jun came to the world to watch the changes in the fairyland.

His thoughts even shook the entire heavenly court and spread far away. With the spread of heavenly thoughts, almost ten million corners of the fairyland and Hengsha number of fairy caves.

"Zongmen in the fairy world, listen, I am Prince Damen, the son of the Emperor of the Soul, and now I am back again." They all knew it well, but some of the main ancestral gates and hidden mysterious characters knew his return.

He is announcing his identity, righteousness, righteousness, let countless sects come to trust, and gather luck. Become orthodox.

This is something that must be done. Without this name, anything will not go smoothly.

And as long as you open a head, occupy the heaven, establish a court, the air games and snowballs are generally getting bigger and bigger.

"As soon as I returned, I destroyed the Palace of Truth and cleaned up the evildoers. This time, I am rebuilding the heavens!" Prince Taimeng said: "You, whoever trusts me first, I will reward him greatly. Benefits, and at the same time enjoy the great position. Even some people later become the emperor does not necessarily say. "

I finished this conversation.

He sat on the throne of good fortune, meditating behind closed doors, and practicing.

After a full day, there are thousands of ancestral gates. Dongfu masters have all gone to heaven, and there are also masters among them, naturally they came to trust.

Alas, they were still unable to enter the Tiangong.

With a wave of the crown prince, these people were drawn in and gathered in the square of the Central Palace.

"Prince Daimeng!" A lord of the ancestral **** level knelt down. "You have become an emperor, and come back to inherit the ethics of the spiritual emperor. This is a matter of course. You are eligible to enter the heavenly court. Labor. "

"Nice and good." Prince Dream said: "You are still stationed outside the heavenly courts. I have to wait for everyone to gather together and enclose the immortal officials. By then, you will all be managers of the heavenly courts. Of course, Each of the five emperors in the heavenly courts has 129,600 immortal officials. The five emperors have fallen. The power is in my own hands. I can master the five parties. As long as I follow me, everyone has a reward. "

"Thank you Prince!"

Those who met these ancestors were sent out by Prince Damen one by one, and they were not able to enter and leave Tiangong freely.

Prince Dameng also did not have the ultimate control of the court of heaven, so he could not open the court of heaven and allow those in the gates to come and go freely, only to let these people gather outside first.

Three days have passed, ten days have passed, and one month has passed.

There are more and more people around the Zongmen gate of Tiantian court. They all come to Prince Dameng. Among them are peerless masters, the existence of Tianzun level, old antiques one after another.

And the big dream Prince all issued a commander on the throne of good fortune.

"All of you! In this month, the order of the fairy world has returned to Qingming. You are all gathered under my lord, and I am very happy!" Prince Dameng started his speech again: "Next, I will be with you, right The demon world, the war against the light world, the war against the underworld, arrested the demon, sacrificed after sacrifice, sacrificed the ancient spirits in the heavenly court, and controlled the heavenly court. At that time, you are all my heroes. "


Thousands of ancestral masters answered neatly.

"I know that there are some people who do n’t come to see me in ancient ancestors, and there are many mysterious masters in the fairyland, the original hermits, and even older characters than the five emperors. At the time, the five emperors asked you to go out and hide. Zang, this time I went out of the mountain, adhering to the heaven and earth, if you still have n’t left the mountain, you will be promoted to heaven after the immortal world, then there is no chance. Let countless people hear.

At this moment, a voice actually resounded from the depths of the void: "Prince Dream, you are just a former prince, and you are delusional about setting up a heavenly court and entering the heavenly palace. How is it possible? We also want our ancient primitive hermits to come out to assist You, I know, the heavenly **** of heaven must have selected the son of fairyland, called Feng Feng, only she can play the role of the chief, and you can only support her life, you actually start to steal the position now, it is really a chaotic thief. Beyond that, what are your virtues? If the court of heaven has not mastered it, it will start to call cluster immortals? "

"Hum!" Prince Damen's face was gloomy.

This one is actually an emperor!

The hidden emperor did not know which archaic creature in the immortal world had never been born, avoiding cause and effect, but now he speaks well and shakes people's hearts, but in the face of this, Prince Dream can't help it.

"The son of Fairy Realm is not even God. It is the real Ho De Hom. This time I destroy the truth. Where is she? But she is the Son of Fairy Realm. You all believe in her. Fortunately, I will marry her. Let her help, then I can see what else you old guys can say! "Prince Dream's voice is even more arrogant and overbearing:" Dear everyone, I am here to enclose you, whoever follows me will have great achievements in the future, Because there is no more suitable person in the whole fairyland as me.


Howling wind in the human world can feel the bits and pieces of the immortal world, has received the will, and almost blasted his lungs!

The big dream Prince Prince is too arrogant, the slave-like things, actually want to treat her, the noble son of the fairyland, as a plaything, it is really hateful, irritating, hateful!

"I don't know when Jiang Li can be built into Infinite Avenue!" She stared at the inside of the human heart again, she could not see Jiang Li's original form, it seemed to have disappeared, silent.

I can't help but I know Jiang Li is not dead.

He is at a critical moment.

Minjiang Li did not die.

He is enlightening on the last rule. For this month, he seems to have passed billions of years.

The last rule sent a kick.

But he couldn't break through that critical juncture.

"What is it in the end?" Jiang Li was thinking, enlightening, and the human heart was wriggling.

"Infinite, what exactly is infinite?" His 99 rules are all in operation, just like the dazzling galaxy of all realms, the breath of the emperor on earth is erratic, looming, and his body is stained with a strong breath of the emperor.

"All changes are born of the heart, the heart is infinite, the human is infinite ..." He repeated time and again, integrating the heart of the world, and interpreting the true meaning of the heart to the extreme.


Suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ he seems to have caught something.

"Yes, it is the heart! The eternal heart of the soul emperor, my human heart, in fact, everything is the change of the soul. As big as the soul is, the world is as big as the heart is, and your cultivation is as strong. Jiang Li laughed, and he recovered his body: "But there is a limit in mind, far from infinity, so no heart is the key. My infinite road, the 100 rules are heartless! Without heart, That is the real infinity! "

At this moment, he realized the change, and the whole world was shaken.

In addition, with the human world as the center, the Milky Way is also shaking, and finally the World Realm is also shaking.

一 As soon as the Wanjie celestial sphere shook, the channels that drove Wanjie were shaking, it seemed that Wanjie also shook a bit.

The heavens and the earth resonated, and all realms moved together.

Avenue into 矣!

........................................ ...................................

{Drunk with a group of friends yesterday. I woke up at noon today and rushed to the high-speed rail. Now I'm still confused. This chapter will be more important today, and the third one will be restored tomorrow. And Dragon Snake 2 I wrote a chapter chapter 20 in Jiu Jin, what is a boy. It has been updated on the WeChat public account, []. You can see it by adding this WeChat public account. }

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